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Dutch authorities plan to ban trade in cannabis seeds

07.03.2008 Comments: 0
The Dutch government plans to close shops selling seeds and special equipment for growing cannabis, Reuters reports, citing local media.

Russian Customs Seizes Large Batch of "Hashish" Pepper

03/04/2008 Comments: 0
In Dagestan, at the Yarag-Kazmalyar customs post, a batch of bell peppers filled with 76 kg of hashish was detained while attempting to be imported into the Russian Federation. In order to extract the drug, customs officers opened over 5,000 peppers, many of which contained containers of hashish.

Almost 9 kg of marijuana brought to Russia in a toy dog

02.03.2008 Comments: 0
Smugglers transported about 9 kg of the drug in a toy dog ​​from Kazakhstan to Russia. This was reported by the press secretary of the Orenburg customs office Oksana Shabalina to a correspondent of the Rosbalt-Privolzhye news agency.

Bailiff sold marijuana to FSB officer

02.03.2008 Comments: 0
The sentence against former bailiff Shabaev, who was accused of illegal possession and sale of drugs, has come into force.

A pensioner dried marijuana to brighten up her old age.

02.03.2008 Comments: 0
In the Kursk region, an elderly herbalist, while collecting St. John's wort and chamomile in the forest, came across a hemp bush. Knowing about the intoxicating properties of this herb, the old woman decided to pick hemp, dry it and experience the effect of the drug on herself...

Marijuana causes discord between Belgium and Holland

02.03.2008 Comments: 0
Belgian authorities are planning to file a complaint with the European Court against the authorities of the Dutch city of Maastricht if they move five of the city's "coffee shops" - establishments where you can freely smoke marijuana - to a border zone.

Marijuana ruins teeth

09.02.2008 Comments: 0
Smoking marijuana leads to oral diseases - this is the conclusion reached by experts from the University of Otago in New Zealand. They managed to identify a link between smoking "weed" and periodontal diseases.

Barton smoked marijuana before her arrest

01/05/2008 Comments: 0
Actress and model Mischa Barton smoked marijuana before she was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

Dutch police mistakenly give prisoner hashish pie

21.12.2007 Comments: 0
Police officers at a police station 175 kilometers from Amsterdam accidentally fed a prisoner a hashish pie. According to police spokesman Alvin Don, the "treat" was given to the prisoner by mistake instead of his usual lunch bag.

Dutch police banned from smoking marijuana

12/19/2007 Comments: 0
The Dutch police union is outraged by a new government decision that bans officers from using marijuana while off duty.

Father Sells Marijuana-Smoking Son's Video Game on eBay

19.12.2007 Comments: 0
A father who caught his 15-year-old son smoking marijuana in the garden sold a popular Nintendo Wii game he had bought him as a gift at an online auction for $9,100, France Presse reported on Sunday.

Hemp plantation discovered in gardening near Vyborg

19.12.2007 Comments: 0
The drug planters grew cannabis expertly: in a special greenhouse and using scientific literature. A total of 15 kg of the finished, already packaged product was seized at the scene.

Drivers of Dnipropetrovsk "minibuses" work "high"

12/19/2007 Comments: 0
The bus driver, in a state of drug intoxication after using marijuana, stopped the vehicle to let off passengers on the median strip - in the middle of the road.

Tajiks supplied Lipetsk residents with Ryazan hemp

12/19/2007 Comments: 0
They said they were collecting wild hemp in the Ryazan region, where they had been living without registration since the summer of this year.

Dutch politicians call for legalization of soft drugs

13.12.2007 Comments: 0
A group of former and current Dutch politicians are calling for a more flexible policy on soft drugs and are calling on the Dutch Prime Minister to push for new international treaties on the topic.

Policeman: My wife slipped me marijuana

06.12.2007 Comments: 0
An NYPD counterterrorism officer who was fired after testing positive for marijuana is asking a judge to reinstate him.

Eco-friendly fashion by Marina Rimer

06.12.2007 Comments: 0
Jeans made from linen and hemp with an "oiled" finish, silhouette-flattering trousers and various knitwear clearly reflect the collection's ecological concept.

Federal Drug Control Service found 70 drug dealer websites on RuNet

06.12.2007 Comments: 0
The State Drug Control Agency, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, has identified over 70 Russian-language sites on the Internet offering drugs, RIA Novosti reports the words of the department’s director Oleg Kharichkin.

Drug enforcement officers from 8 countries seized 30 tons of narcotic and psychotropic substances

05.12.2007 Comments: 0
During the international operational and preventive operation "Channel-2007" about 100 thousand employees of anti-drug agencies of eight countries (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) confiscated about 30 tons of narcotic, psychotropic and potent substances

Marijuana was grown in a convent

05.12.2007 Comments: 0
In Greece, criminals posing as gardeners "improved" the garden of a women's monastery with hemp. According to preliminary information, two men offered the nuns services in improving the monastery garden.

Marijuana Dried Out Due to Police Fault

05.12.2007 Comments: 0
A Fort Collins, Colorado, couple who grew marijuana for medical use are threatening to sue police who confiscated their marijuana plants and later returned them withered.

Voronezh store fined for cannabis on T-shirts

05.12.2007 Comments: 0
There are plenty of baseball caps, keychains and necklaces with images of a cannabis leaf in Voronezh stores. A T-shirt with such a design was also sold in one of the boutiques that was raided by drug enforcement officers in August of this year.

Florida police invite man who lost 2 bags of cannabis to pick up the goods

05.12.2007 Comments: 0
In the American state of Florida, a road crew of garbage collectors found two bags of recently harvested cannabis. The police "in a gentlemanly manner" offered the owners of the "weed" to come and pick up the lost goods.

Cannabis Cup marijuana festival held in Amsterdam

04.12.2007 Comments: 0
The 20th international Cannabis Cup festival, which took place in Amsterdam at the beginning of this week, has ended, with one of the largest and most famous companies in this field, Green House Seeds, emerging as the winner.

Police arrest student for growing cannabis in his apartment

04.12.2007 Comments: 0
Paris police have arrested a student whose room had been converted into a greenhouse for growing cannabis, Agence France-Presse reported on Friday, citing a statement from local police.

Ural drug police don't know how to deal with new psychotropic substance

11/27/2007 Comments: 0
The unhealthy interest of Ural teenagers was aroused by a dangerous hallucinogenic substance of natural origin that recently flooded the shadow market of Yekaterinburg.

Amsterdam Invites You to a Marijuana Festival

21.11.2007 Comments: 0
The 20th Cannabis Cup marijuana festival has opened in Amsterdam. The festival includes an exhibition of cannabis products. Judges have the opportunity to taste marijuana varieties offered by various producers and coffee shops and rate them.

Police call for cannabis to be treated like amphetamines

11/21/2007 Comments: 0
Senior British police officials are calling for marijuana to be reclassified as a more dangerous drug.

Czech 'Green' puts himself on a cannabis poster

08.11.2007 Comments: 0
The chairman of the regional organization of the Czech Green Party, Stanislav Penc from the town of Jicin, issued a poster with the slogan "Live healthy and free", which depicts himself in a hemp thicket.

Cannabis exhibition underway in Madrid suburb

06.11.2007 Comments: 0
In one of the suburbs of Madrid - Leganes - the hemp exhibition "Expocannabis 2007" is taking place with the participation of 70 enterprises and public organizations from different European countries.

Drug taxi: marijuana with free delivery throughout the city

06.11.2007 Comments: 0
On Thursday, November 1, a driver of one of Kaluga's private taxis was detained. In the evening, at the beginning of the sixth hour, he was leaving the entrance of his own house and was going to go to work, and at the same time to deliver drugs to regular customers at home.

Schwarzenegger Admits to Smoking Marijuana

10/29/2007 Comments: 0
The Governor of the American state of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, said that he does not consider marijuana a drug. In an interview with the British media, A. Schwarzenegger admitted that he smoked marijuana in the 70s of the last century, but does not consider himself to have taken drugs.

