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The Streets are hosting a bubbler competition

16.08.2007 Comments: 2
As you know, Mike Skinner has long been actively advocating for the legalization of marijuana, so in order to get on stage during the performance of your favorite band, you need to draw or photograph a homemade "bubblator" (a special hookah for smoking) and send the image to the band by mail.

If they sell, they advertise.

08/01/2007 Comments: 7
Current Russian legislation harshly punishes those who in one form or another promote drug use and the banned substances themselves. But it turns out that it is not at all necessary to directly advertise what is scientifically called Cannabis

Marijuana to Become a Seasoning in Indonesia

07/11/2007 Comments: 4
Indonesian authorities may allow the use marijuana as a seasoning for food

About hemp, poppy and children's recreation

07.07.2007 Comments: 5
On the International Day against Drugs, a meeting of the city interdepartmental commission on combating drug abuse and combating drugs was held. The meeting was chaired by the Head of the city of Kurgan Anatoly Yelchaninov.

A drug addict is a "blue-green creature that bears little resemblance to a human being"

06/09/2007 Comments: 8
The day before, a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission under the Government of Khakassia on combating drug abuse and illegal trafficking took place.

10 Best Budget Hotels in Amsterdam

12.05.2007 Comments: 3
The British magazine Telegraph has published advice for travelers who would like to stay in an inexpensive but cozy hotel in Amsterdam.

Table "Harmful Effects of Marijuana"

04/24/2007 Comments: 35
The ongoing efforts by "compassionate citizens of America" ​​to legalize marijuana, which are currently underway in Illinois, have received unexpected support from an unexpected source. The church has come out in favor of the drug.

Hemp Demonology

19.04.2007 Comments: 6
CHATTER. A blind and deaf creature with a keen sense of smell and a long tail, like a tadpole. Found in warm places, loves coziness and comfort. Usually sleeps in dark corners (for example, behind a radiator), but as soon as it smells cannabis (or some other substances), it immediately wakes up and begins to move in the direction of the source of the smell.

Cannabis is for deputies, and methadone is for the people!

12.04.2007 Comments: 4
Or how Ryzhkov, on behalf of the State Duma, defends the likes of chemists from "Sofex". How deputies of the State Duma of Russia, in their free time from elections, promote the legalization of drugs.

Swiss Cheese May Contain Marijuana

05.03.2007 Comments: 4

Cannabis in London has become twenty times stronger in twenty years

02/20/2007 Comments: 10

Smoke inside

07.02.2007 Comments: 2

Alexander Mikhailov: Not all private drug treatment clinics are worth trusting

01/10/2007 Comments: 3
Head of the Department of Interdepartmental and Information Activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN), Lieutenant General Alexander
Mikhailov told INTERFAX observer Pavel Koryashkin about current problems in the fight against drug addiction.

The vast majority of the most popular films of the last 20 years are dangerous to health

25.12.2006 Comments: 2
We are talking about the propaganda of unsafe sex and drugs that permeates modern films; at least, this is what a study published in the journal of the British Royal Society of Medicine claims (extensive quotes from this report were reprinted by the British newspaper The Independent).

Drug testing may become mandatory for admission to higher education institutions

24.12.2006 Comments: 4
The program is hosted by Alexander Gostev. Radio Liberty correspondent Daria Zdravomyslova takes part.

Marijuana is more profitable than corn

12/21/2006 Comments: 2
John Gettman, former head of the National Organization on Drug Abuse, announced the results of a study of the drug situation in the United States.

History of Marijuana Use

14.12.2006 Comments: 14
Cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana, is a hemp plant found throughout much of the world. Cannabis plants are best known today as powerful psychoactive substances, but for many years they were harvested for their fiber. The strong hemp fiber was used to make rope, clothing, and ship rigging. They were also used for mind-numbing purposes in many countries for centuries until their psychoactive properties were discovered in the United States in the first third of this century. After that, the hemp plant became more widely harvested for its psychoactive effects.

Poisonous herbs. Is it easy for "grass" to become a drug?

04.12.2006 Comments: 17
In modern narcology there is no concept of "entheogenic addiction", just as there are no herbs with psychoactive effects in the list of narcotic substances. Therefore, various "herbs of fortune tellers" and "shaman potions" are distributed legally in Russia and are becoming fashionable. Few people think about the consequences of using entheogens. "UR" decided to conduct its own research and initiate an examination of one of these drugs - salvia.

