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“Ultra.Kultura” was sold


The publishing group "AST" bought the radical publishing house "Ultra.Kultura", which was headed by the poet Ilya Kormiltsev. The new owners received the rights to publish all the books that "Ultra.Kultura" did not manage to finish.

The publishing house's Moscow office closed a long time ago, in March; a week later, Ilya Kormiltsev died.

The AST publishing group has closed a deal to acquire the Ultra.Kultura publishing house, which was headed by the famous poet Ilya Kormiltsev. An informed source on the Russian media market told Vzglyad about the completion of the deal. According to him, the publishing house was sold "for a small amount of money." Participants in the book market interviewed by Vzglyad found it difficult to assess the assets of Ultra.Kultura.

"Ultra.Kultura" is no more. All unfinished books were bought by AST" The press service of the publishing house "AST" says that they have already requested information about the publishing house "Ultra.Kultura" from the management. "They tell us that there are no comments," a representative of the publishing house told the newspaper Vzglyad.

The director of the publishing house "Ultra.Kultura" Ilya Kormiltsev was a poet, the author of the lyrics of the group "Nautilus Pompilius" and a translator of books by James Ballard, Roald Dahl, Irvine Welsh, Clive Lewis, Nick Cave, William Burroughs.

Ilya Kormiltsev died in London from cancer on February 4, 2007, at the age of 47.

His publishing house was founded in 2003 as a partner publishing house of the U-Factoria group. "Ultra.Kultura" is a subsidiary of "U-Factoria".

The AST publishing group has bought both companies, but the final organization of the new association has not yet been determined. It is assumed that U-Faktoriya may retain its independence.

Now only the Moscow office of Ultra.Culture has stopped working. Since February 1, an announcement has been posted on the publisher’s website that it will no longer accept new manuscripts.

Due to financial difficulties in 2006, the publication of all books was suspended, and at the end of the year there was a series of layoffs. On January 20, messages appeared in the blogs of employees about the cessation of the publishing house.

The U-Factoria publishing house reported that on January 19, the founders decided to close Ultra.Culture. One of the reasons is financial difficulties and the possible sale of the publishing house.

"Ultra.Kultura" is no more. All unfinished books were bought by AST," confirms an employee of the "Falanster" bookstore.

"Ultra.Kultura" occupied the niche of youth and nonconformist literature and quickly gained wide popularity for a relatively small publishing house due to its sharp position in relation to everything normative. The topics covered by the publishing house were terrorism, drugs, revolutions, Islam. In one of his interviews, Ilya Kormiltsev noted that with his activities he fulfills the role of a "social provocateur".

The publishing house periodically had disagreements with law enforcement agencies. In particular, the book "Allah Doesn't Love America" ​​caused discontent.

After the sale, the role of the publishing house will change, participants in the book market are sure. The publishing group "AST" is a big business. The publishers release bestsellers and work mainly with popular authors - Boris Akunin, Sergey Minaev, Polina Dashkova, Sergey Lukyanenko.

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