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Convicted Cannabis Grower Wins 'Minute of Fame' Contest


In the Melekhovo maximum security colony in the Vladimir region, a competition among convicts called "Minute of Fame" was held for the first time, similar to the show on Channel One, a REGNUM correspondent reports.

According to the newspaper "Kovrovskie Vesti", the idea of ​​creating the competition belongs to the head of the department of educational work with convicts, Alexei Chudin.

First place went to citizen Harunzhin (13th unit). He performed the classic "D minor" by Bach. According to the winner, he dreamed of playing this piece when he was still free, but it so happened that he had neither a synthesizer nor notes at home. In the colony, where he ended up for growing cannabis, these two conditions coincided. And he learned to play in an ordinary Moscow music school.

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