Without pain and fear

11/28/2006 Comments: 6
Everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, is afraid of pain. The very thought of it makes us shudder. Even vaccinations at school seemed like a terrible ordeal to us. What can we say about serious illnesses that bring terrible suffering, or upcoming operations. Getting rid of pain in such cases becomes a top priority. At the same time, few people have a clear idea of ​​either anesthesia in general or narcosis in particular.

Street swearing will help police restore order

28.11.2006 Comments: 1
Many people who have visited Holland are convinced that it is the most democratic state in all of Europe. And, it must be said, not without reason

Czech society concerned about annual report on drug use in Europe

28.11.2006 Comments: 1
Czech society is concerned about the annual report on drug consumption in Europe, according to which the Czech Republic ranks among the leading countries in terms of the number of marijuana and ecstasy users.

Drugs are getting cheaper in the EU

27.11.2006 Comments: 2
In the EU countries, the cost of the main types of drugs has decreased over the past five years, RIA Novosti reports, citing the European Observatory on Drug Control. The prices of marijuana and cocaine have decreased by an average of €20 in the EU, and heroin and ecstasy by €50.

Cancer patients are forced to turn to drug dealers

21.11.2006 Comments: 4
In an open letter to Israel's Health Ministry, the daughter of an Israeli man who died of cancer asks why she was forced to turn to drug dealers despite her father's medical marijuana use permit.

The unregistered League for the Legalization of Hemp, which currently includes 15 people, can join the ranks of the Yabloko party.

21.11.2006 Comments: 3
Moreover, it should become the basis of a new party faction under the provisional name "non-conformist". It should unite extravagant social movements and groups that other politicians have not yet paid attention to.

Cherkesov for compulsory treatment of drug addicts

21.11.2006 Comments: 3
Has Russia managed to get out of the deadly drug nosedive it has been in since the early 1990s? Should "soft" drugs be allowed? Viktor Cherkesov, Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, answers these and other questions for NG.

Moscow clubs under supervision

11/20/2006 Comments: 2
Drug Enforcement Agency claims nightclubs could suffer damage comparable to summer alcohol shortages

How we saved our son from drugs

20.11.2006 Comments: 2
"Marijuana is offered in almost all Toronto schools, even private ones," says Russian immigrant

How we saved our son from drugs

20.11.2006 Comments: 3
"Marijuana is offered in almost all Toronto schools, even private ones," says Russian immigrant

Death at the wheel

16.11.2006 Comments: 4
Once on the Kyiv highway I came across a dashing group driving two black Volgas. The citizens were clearly under the influence and, gesturing cheerfully, shouted to each other: "A drunk driver is a criminal." Well, there is only a grain of truth in every joke.

Why Latvia is not Holland

16.11.2006 Comments: 1
Finding a needle in the haystack of the Western intellectual elite, i.e. a humanities scholar who sincerely sympathizes with Latvian national self-awareness, is very, very difficult. That makes the success of Latvijas Avize columnist Aija Cālitė, who published a lengthy – full-page – interview with Dutch sociolinguistics professor Ronald Reuderinh, all the more significant.

Chilean shaman

07.11.2006 Comments: 2
Compared to him, the favorite of the advanced Soviet intelligentsia, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, with his magical realism, is like diluted dry wine next to flaming alcohol.

Give me dreadlocks for luck, Bob...

06.11.2006 Comments: 4
That's not how they're late - that's how they're late. I spend a good half hour wandering around the metro lobby and scolding myself for my naivety: I had to arrange a meeting with a Rastaman at the Dynamo station!

Die from drugs at 16...

01.11.2006 Comments: 2
A photo exhibition called "Killer Drug" has opened in Pskov. Its characters are young people involved in illegal drug trafficking. The fates and ruined lives of young drug addicts have been tracked for many years by Swedish journalist and photographer Maria Sederberg. This exhibition has already visited a number of Russian regions, and began its march across the country last year.

Perfumers have introduced a fashion for "edible" fragrances

01.11.2006 Comments: 3
After the fragrance Angel was released in 1992, thanks to the efforts of the House of Thierry Mugler and perfumers Olivier Cresp and Yves de Chiris, and became a bestseller, it can be said that another category appeared in the perfume classification - gourmand perfumes ("edible" fragrances).

Drug addicts have no place in the club, says drug police

10/31/2006 Comments: 1
Drug enforcement officers of the Moscow Region are checking night clubs and entertainment centers of the Moscow Region to identify cases of drug trafficking and the presence of drug addicts in public places of leisure. The checks of night clubs were carried out as part of the "Night" operation, organized by employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Moscow Region.


