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Policeman: My wife slipped me marijuana


An NYPD counterterrorism officer who was fired after testing positive for marijuana is asking a judge to reinstate him.

Anthony Chiofalo claims his wife drugged his meatballs in 2005 so he would be fired from the police force so he could spend more time with his family.

The wife confirms this version. During the hearing in Manhattan court, she said that she wanted to save her husband from a dangerous job.

"I didn't want him to die of a heart attack or to be killed," says his wife. "I wanted him to be there and help raise our son."

Chiofalo's wife insisted that her husband should retire in 2004, after 20 years of service. However, he apparently has no plans to retire yet, as he is suing for his reinstatement.

After Chiofalo and his wife passed a lie detector test, a New York City administrative court recommended that he be reinstated. The police department ignored the advice, and the case is now being heard by a higher court.

Chiofalo's wife admitted that she put the equivalent of six marijuana cigarettes in the meatballs.

The policeman himself explained that his wife had the drug because she used it to relieve chronic lower back pain.


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