Cannabis Fun Club in Russia

A man's car wheels were stolen, he approaches the seller
and says:
- Do you have wheels?
“Yes,” says the seller.
- Sell four pieces.
The seller starts counting out the pills:
- One, two, three, four...
The man clarifies:
- Yes, I need to leave!!
- Five, six, seven...

* * *

Two drug addicts are walking. One to the other:
- Vasya, smile - the dog is coming.
Half an hour passes:
- Vasya, stop smiling, we're already in the van.

* * *

A drug addict is sitting in an apartment. The doorbell rings. He goes to the door and asks
- Who's there?
- Open up, police!
- What do you need?
- Talk!
- How many of you are there?
- Two.
- Let's talk then!

* * *

A drug addict approaches a money changer in the subway and throws 20 into it.
kopecks, he gets 4 nickels. And so three times. Voice from behind:
- Hurry up, please, I'm late for work...
He doesn't pay attention and continues. The voice gets angry and repeats
phrase, to which the drug addict replies:
- Don't bother me, I'm playing, I'm lucky!

* * *

Drug addict - zoology teacher:
- Children, write the title - "Cow" (rolls a joint). Cow
refers to
to the cattle... (takes a drag, blowing smoke out the window
So the cow has horns... (phhhhhh...) The cow has an udder...
(phhhhhh...) U
cows have wings...
- But the cow has no wings!
- No, they'll grow up... (phhhh...) And they'll fly-e-e-e!

* * *

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» seeds
» Legalization??!!!..
» BAD trip
» Pizza
» Experience
» Growing hemp is a difficult..
» Detailed description of growing..
» when can I start to manage..
» smell from female plants
» lower leaves

Does Russia need to legalize marijuana?
1. Yes!
2. No!
3. I don't care!
4. Where is it?

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» Jah Division
Concert in Vladimir
» Jokes
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The opinion of the authors may not coincide with the opinion of the administration.
Cannabis Fun Club in Russia © 2006