27.10.2006 Comments: 1
A talented young artist of the Pacific Fleet Theater Ivan Garden (Kondrashov) hitchhiked from Moscow to Amsterdam, returned back and today shares his impressions

Special purpose bees

27.10.2006 Comments: 0
"Bees are the soldiers of the Pentagon" - this slogan appeared in American newspapers about five years ago and greatly interested scientists from all over the world. And a little earlier, not far from one of the local customs, an apiary with trained bees was set up.

In the free expanses of Holland

26.10.2006 Comments: 0
The trip to Holland was entrusted to my friend Anna, not Kevin, so we definitely won't be walking home! The tickets are bought, everyone is here. The club capital of the world - wait for us! In five hours I'll say "Hello!", not "Guten Tag" or "Bonjour".

Effects of Marijuana Use

10/25/2006 Comments: 2
BRAIN. Marijuana affects thinking skills, comprehension, abstract thinking, learning, and short-term memory. Depending on the potency of the drug and the susceptibility of the user, it can cause panic, anxiety, and toxic psychosis. Long-term use can lead to structural and functional changes.

Signs of Marijuana Use

25.10.2006 Comments: 0
Symptoms of Use: "Hard" or compulsive eating (marijuana disrupts the acidity of the stomach, causing all sorts of digestive upsets), bloodshot, red, slightly slanted eyes (the person may have difficulty keeping them open), "cotton mouth" (dry mouth), uncontrollable laughter, forgetfulness, temporary memory loss, extreme lethargy, slow motor skills, irregular bouts of paranoia (when severe intoxication occurs or when the person is unaware that marijuana is mixed with other drugs), hallucinations, laziness, lack of drive, dullness, a foul odor of sweat on the body, hair, and clothing, extreme changes in mood and behavior when the person is intoxicated.

Love, Meatballs and Marijuana

23.10.2006 Comments: 0
New York police veteran Anthony Chiofalo's impeccable record was threatened with an internal investigation when a blood test revealed he was using marijuana.


10/23/2006 Comments: 0
Over the past ten years, drug use in Russia has increased ninefold. Every year, 70,000 people die from them


10/23/2006 Comments: 0
Against the backdrop of all sorts of revolutions, from the Great October to the scientific and technical, one stands apart, although it is not often remembered. It was not accomplished by the hands of politicians or the bayonets of class antagonists. It did not "stain the native land with blood for a just cause" and did not lead to a revolution in the world of new technologies. Quietly walking barefoot, jingling a bell, weaving beads and leading to the spheres of nirvana, the flower revolution brought hippies into this world. And along with them, it changed the consciousness and worldview of subsequent generations.


23.10.2006 Comments: 0
DRUG ADVERTISING FOLLOWS US EVERY STEP. "Drugs may be a road to nowhere, but at least it's a picturesque road... After a working week I go out for fun, snort a gram of fen or take a pill - and the night is full of life."

Lawyers Advocate for Legalization of Marijuana

10/23/2006 Comments: 0
Marijuana lovers received unexpected support this week: the Justice Ministry's free legal aid service came out in favor of legalizing soft drugs, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reports.

"Stupidity" in the law

10/13/2006 Comments: 1
The state is trying to fight drug addiction, but LSD is widely available, cheap and completely legal

Who said that Amsterdam is cooler than Moscow for a drug addict? On the one hand, in the capital of Holland, the sale of soft drugs is permitted by law, but here you still can't order marijuana in a cafe. On the other hand, we have our own answer - LSD. All sorts of hallucinogens, relaxants, etc. Let us emphasize, not medical drugs, but precisely "dope". The ease with which you can get such a product is simply amazing. The cheapness is impressive. And most importantly - all this is completely legal!

Club culture is banned, or what the Federal Drug Control Service general saw in Amsterdam...

11.10.2006 Comments: 0
The press and the public continue to debate and discuss the scandal surrounding the confiscation by the Sverdlovsk Region Drug Control Department of copies of the books "Clubnaya Kultura" and "Kultura Vremya Apokalipsa" published by the local publishing houses "U-Faktoriya" and "Ultra Kultura". So far, the court's decisions are in favor of the book publishers, and Orthodox priests, together with the Drug Control Department, are resolutely against the distribution of such printed materials, calling them propaganda for drugs.

Americans will help dispossess drug dealers

09.26.2006 Comments: 0
Another international seminar on training employees of anti-drug units of law enforcement agencies and special services of Russia, organized on the initiative of the Drug Enforcement Agency of the US Department of Justice, has ended in Moscow. The seminar was devoted to issues of combating the legalization of drug proceeds, confiscation of property and funds obtained as a result of criminal activity related to drugs.

