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Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Soil Is Good for Hemp


Growing, using and distributing cannabis is illegal in Israel. That's why it was so surprising to see cannabis growing freely among other greenery when students discovered it in the citadel of Israeli science - the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The reason for the Israeli law's unfriendly attitude towards this herb (Latin name Cannabis sativa) is most likely that it is from it that marijuana and hashish, considered soft drugs, are obtained.

By a strange coincidence, the succulent leaves of this forbidden plant grow in full view on the Mount of Watchers (Har HaTzofim) near the Teva (Nature) auditorium complex.

The students who shared their find explain the appearance of this annual herbaceous plant from the mulberry family by the fact that other students had thrown out hemp seeds left over from making a joint. The seeds took root and sprouted in the loose, well-fertilized soil that, according to the encyclopedia, hemp likes.

The student branch of the Ale Yarok party, which raised a green leaf on its banners, was delighted with the find. “Our organization is the most popular among students,” explained party chairman Ehud Shem Tov, who is studying for a master's degree at Jerusalem University. "Many students have grown up in a very difficult reality, and one of the ways to cope with this is by smoking weed, which, by the way, helps with studies. All the students in our organization are excellent students who have found a way to study without suffering from problems concentrating," he quotes party activist "Maariv".

A spokeswoman for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Orit Soliziano, responded to the incident with restraint: “The university administration was not aware of this matter, but we will check everything.”

21.04.2007 <a href="">0fe55002d5e632c4933e5e17bd9 61f9f</a> [url][/ url] [url=]0fe55002d5e632c4933e5e17bd961f9f[/url] [u]http://0fe55002d5e632c4933e5e17bd961f9f[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