Canadian ferrymen asked not to smoke marijuana

23.10.2007 Comments: 0
Canada's Transportation Safety Board (TSB) has asked BC Ferries crew members not to smoke marijuana between shifts, Reuters reports.

Amy Winehouse arrested for drug possession

10/23/2007 Comments: 0
British singer Amy Winehouse has been arrested in Norway for marijuana possession, the Associated Press reports.

Three bags of marijuana were found in the possession of a Krasnoyarsk resident

10/23/2007 Comments: 0
As part of the interdepartmental operational and preventive operation "MAK", in order to increase the effectiveness of the fight against various manifestations of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs of plant origin, drug control officers regularly conduct raids on dacha areas, towns and villages.

Convicted Cannabis Grower Wins 'Minute of Fame' Contest

17.10.2007 Comments: 0
In the Melekhovo maximum security colony in the Vladimir region, a competition among convicts called "Minute of Fame" was held for the first time, similar to the show on Channel One

Hemp plantation in the reserve

15.10.2007 Comments: 1
The 39-year-old resident of Volgodonsk traveled to the island located in the middle of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir every day by boat, as if to work. As drug police officers managed to find out, there was "work" there: he grew cannabis on the island.

Dutch authorities decide fate of hallucinogenic mushrooms

10/14/2007 Comments: 0
The Dutch government has decided to ban the sale of hallucinogenic mushrooms after several incidents involving tourists who used them, the BBC reports. The Dutch government is famous for its liberal attitude towards drugs; marijuana is sold there legally in cafes that have the appropriate license.

Two-year-old drug dealer arrested in Vladivostok

11.10.2007 Comments: 0
At the hospital, when the child was being examined, a nurse found a bundle in the diapers. The contents of the package shocked the medical staff - it turned out to be a drug known as "khimka", a derivative of cannabis.

British teacher supplied children with marijuana

11.10.2007 Comments: 0
A British school assistant has been sentenced to 200 hours of community service for supplying her own children with marijuana.

The smell of marijuana is strong over the rooftops of Be'er Sheva

27.09.2007 Comments: 0
Be'er Sheva police raided the city's rooftops and arrested 26 teenagers aged 14 to 16 who were smoking marijuana on the rooftops. A 14-year-old drug dealer was also arrested.

Kazakh convict swallows half a kilo of marijuana

27.09.2007 Comments: 0
Kazakh police officers in Semey (former Semipalatinsk) found 109 capsules of marijuana in a local prison colony, which the criminal was transporting in his own stomach.

Dog 'smelled' marijuana on train

27.09.2007 Comments: 1
Thanks to the nose of a border guard dog, Luhansk border guards managed to find marijuana in a train toilet. A bag of marijuana weighing 415 grams was hidden in the toilet of one of the carriages.

Mikhailov: I hope the proposal to sell marijuana to Holland is a joke

27.09.2007 Comments: 0
Many State Duma deputies promised to mercilessly fight drug crime before the elections. However, now they are forgetting about their promises

Rural pensioner fed goats hemp

09.22.2007 Comments: 0
Officers from the Dolzhansky District Department of Internal Affairs in the Oryol Region confiscated 80 hemp bushes from the garden plot of a local pensioner.

A service dog named Yandex discovered more than 6 kg of marijuana in Samara

09.22.2007 Comments: 0
A service dog named Yandex from the Samara zonal canine center helped find a large batch of marijuana at one of the traffic police posts

Drug cops bust cannabis plantation

07.09.2007 Comments: 0
In Primorye, special equipment of fire brigades went on an unusual mission. Instead of water, tanks were filled with chemicals and several hemp plantations were destroyed.

Virtus defender disqualified for marijuana use

09/07/2007 Comments: 0
American defender of Rome "Virtus" David Hawkins has been suspended for three months for using marijuana.

Minnesota forward arrested for marijuana possession

09/07/2007 Comments: 0
Minnesota Timberwolves forward Justin Reed was arrested Tuesday night for marijuana possession.

California Considers Test Program to Legalize Industrial Hemp

08/29/2007 Comments: 1
The state of California is considering legislation that would create a five-year test program to legalize cannabis. The draft will also mark the official distinction between this product and marijuana.

Photos of marijuana on a mobile phone helped find the criminal

08/29/2007 Comments: 3
In Vermont, a cell phone containing photos of marijuana plants fell into the hands of police, allowing law enforcement officials to track down the criminal who was growing them.

42 hectares of wild hemp over the summer

08/29/2007 Comments: 2
In the Krasnoyarsk region, during an operation conducted by police officers from May 14 to July 31, 42 hectares of wild hemp were destroyed.

In Zaporozhye, police officers mowed down a ton of hemp

28.08.2007 Comments: 0
In the Zaporizhia region of Ukraine, police officers collected more than 900 kilograms from a local resident’s drug plantation.

27 cannabis bushes confiscated from pensioner

28.08.2007 Comments: 2
As part of preventive measures, Kamchatka police officers checked the garden plot of a 60-year-old man in the village of Milkovo and discovered 27 hemp bushes.

Volkswagen Microbus brings a surprise from its turbulent past

08/24/2007 Comments: 4
In the US, the new owner of a 1958 Volkswagen Microbus discovered 7 kg of marijuana in the bottom of his minibus.

Tea with cannabis

08/20/2007 Comments: 6
A rather unusual product was presented on August 15 by employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Volgograd Region at a meeting with journalists. This is "cold tea with cannabis"

Marijuana and pizza are incompatible things

08/13/2007 Comments: 14
A guy died in hospital after trying pizza with marijuana.

House of hemp

10.08.2007 Comments: 6
A house made of hemp is planned to be built by Tallinn resident Lilian Hankevits. The Estonian owns the only 2.5 hectare hemp field in Harju County.

Marijuana without leaving school

08/04/2007 Comments: 4
In New York City, an ice cream truck parked outside a high school was selling cocaine and marijuana.

Priest Caught With Marijuana In Church

04.08.2007 Comments: 3
A Los Angeles court has found a local priest guilty of possessing and distributing marijuana in his church.

Student sold marijuana in the center of Rostov-on-Don

08/02/2007 Comments: 5
In the Rostov region, a young man was detained while selling marijuana on Stanislavsky Street. During two test purchases, the 22-year-old student sold 20 grams of the drug to drug police officers.

Drug addicts tortured a child to find out where cannabis grows

01.08.2007 Comments: 1
The 14-year-old boy was returning home from his relatives in the village of Mazepovka in the Rylsky district on his bicycle. According to the press service of the regional prosecutor's office, not far from the village he was stopped by two residents of the village of Ivanovskoye who were driving a car. Introducing themselves as police officers, they demanded that the teenager show them where the hemp was growing

Kyrgyzstan Seizes More Marijuana, Hashish, and Indian Hemp Bushes

01.08.2007 Comments: 0
As reported to the correspondent of IA REGNUM by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, 3 kg 600 g of marijuana and 100 g of hashish were confiscated from the detainee.

Hemp was thrown under a tank

08/01/2007 Comments: 1
In the Amur region, army units were sent to fight hemp crops. Plants are destroyed by tanks. First, the hemp is crushed by caterpillars, plowing up entire fields, and then set on fire.

Yu. Luzhkov: All students must undergo drug addiction testing

07/24/2007 Comments: 0
Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov believes that all students in the capital should undergo a drug addiction test. He stated this at a meeting of the student government of understudies.

Drug samples to be produced in Russia

23.07.2007 Comments: 1
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" and Article 17 of the federal law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", the press service of the head of the Russian state reports.

British Ministers Admit to Using Marijuana

07/20/2007 Comments: 2
UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith and Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling have admitted using marijuana in their youth.

49 tons of hemp destroyed in Moscow region

19.07.2007 Comments: 7
In the Moscow region, as part of the operational and preventive operation "Poppy-2007", police officers destroyed 49 tons of hemp on an area of ​​43 hectares. This was reported by law enforcement agencies of the Moscow region.

Ford to Make Cars from Hemp

18.07.2007 Comments: 0
Ford intends to create a car, some parts of the body of which will be made from hemp.

Goodbye, Belomor!

