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The croupier was selling marijuana


In Krasnodar's youth entertainment centers, young men and women often used drugs for the first time in order to have a more fun night without thinking about the dire consequences.

From now on the situation must change radically.

An interdepartmental coordination meeting of drug police and police officers with owners of youth centers, discos and disco bars, night clubs and computer clubs, and arcades was held at the Krasnodar Territory Drug Control Department. It was there that, left without adult supervision and control, teenagers and young people consumed the forbidden fruit, which turned out to be not sweet, but deadly...

Chronic drug addicts who are firmly hooked on the needle not only suffer from withdrawal symptoms and even die at a young age from an overdose, but also become antisocial individuals with all the ensuing consequences. It seems to have long been an axiom, however, some managers of leisure establishments, in pursuit of profit, in order not to scare away clients, prefer to see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing. Even about such outrageous facts: in September of this year, an administrator was detained in a gaming club who was selling marijuana right at his workplace. His clients were schoolchildren and students. The administrator even provided the guys with a utility room where they could freely "shoot up and forget." Of course, a criminal case was opened against the greedy and unprincipled drug criminal, he faces a serious prison term. But how many more such outrageous facts have not been revealed - with the tacit consent of the management of entertainment establishments!

The head of the fourth department of the operational service of the Drug Control Service, Aleksey Sharshavitsky, recalled that the majority of universities and colleges, shopping and entertainment centers and various entertainment venues are concentrated in the regional center. All this makes Krasnodar very attractive to criminal groups for drug sales. The drug business brings in excess profits of 2000 percent, so they don’t think about the victims. The number of drug addicts is not decreasing. According to the regional drug treatment center alone, there are more than seven thousand drug addicted young people in Krasnodar’s medical and preventive institutions.

Alexey Sharshavitsky spoke about the work of his department, whose employees fight the illegal sale and trafficking of drugs. During one of the raids at the Europe entertainment center, a croupier who was selling marijuana was detained. Here, a cook who was selling marijuana during work and free time was also caught red-handed. In some gaming clubs, minor children were locked in the room and left alone until the morning - “so that no one would interfere.” Most likely, so that the Drug Control operatives would not come to check and punish the owner of the club for violating the law. It’s scary to imagine what could happen to teenagers in the event of a fire or other emergency! Other computer clubs were located in garages or barns. In the third entertainment establishments, at the time of the inspection, visitors appeared to be high on drugs...

Addressing the heads of youth recreational establishments, the Drug Control Service employees emphasized that they were counting on their help and mutual understanding. It is necessary to maintain their own security and "face control" service, it is necessary to ensure unimpeded access of law enforcement officers to the premises where young people have fun. And most importantly, from now on all cases of drug trafficking and persons suspected of involvement in illegal drug trafficking should be reported.

Every entertainment establishment should have a prominently displayed telephone number for the Drug Control Service of Krasnodar Krai -- 214-54-48, which every conscientious citizen can and should call. After all, the health of the nation and our youth is truly in danger...

Author Irina BORODINA

21.04.2007 <a href="">bf47e0d44074aa710a1c2e9b56ccaf 59</a> [url][/ url] [url=]bf47e0d44074aa710a1c2e9b56ccaf59[/url] [u]http://bf47e0d44074aa710a1c2e9b56ccaf59-b3[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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