Drugs: Legalization or Brutal Suppression?

22.09.2006 Comments: 0
According to some doctors, drug addiction is an incurable disease. There is every reason to believe this point of view to be true. What can the state do here? World practice offers two ways for the healthy part of society to coexist with drug addicts: their legalization and the most brutal suppression. Usually, the example of Holland and China is cited here, where there are polar but working mechanisms.

Uncle Pasha's Treat

09.22.2006 Comments: 0
In 2005-2006, about a dozen drug dens were closed in the Tula region. This became possible, among other things, with the assistance of ordinary citizens who do not want to put up with the fact that “white death” is being sold nearby.

The kind of music he listens to is the kind of crap he eats

21.09.2006 Comments: 0
Music has always played its role in forming a certain ideological image of the use of certain types of drugs. Since ancient times, when drug rituals with the use of natural hallucinogens were necessarily performed to the rhythmic music of primitive percussion instruments, sound compositions to this day accompany drugs both in the literal sense (at "acid" parties, open-airs, etc.), and in the form of legends and myths associated with drugs.

The crane got into the habit of eating grandma's hemp...

09/15/2006 Comments: 0

Today, the hemp plant and its image are associated by most of us exclusively with drugs. Meanwhile, it is also a valuable agricultural crop. And a very ancient one. Its image is even on the coats of arms of some Russian cities, for example, in the Tula region.

Hieromonk Anatoly (Berestov) declares the deliberate drug addiction of Russians with the aim of destroying them as a nation

03.08.2006 Comments: 0

The head of the St. John of Kronstadt Center for Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts, Hieromonk Anatoly (Berestov), ​​called on the authorities to tighten control over the alcohol and tobacco market, Interfax reports.

Potted marijuana for sale...artificial!

03.08.2006 Comments: 0

An interesting way to enjoy marijuana without breaking the law and earn good money at the same time was invented by 51-year-old American Joseph White. According to the AP agency, the businessman created the company "New Image Plants", which quite successfully sells "artificial marijuana" in pots. The company's employees produce artificial marijuana bushes from silk and wood, outwardly they are no different from living cannabis bushes, but are not prosecuted by law.

Putin's links to the drug mafia

26.07.2006 Comments: 1
In the last issue of "Top Secret" we already mentioned a secret report by the German intelligence service BND, in which a group of Liechtenstein lawyers was suspected by the Austrian prosecutor's office of laundering money for the drug mafia and Russian organized crime. In fact, the German secret services prepared two reports, and one of them, dated April 1999, ended up in the hands of journalists, and even then it was abridged and with the names and companies' names redacted. And this was precisely the most interesting thing. However, the French newspaper "Le Monde" had the full text of the report.


07/26/2006 Comments: 2
President Putin's answer to a question about the legalization of marijuana during an Internet conference on July 6: "Now on the issue of legalizing so-called soft drugs, light drugs, including marijuana. Firstly, Russia is a party to international agreements according to which marijuana is one of those narcotics that are officially prohibited from distribution. And Russia will adhere to all of its international obligations. That is the first thing.

Marijuana will be identified by genes

23.05.2006 Comments: 0
A new method based on genetic analysis allows one to quickly and confidently distinguish marijuana from regular hemp, which contains almost no psychotropic substances.

JOE instead of JAH

05/19/2006 Comments: 0
The Cannabis March in Kyiv turned into a pleasant party in all respects. Instead of demanding the legalization of smoking marijuana, the organizers suggested fighting for a tolerant attitude of society towards drug addicts, sexual minorities, national patriots, etc. Why do honest Rastafarians need all this? This is in the material of RIA "Novy Region" observer Dmitry Belyansky.

How to Tell if Your Parents Are Using Drugs

16.05.2006 Comments: 2

All these anti-drug brochures and videos only protect children. But that's not fair!

When we hear stories about our parents who have started using drugs, it seems to us that it is somewhere far away and will never affect us personally. We believe that our parents are smart enough to resist fashion and the influence of street gangs. We are so busy with our own affairs that we do not notice their mysterious disappearances at night, their dull, darting eyes and incomprehensible mood swings. And even when we find a bag of marijuana in their room, we readily believe their confused explanations that they themselves do not use it, and it was just left by a friend for a while - let it lie, he said... Open your eyes and look around! Maybe trouble has already come to your home?

The life of a simple guy Mitya in short stories

05/17/2005 Comments: 5

What is the threat of hemp, or the story of several misunderstandings

05/13/2005 Comments: 4

Drugs kill people. But...

05/13/2005 Comments: 0

Why have people been using marijuana for so many centuries?