18.07.2007 Comments: 6
The memorable packs of "Belomor", from which many of us once learned the first basics of geography, are becoming history. Rastafarians and those simply nostalgic should prepare for a shortage of cheap cigarettes.

Deer go hysterical after eating hemp

07/07/2007 Comments: 6
Italian deer in the alpine meadows wandered into a hemp plantation, which was grown by a twenty-one-year-old student and a twenty-year-old local factory worker.

'British Terrorists' Grow Cannabis

07/07/2007 Comments: 0
Two Britons arrested on suspicion of involvement in the London and Glasgow terrorist attacks are now suspected of drug trafficking, Reuters reported, citing British police.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has begun the hemp harvesting season

07/07/2007 Comments: 1
Officers from the Department for Combating Illegal Drug Trafficking of the Pavlograd District Department of Internal Affairs discovered a hemp plantation on a private plot in the village of Mezhirech during an authorized search.

Coffee shop owners will be required to create non-smoking areas

14.06.2007 Comments: 0
The ban on smoking in public places, which will be introduced in the Netherlands from July 2008, will apply not only to bars and restaurants, but also to coffee shops

"Flyaway Line" with the smell of marijuana

14.06.2007 Comments: 5
The newspaper advertised a cosmetics line called "The Awesome Line" that was scented with the scent of marijuana.

Hemp Shoes

06/09/2007 Comments: 4
A workshop for the production of hemp shoes in Zhitomir was opened three years ago. The owners say that the business went well, so they started registering a trademark. The shoes will be called Hems.

Mowed down marijuana... 900 kg

06/09/2007 Comments: 15
A 31-year-old local resident has been detained in the Chui Valley in southern Kazakhstan after he managed to mow and dry 887 kg of marijuana in a few hours

Marijuana can be purchased at the FSB

06/04/2007 Comments: 7
Two servicemen of the Russian FSB border troops were convicted for drug distribution in one of the military units of the Sochi garrison. The investigators of the Sochi military prosecutor's office learned that marijuana was being smoked in the military unit after a soldier hanged himself in December last year on the territory of one of the military units of the Russian FSB border troops in the village of Loo near Sochi.

Candidate who promised to plant cannabis becomes mayor of Spanish city

06/04/2007 Comments: 2
Residents of the Spanish city of Reus (near Barcelona) elected former postman Ariel Santamaria as mayor, who promised to plant cannabis

In the center of Ussuriysk, a hemp plot is "in full bloom"

04.06.2007 Comments: 0
For the second year in a row, wild hemp is growing under the windows of the house on Gogolya St., 9 in Ussuriysk. Both the residents and the housing management are aware of this fact.

100 thousand hectares of wild hemp discovered in Siberia

04.06.2007 Comments: 1
The operational and preventive operation "Poppy" has begun in the Siberian Federal District. Its goal is to identify and eliminate areas where drug-containing plants grow, as well as to block channels for the illegal transportation of drugs made from hemp and poppy. The territory of the Siberian Federal District has its own extensive raw material base for the production of drugs from wild hemp. The contamination of lands with wild hemp in the Siberian Federal District is more than 100 thousand hectares.

Petty Officer Gets 5 Years for Selling Marijuana

21.05.2007 Comments: 5
The Novy Urengoy City Court has issued a guilty verdict against a police officer who was involved in the sale of marijuana.

More than nine kilograms of marijuana were seized from a shed belonging to a resident of a Kuzbass village

21.05.2007 Comments: 1
Officers of the Yurginsky interdistrict department of the Drug Control Department of the Russian Federation for the Kemerovo Region confiscated 9,327 grams of marijuana from a resident of the village of Maltsevo in the Yurginsky district of the Kemerovo region who was storing it in a shed.

Man with bag of cannabis detained in Tomsk region

21.05.2007 Comments: 4
As a result of operational search activities, employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the Tomsk Region learned that a resident of the city of Kolpashevo was engaged in the procurement and processing of marijuana.

Marijuana supplier arrested in Khabarovsk

21.05.2007 Comments: 0
Employees of the Regional Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for Khabarovsk Krai recently discovered a previously unknown channel for the distribution of hashish and hashish oil. It was possible to find out that the channel had been operating for about a year. The drug supplier himself also emerged as a result of operational activities - he was caught red-handed near his own garage.

Federal Drug Control Service: "Energy drinks" contain psychotropic substances

05/18/2007 Comments: 4
The Russian Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) will test energy drinks for the content of psychotropic substances that can harm their consumers. This was stated today by Deputy Director of the Federal Drug Control Service Vladimir Zubrin.

“Ultra.Kultura” was sold

17.05.2007 Comments: 0
The publishing group "AST" bought the radical publishing house "Ultra.Kultura", which was headed by the poet Ilya Kormiltsev. The new owners received the rights to publish all the books that "Ultra.Kultura" did not manage to finish.

Victims of police brutality are released

05/15/2007 Comments: 0
On Tuesday, May 15, six activists from various public movements who were detained and beaten in Moscow on May 5 during the "Hemp March" will be released from a special detention center in Moscow


14.05.2007 Comments: 0
Zhanna Agalakova, the presenter of news programs on Channel One, left for France. From October 1, 2005, Agalakova became the channel's own correspondent in Paris.

A drug police training center has opened in Domodedovo, Moscow Region

05/14/2007 Comments: 0
Russian Interior Minister General of the Army Rashid Nurgaliev and Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble took part in the opening ceremony of a regional training center under the auspices of Interpol in the Moscow region town of Domodedovo for training employees involved in combating illegal drug trafficking.

Police disperse "hemp march" in Moscow

05/05/2007 Comments: 15
Today in Moscow, police officers dispersed the so-called "hemp march," Ekho Moskvy reports.

Yevgeny Roizman fights cannabis advertising

04/27/2007 Comments: 6
The State Duma today sent a protocol instruction to the Security Committee to request information on the readiness of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation to prevent marches, “hemp festivities” and demonstrative drug use on their territory.

American jailed for his specific smell

25.04.2007 Comments: 5
A North Carolina man who went to a police station to get a concealed weapons permit was instead given a jail cell and charged with drug possession.

School vice principal sold marijuana

25.04.2007 Comments: 3
The deputy director of a school in the village of Kushumsky, Yershovsky District, Saratov Region, was detained while selling marijuana.

Press conference in the format of a round table "Cannabis - useful hemp"

24.04.2007 Comments: 4
Moscow. April 27, 2007. The Cannabis Legalization League is organizing a press conference in the format of a round table "Cannabis - Useful Cannabis". It is expected that well-known narcologists, domestic and foreign politicians, journalists, cultural figures, representatives of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take part in the press conference.

Kyiv to March for Irresponsible Marijuana Smoking

24.04.2007 Comments: 0
On May 5, a "Freedom March" will be held in Kyiv, the participants of which will demand the abolition of criminal liability for the use of soft drugs. This was stated today at a press conference by the press attaché of the action, Taras Ratushny.

An atypical drug courier has been detained in the Ivanovo region

04/24/2007 Comments: 2
On April 23, the Ivanovo regional drug police announced another successful joint operation with the Federal Penitentiary Service. More than 10 grams of marijuana and hashish were seized from illegal trafficking.

Marijuana has become a cure for lung cancer

23.04.2007 Comments: 0
The active component of marijuana slows the growth of malignant lung tumors and reduces the risk of metastasis.

Schengen Disagreement: Belgium Opposes Marijuana Sales Near Border

04/23/2007 Comments: 0
In an epistolary style, the Belgian Prime Minister intends to stop the establishment of 16 Dutch marijuana "coffee shops" near the border. Guy Verhofstadt sent a letter of protest to his Dutch counterpart Jan Peter Balkenende.

Smoking ban will not affect marijuana users

04/17/2007 Comments: 2
The authorities of the most liberal state in Western Europe, the Netherlands, are launching a legislative attack on the unofficial symbol of the country - the so-called "coffeeshops".

