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Almost 9 kg of marijuana brought to Russia in a toy dog


Smugglers transported about 9 kg of the drug in a toy dog ​​from Kazakhstan to Russia. This was reported by the press secretary of the Orenburg Customs Service Oksana Shabalina to a correspondent of the Rosbalt-Privolzhye news agency.

The drug smuggler was detained at the Iletsk-1 railway station during customs control on passenger train No. 27 running from Bishkek to Moscow.

“The chief state customs inspector of the Iletsk-1 railway checkpoint, together with servicemen of the Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Orenburg Region, discovered two packages with suspicious plant matter in a large soft toy of one of the train passengers, a Russian,” the agency’s interlocutor clarified.

According to the conclusion of the expert of the ECO Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Orenburg Region, the discovered and seized plant matter is a narcotic drug - marijuana, with a total weight of 8 thousand 766.68 g.

According to the source, the Orenburg customs office has opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Article 188 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“smuggling of a narcotic drug – marijuana”).


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On the website Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
