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Drivers of Dnipropetrovsk "minibuses" work "high"


The bus driver, in a state of drug intoxication after using marijuana, stopped the vehicle to let off passengers on the median strip - in the middle of the road.

An inspection conducted by the local State Traffic Safety Inspectorate revealed some terrible facts: it turns out that quite a few local "minibus drivers" allow themselves to drink alcohol or smoke a cannabis cigarette before work.

Law enforcement officials consider the situation catastrophic. And they claim that it arose due to the complete lack of control on the part of the heads of motor transport enterprises. The fines are meager and ineffective.

"I don't consider cannabis a drug. I become more attentive, my reaction increases fourfold," says the minibus driver Vitaly.

According to Vadim Kukhtin, head of the traffic police department for servicing Dnepropetrovsk, "next week we plan to conduct exams at one of the city bases. We will gather drivers who have committed more than three violations and test their knowledge of traffic rules. If they fail, we will take away their driver's license and send them to retake the traffic rules," ICTV reports.

RIA "New Region"


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