Largest batch of marijuana seized this year in St. Petersburg

15.04.2007 Comments: 10
Employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia (UFSKN) for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region have eliminated a wholesale supply channel for marijuana. As reported to REGNUM today, April 13, by the press service of the regional UFSKN, the largest batch this year was seized - more than 30 kg.

A thief nicknamed Bubble has been detained in Moscow

13.04.2007 Comments: 4
Thief in law Khizir Akbulatov, known in the criminal world as Bubble, has been detained in Moscow.

Annual International Hemp Exhibition

13.04.2007 Comments: 2
This is an interesting and very unusual event. Last year, the exhibition was visited by more than 14 thousand people. Of course, you can see hemp products as exhibits here! Don’t think anything bad, because this famous herb can be used to make clothes, food and much more!

Dutch teenagers lead unhealthy lifestyles

04/12/2007 Comments: 1
Dutch teenagers aged 11 to 16 lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Teenage girls in particular eat poorly, exercise little, smoke cigarettes and soft drugs, drink, and suffer from emotional disorders much more than boys.

Police: Marijuana calms fans

04/11/2007 Comments: 1
English football fans will be allowed to smoke weed ahead of the France-Great Britain match.

Drug dealer received marijuana via mail

11.04.2007 Comments: 1
As reported to the National News Agency correspondent on Tuesday by the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Yakutia, a suspicious parcel sent from the city of Yakutsk was discovered on April 4 in the parcel department of the main post office in the city of Lensk.

Package of marijuana found on passenger bus

11.04.2007 Comments: 0
At the Bugristoy customs post, during customs control in the international bus "Rudny - Chelyabinsk", traveling from Kazakhstan, customs officers discovered a package of marijuana.

Hashish producers destroy highway

03/30/2007 Comments: 2
Police have discovered a hashish farm in the English city of Leeds, Yorkshire, after the owners' activities led to the destruction of a road.

A cunning Kazakh tried to smuggle a damn dozen kilograms of marijuana to Russia

03/29/2007 Comments: 3
A cunning citizen of Kazakhstan tried to smuggle 13 kilograms of marijuana across the border. South Ural border guards interfered with his plan, the press service of the Border Department of the FSB of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region told Nakanune.RU.

Don't worry about hashish!

05.03.2007 Comments: 26

A long-distance sailor was arrested in Krasnodar for marijuana trafficking

08.02.2007 Comments: 6

Marijuana Treats Obesity

08.02.2007 Comments: 8
A UK clinic will begin testing an obesity drug based on the active components of marijuana in the second half of 2007, MedPortal reports.

Hemp greenhouse liquidated in Ryazan

07.02.2007 Comments: 33

Student Detained in Vologda for Selling Marijuana

07.02.2007 Comments: 18

For every nine dealers there are five gypsies

07.02.2007 Comments: 2

Dozens of Tel Aviv schoolchildren arrested for drug trafficking

01/21/2007 Comments: 2
Police have detained senior students from several Tel Aviv schools who are suspected of drug trafficking and use. According to the investigation, there was a network of dealers in the Ironi Alef, Alliance, Tikhon Ankori and Open School schools who supplied their classmates with marijuana and hashish.

A pharmacy selling drugs has opened in Holland

01/21/2007 Comments: 8
The first official pharmacy selling soft drugs made from cannabis opened in the Dutch city of Groningen yesterday, January 19. Upon presentation of a prescription, the drug can be purchased there at a price lower than in other pharmacies and even lower than in coffee shops, where soft drugs are sold to anyone who wants them.

Christmas Marijuana Cakes

10.01.2007 Comments: 3
You won't find cannoli (small Italian cream pastries) like this in any cafe in Manhattan's Tribeca or Brooklyn's Bensonhurst.

Crimean taxi driver found with about 2 kg of marijuana

01/10/2007 Comments: 7
In Simferopol, law enforcement officers discovered about 2 kg of marijuana in a shed belonging to a 38-year-old taxi driver, UNIAN reports.

Woman mailed 78 pounds of marijuana

10.01.2007 Comments: 6
Tiffany Joy Kelly, 28, of Amarillo, Texas, was sentenced Monday to 2 1/2 years in prison for using the mail to her advantage by mailing herself 78 pounds of marijuana.

Marijuana in Mercedes

01/05/2007 Comments: 2
The first criminal case in 2007 was opened by employees of the Nikolaev customs post of the Magnitogorsk customs of the Ural Customs Administration on the fact of smuggling four and a half kilograms of marijuana from Kazakhstan.

Rastafarian Mummy Unearthed in China

01/05/2007 Comments: 2
A team of Chinese scientists who identified a 2,800-year-old mummy have concluded that it was a shaman who died between the ages of 40 and 50. Particularly intriguing was the presence of a bag of marijuana leaves in the mummy's leather "garment."

A former drug cop will teach drug addicts not to get caught

01/05/2007 Comments: 4
Incredibly, a former Texas drug enforcement agent is set to release a video on how to use drugs without getting caught by the police, according to his former boss.

The majority of drugs seized in the Volgograd region are marijuana

01/05/2007 Comments: 2
Yesterday, the Federal Drug Control Service (UDC) for the Volgograd Region summed up the results of its work in 2006. From January to December, 1.5 thousand crimes related to illegal drug trafficking were detected, the share of serious and especially serious crimes was 1082 crimes (68.9%).

Marijuana threatens Nastya Stotskaya's brain

01/05/2007 Comments: 10
The scandalous photos of Nastya Stotskaya's house party caused a lot of noise. Immediately after the material was published, a close friend of Stotskaya called the editorial office of Express Gazeta. She asked not to give her name. She reported inaccuracies in the presentation of some facts, writes Express Gazeta.

Police advise on how to grow drugs properly

25.12.2006 Comments: 4
Greek marijuana lovers received a kind of "Christmas gift".

Half a kilo of marijuana found in schoolchildren's possession

12/22/2006 Comments: 7
The day before, employees of the non-departmental security department of the Sayanogorsk Department of Internal Affairs detained four students from one of the Sayanogorsk schools.

Amur Drug Control Destroyed 3 Trains with Hemp

12/22/2006 Comments: 3
In the fields of the Amur Region, hemp is a very common weed, and it is very difficult to get rid of it without joint efforts. However, without this work, the fight against drug addiction and drug production in the region is impossible, so the activities of law enforcement agencies within the framework of the all-Russian operational and preventive operation "MAK" are of particular importance. The results of the anti-drug work of security forces in the Amur Region have recently become known.

Two kilograms of marijuana were seized from a former intelligence officer

12/22/2006 Comments: 2
More than two kilograms of marijuana were confiscated from a resident of Kopeysk, a former employee of the special services, the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Chelyabinsk Region reported to Nakunune.RU.

Marijuana for "gourmets"

21.12.2006 Comments: 4
A gang of 29 drug dealers has been arrested in New York. And there would be nothing special about this event, if not for the type of drugs they were distributing, the level of technology the gang was using, and the financial level of the buyers.

Rushanin "automatically" sold marijuana

12/21/2006 Comments: 3
The panel of judges for criminal cases of the Novgorod Regional Court considered the cassation appeal of convicted resident of Staraya Russa M. Petrov and the cassation submission of state prosecutor T. Nikitina.

More than 0.5 kg of marijuana confiscated from Ryazan student

12/21/2006 Comments: 2
More than half a kilogram of marijuana was seized in Ryazan by employees of the regional department of the Federal Drug Control Service during operational and investigative activities, the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service reported on Wednesday.

December was a fruitful month for marijuana

18.12.2006 Comments: 3
In December 2006, drug police officers in the Mikhailovsky District of the Volgograd Region alone made 6 significant seizures of narcotics.

Chelyabinsk police officers detained a 19-year-old drug dealer

12/18/2006 Comments: 1
A 19-year-old resident of Chelyabinsk was detained by officers of the South Ural Department of Internal Affairs for Transport while selling a large batch of marijuana, the press service of the South Ural Department of Internal Affairs for Transport reported to a REGNUM correspondent on December 15.

