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Marijuana has become a cure for lung cancer


The active component of marijuana slows the growth of malignant lung tumors and reduces the risk of metastasis.

Harvard University researchers were able to establish that tetrahydrocannabinol (TNC), which is responsible for the psychotropic properties of the soft drug, suppresses the growth and spread of the most dangerous types of cancer cells.

The researchers experimented with colonies of non-small cell lung cancer cells with epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR). Cancer cells of this type are highly aggressive and respond poorly to chemotherapy.

Receptors capable of binding to TNC were found on the membranes of malignant cells. Scientists were able to show that adding this substance slows down the growth of cell colonies and reduces cell mobility.

After this, the scientists conducted an additional series of experiments on mice with malignant lung tumors. In animals that received TNC injections for three weeks, cancer tumors were on average 50% smaller in volume and weight than in mice from the control group. In addition, the rodents that received injections showed reduced levels of proteins that are markers of malignant tumor metastasis.

The mechanism of the beneficial effect of the active component of marijuana remains unknown. It is possible that TNC can interrupt the life cycle of cancer cells at early stages, as well as prevent the formation of new blood vessels that provide nutrition to the malignant tumor.

However, scientists admit that the antitumor properties of TNC remain poorly understood and require further confirmation. They also note that several previous animal studies have shown that TNC may contribute to the development of some types of cancer.

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