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Police officers who ate marijuana sued the diner


Two police officers from the American town of Los Lunas (New Mexico) are suing Burger King for putting marijuana in their burgers, Sky News reports.

The law enforcement officers, who had decided to have a snack, were already chewing their sandwiches when they discovered familiar green crumbs among the meat and spices. A rapid analysis carried out on site using a special device left no doubt - the hamburgers had been spiked with cannabis.

Mark Landavaso and Henry Gabalson did not appreciate the humor of three young employees of the diner - Justin Armijo, Robert Nuckols and Joseph Lidesma were arrested on suspicion of drug possession and insulting police officers.

In addition, Landavazo and Gabalson are preparing to file a civil lawsuit against the would-be cooks. Three employees of the diner will face charges of personal injury, negligence, neglect of duty and assault.

Although the case has become the subject of jokes in the American media, the victims' lawyer is very serious. He believes that not only the careers of his clients, who could be accused of using drugs, were jeopardized, but also their lives, since while intoxicated, they could have crashed their car or handled carelessly with weapons.

04/21/2007 <a href="">d767af39325fc0d5883b05df9861b ba2</a> [url][/ url] [url=]d767af39325fc0d5883b05df9861bba2[/url] [u]http://d767af39325fc0d5883b05df9861bba2-b3[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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