Prague fog is like dope

15.12.2006 Comments: 3
The Czech capital has become a mecca for soft drug addicts

Mytishchi resident convicted of growing cannabis in apartment

15.12.2006 Comments: 3
A resident of Mytishchi has been convicted in the Moscow region for turning his apartment into a greenhouse for growing hemp. This was reported to a correspondent of "Novy Region" by the press service of the regional prosecutor's office.

Teenager arrested in Izhevsk for marijuana trafficking

15.12.2006 Comments: 3
On December 10, in Izhevsk, police patrol officers, together with employees of the private security company of the physical education and health complex (FOC) "Svet", detained a 16-year-old high school student for the storage and sale of marijuana.

US Police Detain Driver With Marijuana and Crocodile in Suitcase

12/15/2006 Comments: 2
Arizona border police stopped a car southwest of Phoenix containing a driver high on marijuana and a 1.2-meter-long crocodile packed in a suitcase, Reuters reports.

"Drug farmer" detained in Volgograd region

15.12.2006 Comments: 2
On the night of December 12, in the city of Mikhaylovka, drug police detained a 36-year-old resident of the city while attempting to sell one and a half kilograms of marijuana.

Heroin, hashish, marijuana - all go to hell!

15.12.2006 Comments: 1
For the sixth time this year, employees of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Republic of Khakassia destroyed drugs seized from illegal circulation during operational search and investigative activities.

Police seized large quantities of cannabis and its derivatives

12/15/2006 Comments: 1
In the Far Eastern Federal District, police officers seized particularly large quantities of cannabis and its derivatives.

How two students sold "weed"...

12/15/2006 Comments: 1
One of the pressing problems of the Russian drug business is the involvement of young people in drug trafficking, whose moral principles and legal awareness have not yet been formed. Drug police officers are increasingly detaining young people, including students and even schoolchildren, who have taken the criminal path of earning money.

Snoop Dogg has given up marijuana...

07.12.2006 Comments: 5
Snoop Dogg quit marijuana. Not for long, though. His son's classmates' parents, to put it mildly, did not approve of their children's coach's habits.

Magnitogorsk workers sold marijuana

07.12.2006 Comments: 3
Employees of the Magnitogorsk inter-district drug control department neutralized a group that had been selling drugs to city residents for a long time.

College student arrested for marijuana distribution in Krasnodar

07.12.2006 Comments: 2
In Krasnodar, drug police detained a marijuana dealer; a 19-year-old student of a trade college tried to sell about 6 grams of the drug. As reported to the correspondent of IA REGNUM by the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Krasnodar Krai, this was far from the young man's first deal.

Polyethylene concealed marijuana

07.12.2006 Comments: 1
Last Friday, December 1, in the Chesmensky district of the Chelyabinsk region, near the village of Ogneuporny, a border patrol detained two violators of the state border who were transporting about 18 kilograms of marijuana from Kazakhstan to Russia.

A criminal case has been opened over the fact of crossing the Russian-Kazakh border with 20 kg of marijuana

07.12.2006 Comments: 1
The Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District has opened a criminal case under Article 322 (Violation of the state border) and Article 188, Part 8 (Smuggling) for crossing the Russian-Kazakh border with drugs.

Marijuana has reached darts

04.12.2006 Comments: 1
Almost all sports have narrow-minded athletes who resort to using illegal drugs. These are mainly representatives of extremely dynamic or physically demanding disciplines. But now there are "experts" who manage to abuse even such phlegmatic and harmless sports as darts.

The smell of cannabis fills Pyatnitskaya

04.12.2006 Comments: 1
Behind closed doors in the central party office on Pyatnitskaya, a meeting of the Green Russia faction, which was organized in May in the Yabloko party, was held on Friday. On Thursday evening, free accreditation of the press was unexpectedly terminated. There is every reason to believe that the Yabloko environmentalists decided to discuss the possibility of their cooperation with the League for the Legalization of Cannabis, which enjoys great support from foreign like-minded people.

A villager sold "grass" by the kilogram

04.12.2006 Comments: 4
Kuzbass drug police conducted an operation to stop marijuana trade. In the Chebulinsky district of the region, operatives of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Kemerovo Region seized about 8.5 kg of marijuana.

The croupier was selling marijuana

04.12.2006 Comments: 1
In Krasnodar's youth entertainment centers, young men and women often used drugs for the first time in order to have a more fun night without thinking about the dire consequences.

Crimean hemp is even being taken out in train trash bins

04.12.2006 Comments: 1
Ukrainian border guards found more than 1 kilogram of marijuana in a garbage bin of one of the cars of the Kerch-Moscow train. A service dog helped find the herbal drug.

For drug trafficking - 10 years imprisonment

04.12.2006 Comments: 1
The courts of the region have completed hearings on a number of criminal cases initiated by the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) of Russia for the Tula Region. The sentences have now entered into legal force, the press service of this agency reported to a REGNUM correspondent. Thus, the Shchekino City Court sentenced citizen Knyazev to 10 years of imprisonment for attempted sale of narcotics on an especially large scale.

Two Pakistani boxers banned for life for smoking marijuana

11/28/2006 Comments: 1
Two Pakistani boxers, Menerullah Lassi and Faisal Karim, have been banned for life for smoking marijuana.

California to Smoke 91-Centimeter Joint

28.11.2006 Comments: 1
Los Angeles, California resident Brett Stone, who is licensed to use marijuana for medical purposes, is set to roll the world's largest joint.

Brothers face up to 8 years in prison for involving teenagers in cannabis harvesting

28.11.2006 Comments: 2
Near Novosibirsk, at the "Barlak" bus stop, inspectors from the juvenile affairs department (ODN) and criminal investigation officers from the linear police department at the Novosibirsk station detained four young people who were involved in the criminal collection of marijuana, with two of them directly involving two other collectors in committing the crime.

Nizhny Novgorod students were accepted with marijuana

28.11.2006 Comments: 2
Three students from Nizhny Novgorod universities have been detained on suspicion of distributing narcotics. This was reported to NIA "Nizhny Novgorod" by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Volga Federal District.

Toronto Police Destroy 22 Marijuana Plantations

11/27/2006 Comments: 1
In a seemingly routine raid yesterday, Toronto police dismantled 22 marijuana grows in a single home.

US mother sentenced for smoking marijuana with son

27.11.2006 Comments: 1
A Pennsylvania woman has been sentenced for smoking marijuana every day with her 13-year-old son and rewarding him with an extra helping if he did his homework.

20-year-old resident of Chita region detained while transporting 520 grams of marijuana

11/27/2006 Comments: 1
On Friday, November 25, on the Chita-Chernyshevsk highway, traffic police officers stopped a Toyota Camry for inspection.

Moscow customs officers found drugs in a postal parcel

27.11.2006 Comments: 1
During operational and investigative activities within the framework of the program "Astana - a city without drugs", the capital's customs officers discovered drugs in a postal parcel, Kazinform reports with reference to the press service of the CTC of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

About 700 grams of marijuana confiscated from a conscript soldier in Rostov

27.11.2006 Comments: 1
In Rostov, officers of the Investigative Committee of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Transport confiscated about 700 grams of marijuana from a conscript soldier.

Penza resident hid drugs in her private area

11/27/2006 Comments: 1
Recently, cases of drug transfer to places of detention have become more frequent. In connection with this, drug police have increased control over the inspection of persons visiting prisoners, so the methods of hiding the drug have become more inventive. As reported by an operational officer of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Penza Region, four cases of drug transfer to correctional institutions were prevented in one day.

Amsterdam Changes Mind About Smoking World's Largest Joint

24.11.2006 Comments: 2
The Dutch capital has cancelled the event to smoke the world's largest "joint" (a cigarette filled with marijuana instead of tobacco), reports.
The organizers said they cancelled their plans after realizing they might break the law. "We just read the fine print and realized there might be problems," said one of the organizers of the failed event.

Foreign students to be hanged in Malaysia for marijuana possession

24.11.2006 Comments: 3
Malaysia's Supreme Court sentenced four foreign students found guilty of drug possession to death by hanging on Wednesday, state television channel TV-1 reported.

