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Demand for drug tests is growing in Lviv pharmacies


"Parents have started buying tests to check whether their children are using drugs. One couple orders a dozen tests every month. Their son is already in the system - he can't live without drugs. They test him every third day. They say the child is breaking down psychologically," says 39-year-old Ilona Babenko, a regional manager at the company "Pharmasco."

Two years ago, a woman first introduced home tests for detecting the presence of drugs in the body in Western Ukraine. In pharmacies, they cost from 15 to 52 UAH.

Ilona shows a white paper bag with the inscription "Test for the detection of 5 drugs: amphetamine, methamphetamine, morphine, marijuana, cocaine." She takes out a plastic plate with five multi-colored stripes from the bag. These are indicators on which red stripes appear after interaction with urine.

— Each strip corresponds to a specific drug. If the child has not used this drug, there will be two red stripes. In case of a positive result — one. A little urine should be dropped on the strip. The result is in 5 minutes. Even 10 grams of urine is enough. It can also be frozen for a while and then tested.

“How can I explain to a child why you need his urine?” I ask.

— It can be done in any way. Usually parents resort to tricks. The best one is the fiction about a medical examination. You can say that you want to bring urine to the doctor yourself. Some parents openly demand that their children take the test. The child himself will never admit that he uses drugs.

Irina Kaspruk, 19, from Lviv, hid her addiction to drugs from her parents for over a year. She says that if such tests had been available four years ago, when she first tried smoking marijuana, her parents would have found out about it right away.

"Dad had his suspicions - he went through my pockets, swore, but he couldn't prove it," the girl recalls. "At first I smoked just for fun, and then I got hooked. It's good that I stopped in time.

Irina says that most often teenagers “get acquainted” with drugs at parties and discos.

- This is the cheapest way to sell drugs. Various amphitamines are brought there - small tablets with the names “Sun”, “Smile”, “Berry”, “Eyes”, “Black Dragon”. They all look different and have their own taste. Suppliers always say: “These are sweeter, these are sour.” One tablet does not last long: two to three hours. But it stays in the body for two to three days. You can get hooked on drugs after just a week of regularly taking these pills,” says Irina.

On average, Irina spent $100–150 per month on drugs. The cheapest were diphenhydramine and tramadol. A pack cost up to 10 UAH. For a full high, 5–8 tramadol tablets were enough, diphenhydramine less — 1–2. They could be easily bought in pharmacies.

"Parents should know where drugs are most often used," instructs former drug addict Irina Kaspruk. "If children go there, it wouldn't hurt to check your children for drug addiction. Fortunately, now you can do it in five minutes, without leaving your home.

“About once a month we detain someone while selling drugs in entertainment venues,” says the head of the department for combating illegal drug trafficking of the UMVS in Lviv Oblast. Vasily Voznyak, 47 years old . — The fishing spot is the Millennium club. Sales people often work in local night clubs and like to hang around the school. I advise relatives to take a closer look at their child after she has been to a club.

The largest number of drug addicts is in Chervonohrad

— There are the most drug addicts after 18 in Chervonohrad and Sosnivtsi, — says an employee of the Lviv regional drug addiction dispensary Irina Kobilyanska, 59 years old . - I don't know why. Maybe because Chervonograd is an industrial city with a lot of migration. There are a lot of newcomers there. The mines are closing, people have no reason to hang on.
There are 3,729 officially registered drug addicts in Lviv region. Experts believe that the real figure is 10 times higher.

21.04.2007 <a href="">e6aa8da6678a5d2879a603be1ca4b270</ a> [url][/ url] [url=]e6aa8da6678a5d2879a603be1ca4b270[/url] [u]http://e6aa8da6678a5d2879a603be1ca4b270-b3.k9[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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