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British Ministers Admit to Using Marijuana


Home Secretary Jacqui Smith and Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling have admitted using marijuana in their youth. Deputy Chancellor of the Exchequer Andy Burnham and Minister for Policing, Security and Public Safety Tony McNulty have also admitted using recreational drugs as students.

The admissions come a day after new Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced penalties for marijuana use could be increased.

A. Darling admitted in an interview with Reuters that he smoked marijuana "sometimes in his youth", and his deputy E. Burnham said that he tried marijuana "once or twice at university, since then - no". After the admissions of government officials, G. Brown's administration reported that the British prime minister has no claims against them, and this is a personal matter for everyone.

Since 2004, there have been no criminal charges for the use and possession of small doses of marijuana in the UK, as it was at that time that the country passed a law mitigating the punishment, however, it seems that with the arrival of Gordon Brown the situation will change dramatically, as the new government intends to equate marijuana with heroin.

>>new government intends to equate marijuana with heroin


I am sure that in our country there are a lot of planned officials, but this is skillfully hidden))) GIVE US LEGALIZATION!!!! FUCK VODKA AND BOOZE!!!!!

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