Large batch of marijuana seized in Irkutsk region

11/24/2006 Comments: 1
In the Irkutsk region, operatives seized a record batch of marijuana - about 300 kilograms.

Uruguayan capital blanketed by marijuana smoke

11/21/2006 Comments: 2
Last weekend, a cloud of marijuana smoke enveloped the center of the Uruguayan capital. In this way, about 300 people came out in favor of legalizing this drug. The action took place calmly and without police interference, AMI-TASS reports.

Marijuana is the drug of choice for Czech teenagers

11/21/2006 Comments: 1
In the Czech Republic, every tenth schoolchild who has never used drugs would like to try it.

Seized marijuana packages in VKO were accompanied by the inscription “thank you”

20.11.2006 Comments: 1
Over three days of a large-scale operation to combat illegal drug trafficking, regional police officers have identified 25 drug-related crimes, including 10 cases of drug trafficking, the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the East Kazakhstan Region told a Kazinform correspondent.

Employees of the Nizhny Novgorod Organized Crime Control Department and the State Drug Control Service detained two men while trying to sell about 2 kg of marijuana

11/20/2006 Comments: 1
Employees of the Department for Combating Organized Crime (UBOP) of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, together with employees of the Dzerzhinsky Interregional Department of the Federal Service for Drug Control (UFSKN), last week detained a 36-year-old and a 39-year-old man while trying to sell about 2 kg of marijuana.

Demand for drug tests is growing in Lviv pharmacies

20.11.2006 Comments: 1
Drugs can be detected in a child’s body even at home

Tambov grandfather launched hemp trade

20.11.2006 Comments: 1
Another seizure of drugs was recorded as part of Operation Poppy 2006 by officers of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Tambov Oblast in the village of Shekhman in Petrovsky District. The operatives stopped the criminal activity of a 59-year-old previously convicted citizen.

73 tons of wild hemp destroyed in Udmurtia

20.11.2006 Comments: 1
In Udmurtia, the results of the operational and preventive operation "Mak-2006" have been summed up, which the Directorate of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Udmurt Republic conducted jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Udmurt Republic. The operation took place from May 29 to October 31, 2006.

Amsterdam to Host Marijuana Festival This Weekend

11/17/2006 Comments: 1
On November 19, the annual Cannabis Cup festival dedicated to marijuana and hemp products will take place in Amsterdam, Dutch media report.

A substance similar to marijuana was found in a court in Bashkiria

11/17/2006 Comments: 0
A plant substance similar to marijuana was found by a bailiff in a toilet room in the building of the Salavat City Court. This was reported to a REGNUM correspondent today, November 17, by Elmira Shagibalova, press secretary of the Federal Bailiff Service for Bashkortostan.

Night clubs will now be closed for drug distribution

11/17/2006 Comments: 2
Yesterday, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow, Lieutenant General Viktor Khvorostyan, told journalists that all night clubs and discos in Moscow where drugs are distributed will be closed. He claims that this is an adequate measure and that the Federal Drug Control Service will support it in every possible way.

More than 60 kilograms of marijuana were seized by Kaluga drug police in the Lyudinovsky district.

16.11.2006 Comments: 2
More than 60 kilograms of marijuana were seized by Kaluga drug police in the Lyudinovsky district. During a series of operational and investigative measures, several individuals involved in the sale of marijuana in especially large quantities were identified and detained.

Teachers Allowed to Smoking Marijuana at University

16.11.2006 Comments: 2
Professors at two Canadian universities have been given the right to smoke marijuana on campus, CNN reported on Monday.

The butcher and the security guard were selling marijuana

16.11.2006 Comments: 1
Two employees of a well-known chain supermarket located on Leningradsky Prospekt in the capital were detained by officers of the 10th department of the UBOP of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow. As reported by the official information portal of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow, during their working hours, one of the security guards of the shopping center and the butcher of the supermarket were selling marijuana .

Italy allows you to carry up to 40 doses of marijuana for personal use

11/16/2006 Comments: 1
Italian Health Minister Livia Turco has signed a decree allowing Italian citizens to carry up to 40 doses marijuana , without fear of arrest. One dose is about 25 milligrams of the substance.

Tomsk drug police found a field of cannabis and drug addicts

11/15/2006 Comments: 1
Over the course of a week, employees of the Kolpashevsky inter-district department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for Tomsk Oblast confiscated over a kilogram of marijuana.

The hunt for "grass" is underway in Kemerovo

11/15/2006 Comments: 0
This week, employees of the Drug Control Department of the Russian Federation in the Kemerovo Region seized two shipments of marijuana - more than 5 kg 300 grams.

Previously convicted drug addict invited to visit for hashish

11/15/2006 Comments: 1
For possession of drugs in especially large quantities by employees of the Asinovsky inter-district drug control department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Tomsk region
a forty-four-year-old resident of Asino was detained. The man has previously been convicted of crimes in the field of drug trafficking and has himself been an active drug user for the past several years.

Malaysian DJ to be executed for drug smuggling

11/15/2006 Comments: 1
Malaysia's Supreme Court sentenced a prominent disc jockey to death by hanging on Friday for attempting to smuggle heroin, state television channel TV-1 reported.

Marijuana is being confiscated in the Far East

12.11.2006 Comments: 1
The police of the Far Eastern Federal District detained two drug couriers. At the Bolon station (Khabarovsk Krai), a patrol and post service unit detained an unemployed 20-year-old resident of one of the villages of the region, from whom law enforcement officers found and confiscated about 1 kilogram of dried marijuana.

Malaysian DJ to be executed for drug smuggling

12.11.2006 Comments: 0
Malaysia's Supreme Court sentenced a prominent disc jockey to death by hanging on Friday for attempting to smuggle heroin, state television channel TV-1 reported.

"Thief in Law" Detained in Moscow

11/12/2006 Comments: 2
On Wednesday, the 41-year-old leader of a criminal group that controlled food markets was detained in Moscow.

Mya Tried Weed Cookies and Ended Up in Hospital

11/10/2006 Comments: 3
At one of the parties, RnB singer Mya's friends treated her to marijuana cookies. The star had no idea what a surprise awaited her.

An old woman was poisoned by a pie with hashish

11/10/2006 Comments: 1
A pensioner from the Pavlovsky district of Kuban was hospitalized due to a drug overdose. The State Drug Control Service employees found out that the 60-year-old woman ate a pie with hashish oil.

New York: Marijuana delivered to your door

09.11.2006 Comments: 1
In a city where you can get almost anything, from a newspaper to a tasty Chinese takeaway, a new service has emerged that is sure to please those who frequent Amsterdam and dabble in herbal drugs.

What to do with marijuana?

09.11.2006 Comments: 4
The readers of our site were offered for discussion a question that has long been a dispute among many prominent officials and has become an object of worship for many lesser-known and odious personalities. We are talking about marijuana, which should or should not be legalized. 500 people took part in the survey on this topic.

Drug dealer on call

09.11.2006 Comments: 1
A very interesting drug distribution scheme was recently uncovered by Kharkov police officers. The criminal group transported “dope” by taxi...

Marijuana was sold in a vocational school

09.11.2006 Comments: 1
In Feodosia, police officers caught a vocational school student red-handed, who generously treated and sometimes sold marijuana to his friends.

Drug courier from Krasnodar region detained in Rostov

09.11.2006 Comments: 1
A drug courier from Krasnodar Krai was detained in Rostov-on-Don with drugs worth 100 thousand rubles, the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Rostov Oblast reports.

South Ural drug fields are being monitored by space satellites

09.11.2006 Comments: 1
The locations of accumulations of narcotic plants will now be determined from space, the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Chelyabinsk Region reported to Nakunune.RU.

Fraudster tricked drug addicts with nettle tea

07.11.2006 Comments: 8
In Simferopol, law enforcement agencies detained a 32-year-old resident of Sevastopol, Andrey R. Andrey has a talent for many tricks, but his specialty is scamming drug addicts and those who want to become one.

Over a kilogram of marijuana seized in Kolpashevsky district of Tomsk region

07.11.2006 Comments: 1
Over the course of a week, employees of the Kolpashevsky inter-district department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for Tomsk Oblast confiscated over a kilogram of marijuana.

Referendums will be held simultaneously with the elections in 37 American states.

07.11.2006 Comments: 1
US citizens will have to vote on more than two hundred different issues.

Marijuana-fueled cops sue diner

07.11.2006 Comments: 1
Two police officers from the American town of Los Lunas (New Mexico) are suing Burger King for putting marijuana in their hamburgers, Sky News reports.

The hunt for "grass" is underway in Kemerovo

06.11.2006 Comments: 1
This week, employees of the Russian Drug Control Department for the Kemerovo Region seized two batches of marijuana - more than 5 kg 300 g.

A drug addict in love killed his 19-year-old girlfriend by stabbing him more than 50 times.

06.11.2006 Comments: 2
A 19-year-old girl was stabbed more than 50 times and her body was found in the basement of a house in the city of Pervomaysk in the Luhansk region, the press service of the Central Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Luhansk region reports.

The grass was hidden in the trees

06.11.2006 Comments: 1
The investigation department of the Naushkinskaya customs office has opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 188 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – the movement of a narcotic drug across the customs border of the Russian Federation, committed while concealing it from customs control.

US Sheriff Arrested for Drug Dealing

03.11.2006 Comments: 2
A county sheriff and 12 current and former police officers have been arrested in Henry County, US, on drug charges, the Associated Press reports.

Representatives of leading countries to discuss issues of combating drug trafficking

02.11.2006 Comments: 1
As the event organizers told RIA Novosti, the London meeting of representatives of governments and public organizations from around the world is being held as part of the global campaign "Shared Responsibility" under the leadership of Vice President of Colombia Francisco Santos.

The freight forwarder earned extra money by selling marijuana

02.11.2006 Comments: 1
Employees of the Regional Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Arkhangelsk Region recently confiscated more than 1 kg of marijuana from a driver and forwarder of a private enterprise, reports the State Information System of the Regional Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Arkhangelsk Region.

Residents "made happy" by marijuana in toilet

02.11.2006 Comments: 1
Moscow police are looking for the owner of several kilograms of marijuana, which were discovered under very awkward circumstances by residents of a house on Trifonovskaya Street.

Write about drugs - get prizes!

01.11.2006 Comments: 1
The Perm Administration, the Perm Regional Union of Journalists and the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Perm Region, with the support of the Vernoye Delo public relations center, are holding the second city competition among the media for the best coverage of work to combat drug addiction and illegal drug trafficking.

Deadly "chemistry"

01.11.2006 Comments: 1
Recently, the governors of the Tyumen and Astrakhan regions announced a campaign to combat youth drug addiction. They threatened to close any nightclub in which people were found to be under the influence of drugs. In Moscow, such a campaign was announced back in January. But the results are modest - this year the authorities only managed to close the doors of the Estakada nightclub, which caused particular irritation to Moscow drug police. Meanwhile, the popularity of “synthetics” among the capital’s youth is only growing. Judging by the statistics, it is turning into one of the “integral attributes” of relaxation in nightclubs.

Primorsky drug police seized two canisters of raw hashish

01.11.2006 Comments: 1
An especially large batch of hashish oil solution was seized by employees of the Primorsky Drug Control Department during an investigation of operational information about the activities of individuals harvesting and processing marijuana in the area of ​​the village of Dvoryanka.

18-year-old boy brought a bag of cannabis to Moscow

01.11.2006 Comments: 1
The Moscow Metro Department of Internal Affairs seized a large batch of marijuana that was brought to the capital by a young resident of the Lipetsk region.

Policeman arrested in Orsk for selling confiscated marijuana

01.11.2006 Comments: 1
A police officer suspected of illegally selling drugs on an especially large scale has been detained in Orsk, Orenburg Region. As reported on Wednesday by the Oktyabrsky District Prosecutor's Office of Orsk, officers from the State Drug Control Service tracked down the marijuana dealer in mid-October.

Unattended marijuana found on Moscow-Kaliningrad train

10/31/2006 Comments: 1
Employees of the Neman customs on the train ~ 147 "Moscow-Kaliningrad" discovered an ownerless bag with 3.42 grams of marijuana.

Sailors sold marijuana by the kilogram

10/31/2006 Comments: 1
Officers of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Perm Krai detained two young marijuana sellers.

Primorsky drug police seized 30 kg of marijuana and destroyed 375 kg of hemp

10/31/2006 Comments: 1
Primorye drug enforcement officers have seized more than 30 kg of marijuana and destroyed about 375 kg of hemp. As reported on October 18 by the Prima Media news agency with reference to the information and public relations group of the Federal Drug Control Service for Primorsky Krai, the drug was discovered during a raid in the Khankaisky District.

Marijuana is the most popular drug in Ukraine

31.10.2006 Comments: 1
Over the past 9 months of this year, Ukrainian law enforcement officers have seized 25 tons of narcotic substances. This was stated at a press conference in Kyiv by Nikolai Andreyev, head of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry's Department for Combating Illegal Drug Trafficking.

Kazakhstan's Interior Ministry Proposes Executing Drug Dealers

10/31/2006 Comments: 1
Kazakhstan's Interior Ministry has sent a bill to the country's parliament that would toughen penalties for drug-related crimes up to the death penalty, Interior Ministry spokesman Bagdat Kozhakhmetov said on Monday, Reuters reports.

Drug dealers in uniform detained in Khabarovsk

10/31/2006 Comments: 1
Today Khabarovsk police officers conducted a special operation to detain drug dealers in uniform. Two traffic police officers were selling drugs right at the checkpoint. The appearance of their colleagues from the prosecutor's office was a complete surprise for them.

In Australia, a saleswoman sold marijuana sweets

10/28/2006 Comments: 1
Police in the Australian state of Queensland on Sunday charged a 51-year-old woman with possession and distribution of drugs for selling marijuana-laced cookies and chocolates.

Tikhonovetsky received 8 months for smoking marijuana

10/27/2006 Comments: 4
On Wednesday, October 25, the next meeting of the Control and Disciplinary Committee took place, the official website of the Russian Football Union reports. The RFU Control and Disciplinary Committee made the following decisions...

The guy drove a Toyota filled with marijuana

27.10.2006 Comments: 1
In Primorye, as part of Operation Poppy-2006, a Toyota Crown without state registration plates was detained in the Khankaisky District. During the inspection of the car, officers of the Ussuriysk Interdistrict Department of the Primorye Drug Control Department found dry marijuana in the back seat of the car.

The "harvest" from the discovered marijuana plantation will amount to $1 million

27.10.2006 Comments: 1
Employees of the Kyzylorda regional department for combating economic and corruption crimes discovered large marijuana plantations near the village of Akkyr in the Zhalagash region, a Kazinform correspondent reports.

Mistaking a policeman for a drug addict, a pensioner sold him marijuana

10/27/2006 Comments: 1
The Zianchurinsky District Court of Bashkiria sentenced a practical 55-year-old lady to two years and six months of probation for finding a matchbox with marijuana and, instead of throwing away the potion she no longer needed, decided to make a profit on the find. The resident of Isyangulovo went to the places where young people hang out and tried to identify drug addicts in her native village. The most suitable, in her opinion, young man, to whom the "dealer" sold the box for 50 rubles, turned out to be... a criminal investigation officer.

Owner of Zhiguli detained in Zhireken settlement, transporting 15 kilograms of marijuana

27.10.2006 Comments: 1
Yesterday, October 26, a VAZ 2107 was inspected two kilometers from the village of Zhireken in the Chita Region. Traffic police officers and OMON fighters found 15 kilograms of marijuana on the passenger of the car. The drug transporter was detained, the investigation is being conducted by the Chernyshevsky OVD.

Lithuanians want to rehabilitate cannabis

27.10.2006 Comments: 1
An association of hemp producers and processors has been created in Lithuania, which is ready to fight the bad reputation unfairly attributed to this plant.

Ukrainian woman tried to smuggle drugs into Russia

10/27/2006 Comments: 1
Border guards confiscated a kilogram and two hundred grams of marijuana from a 24-year-old woman when they checked a train heading from Krivoy Rog to Moscow, NTN reports

Expert opinion: There is no drug propaganda in "Club Culture"

10/27/2006 Comments: 1
As JustMedia has already reported, despite the acquittal of the Ural State University specialists, the drug control department obtained a decision from the Kirov District Court of Yekaterinburg to destroy the print runs of the books "Clubnaya Kultura" (published by U-Faktoriya) and "Kultura Vrem Apokalipsa" (Ultra. Kultura). This decision, unprecedented for post-Soviet Russia, was subsequently overturned by the Regional Court. But yesterday, by decision of the Kirov District Court, the Uralsky Rabochy printing house suffered because of the disgraced books. As JustMedia reported, the publishing house was sentenced to a fine of 45 thousand rubles for each book.

Marijuana in a baby carriage

27.10.2006 Comments: 1
On October 10, 2006, as a result of operational search activities in the Zavolzhsky district of Tver, the activities of an organized criminal group involved in the sale of the narcotic drug methamphetamine on a particularly large scale were suppressed.

Rapper Snoop Dogg Arrested for Possession of Marijuana and Weapons

10/27/2006 Comments: 1
Rapper Snoop Dogg (Calvin Broadus) was arrested at Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California, on suspicion of possessing drugs and weapons. According to police, the rapper's car was initially seized for the offense.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem's soil is favorable for hemp

26.10.2006 Comments: 1
Growing, using and distributing cannabis is illegal in Israel. That's why it was so surprising to see cannabis growing freely among other greenery when students discovered it in the citadel of Israeli science - the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

"Ale Yarok": Marijuana Will Put an End to the Arab-Israeli Conflict

10/26/2006 Comments: 1
Representatives of the Ale Yarok party, which advocates the legalization of so-called "soft" drugs, organized a forum called "The First Arab-Israeli Joint," during which they presented their alternative program for achieving peace in the Middle East. The party's activists believe that marijuana use will lead to the end of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Former UIN employee and his accomplices arrested for drug trafficking

10/26/2006 Comments: 1
In the Orenburg region, employees of the regional Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control uncovered a complex scheme for the illegal sale of drugs in the regional center. “Several suspects in the sale and possession of drugs on a large and especially large scale have been detained. Criminal cases have been initiated against them,” a REGNUM correspondent was told on October 26 in the Information and Public Relations Group of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Orenburg Region.

Student carried 1.5 kg of marijuana on commuter train

10/26/2006 Comments: 1
A student with one and a half kilograms of marijuana was detained at the stop platform of the electric trains "Sovkhoz "Berdsky". The transport police are entering a busy period: drug addicts have flocked to the fields to collect dried hemp.

30,000 rubles for marijuana

26.10.2006 Comments: 1
Yesterday, the next meeting of the Control and Disciplinary Committee of the Russian Football Union took place.

Oregon Marries Gays, Dies 'With Dignity', and Treats with 'Weed'

10/25/2006 Comments: 1
A group of Russian journalists, before their trip to the USA, were initially very afraid of becoming dull from the sticky gum of the only correct American way of life, which the whole world has already had its fill of to the point of nausea. But in reality, the "abode of evil" and "stronghold of the enemy", replicated on TV screens, turned out to be not so scary.

The killer of the journalist's family was brought to court

10/25/2006 Comments: 1
Yesterday, the Altai Republican Prosecutor's Office completed the investigation into the murder of Omsk journalist Alexander Petrov and his family: his wife Alena and two sons - 3-year-old Nikita and 7-year-old Artem.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to confiscate property for drugs

10/25/2006 Comments: 1
Yesterday, Deputy Head of the Investigative Committee (IC) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Yuri Alekseyev proposed to restore the institution of confiscation of property for illegal drug trafficking. According to Mr. Alekseyev, the IC has prepared eight amendments to the criminal procedure norms, which provide for tougher sanctions under anti-drug articles. The initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was criticized by State Duma deputies and human rights activists, who believe that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is seeking tougher sanctions in order to improve indicators and preserve budget funding.

In Maryino, cashiers at a gaming salon pampered clients with marijuana

25.10.2006 Comments: 1
In the village of Maryino, drug police detained cashiers at a gambling parlor selling marijuana...

Court sentences actor who played boy in film 'The Sixth Sense' to three years

10/25/2006 Comments: 0
American actor Haley Joel Osment, who became famous for his leading role in the film "The Sixth Sense", was sentenced by a Los Angeles court to three years probation for drunk driving and drug possession, reports, citing the AFP agency.

Drug prices soar in Russia

25.10.2006 Comments: 1
The liquidation of several thousand drug dens and the seizure of large quantities of drugs have led to an increase in prices on the Russian "black market" for psychotropic substances, the Russian Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) reported on Wednesday, October 25.

Drug prices in Lugansk

10/25/2006 Comments: 1
Today at a press conference, the head of the Department of Non-Profit Organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Luhansk Oblast, Sergei Boychuk, named the prices at which drugs can be purchased on the "black market" of Luhansk, reports a correspondent for "Irta-FAX".

20 Italian MPs Are Drug Addicts?

10/24/2006 Comments: 1
What the ubiquitous paparazzi sometimes come up with. For example, the creative team of the Italian television program “Le Lene” invented an original way to expose members of parliament who use drugs.

UK government drug helpline launches major social campaign

24.10.2006 Comments: 1
London, October 23 - The British government's drug addiction aid service has chosen an original way to combat "drug slaves". A social campaign will be launched on British TV channels on Monday, within the framework of which a video with shocking content will be shown, NTV reports.

4 tons of marijuana confiscated by Brazilian police

23.10.2006 Comments: 1
Police in southeastern Brazil have seized 4 tons of marijuana. The drug was found in a truck near the city of Santa Vitoria, 650 kilometers north of Sao Paulo.

We ordered “weed” from Amsterdam – the package was delivered by a “postman” with the rank of major

23.10.2006 Comments: 1
A couple from Rishon LeZion, aged just over 50, decided to order marijuana from Amsterdam. The valuable parcel was supposed to be delivered by registered mail. And so it all happened, but it did not bring the couple the joy they expected, since the postman who handed over the shipment turned out to be a policeman in disguise.

Police officer stumbles upon 4 marijuana plants growing alongside highway

10/23/2006 Comments: 1
A traffic police officer accidentally came across four marijuana bushes growing on the side of Highway 4, each of which reached a height of one and a half meters.

The owners of the kindergarten grew marijuana in the yard

10/23/2006 Comments: 1
Police have arrested a married couple living in a farming community in Sharon on suspicion of drug trafficking. Investigators suspect that the couple were growing marijuana in their home, which also houses a kindergarten.

One-year-old baby was taking marijuana

23.10.2006 Comments: 1
A one-year-old child was admitted to Wolfson Hospital in Holon in a state similar to severe intoxication. Doctors were unable to determine the cause of the boy's apathy for quite some time. Routine tests were normal, and only after some time did they find traces of marijuana in his urine.

George Michael Gives Exclusive Interview While Smoking Marijuana

10/23/2006 Comments: 1
You can't get bored with George Michael... He falls asleep in the car, having smoked marijuana until he passes out, or he flirts with an unemployed loader, but these are all minor details compared to the prank the singer pulled off the other day. This is truly exclusive! George gave a television interview to ITV1, during which he continued to smoke marijuana.

Contract soldier ingests 600 grams of marijuana

10/18/2006 Comments: 1
According to the regional police department, a minibus traveling from Uryupinsk was stopped at a traffic police post at the entrance to Volgograd.

Marijuana-scented sticks are illegal

10/18/2006 Comments: 1
Kaliningrad is actively fighting drug propaganda. Incense sticks with the smell of cannabis and symbols of the narcotic plant were confiscated during a routine raid by employees of the Kaliningrad Region Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in one of the city's retail chains.

[1] [2] [3] Total: 582 - Cannabis Seeds

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On the website Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