12.05.2005 Comments: 0

How does marijuana affect creativity?

19.04.2005 Comments: 0

Drug, attitude and environment

19.04.2005 Comments: 0

Crime and Punishment (a drug farce in two acts)

19.04.2005 Comments: 0

A History of Several Misunderstandings, or Harold Anslinger's Battle with Jazz

04/05/2005 Comments: 0

“And we dream about grass near the house,” or the story of several misunderstandings

04/05/2005 Comments: 0

Hemp (from the children's encyclopedia)

04/05/2005 Comments: 0

Classification of the plan

04/04/2005 Comments: 1

A life destroyed

04/04/2005 Comments: 0


03/23/2005 Comments: 3


17.03.2005 Comments: 2

How I played "weak link" (funny)

15.03.2005 Comments: 4


15.03.2005 Comments: 0

Rastafarianism vol.7

26.01.2005 Comments: 1

Rastafarianism vol.6

26.01.2005 Comments: 0
Symbolism of Rastafarianism

Rastafarianism vol.5

26.01.2005 Comments: 0
Marijuana - why smoke it?

Rastafarianism vol.4

26.01.2005 Comments: 0
The Vow of the Nazarenes

Rastafarianism vol.3

01/26/2005 Comments: 1
Prohibitions and features

Rastafarianism vol.2

01/26/2005 Comments: 0
JAH - who is he?

Rastafarianism vol.1

26.01.2005 Comments: 0

Dutch Dreams

26.01.2005 Comments: 1
A short trip to Amsterdam

Marijuana and Sex: A Classic Combination

01/26/2005 Comments: 0
Ancient followers of Tantra and modern researchers agree that grass and sex are two great and inseparable forces.

History of Hemp (Marijuana)

25.01.2005 Comments: 0

Arguments against drug legalization

25.01.2005 Comments: 0
In a number of European countries, one can hear urgent demands to legalize drugs. In some places, the movement for legalization is very well organized and has powerful financial resources at its disposal.

The Marijuana Legalization Debate

25.01.2005 Comments: 1
The question of whether certain drugs should be legalized has been resurfacing recently, with cannabis being the subject of the most debate.

Drugs in the Netherlands. Questions and Answers.

25.01.2005 Comments: 0
What are the special features of the Dutch drug policy?

Common Misconceptions About Marijuana Use

01/25/2005 Comments: 1
Many plants, including marijuana, are toxic.

Diary of a stoner

18.01.2005 Comments: 0
old, but cool %)

Marijuana and Music

30.12.2004 Comments: 0
In the 1930s, it was the signature drug of black musicians, and today it is the most widely used drug in all levels of society.

SEX and MARIJUANA - the most accessible way of SELF-EXPRESSION

12/30/2004 Comments: 0
A survey of 1,000 American teenagers aged 12 to 17 showed that the famous slogan of the seventies, “sex, drugs and rock and roll,” has not lost its relevance to this day.

Marijuana is the devil in you

29.12.2004 Comments: 4
Not always, but usually it all starts with marijuana...

Forbidden Grass

12/28/2004 Comments: 0
The apologists of this plant claim that 25,000 different products can be made from its leaves, fibers, seeds, and oil. From hemp fabric, paper, handbags, and tonic drinks to medicines and a drug called "marijuana." And until there was no alternative to hemp as a technical crop, the fight against smoking marijuana was waged, but very quietly and without much success.


27.12.2004 Comments: 2
A remake on the topic of smoking...
(c) Cj Bionic 2003


15.12.2004 Comments: 0
What Interpol writes about grass...


07/13/2004 Comments: 1


07/12/2004 Comments: 9

The Magic of Marijuana

08.07.2004 Comments: 4

Once upon a time, CFC was written about in the HACKER magazine

07/08/2004 Comments: 1

It smelled like summer (hydroponics trip)

07/07/2004 Comments: 11

Who will win the war on drugs?

07.07.2004 Comments: 1

Hemp for the curious

07/02/2004 Comments: 4

I hope this won't be useful to anyone

01.07.2004 Comments: 1

Forest forensics

07/01/2004 Comments: 1

How Gaiduk became a cop

01.07.2004 Comments: 0

Zigzags of fate

07/01/2004 Comments: 0

Constitution day

07/01/2004 Comments: 0

Driving & Cannabis

30.06.2004 Comments: 18

The higher you rise, the more painfully you fall

06/30/2004 Comments: 9

Apartment Twenty

06/28/2004 Comments: 1

Hashish under the rug

06/28/2004 Comments: 8

A very instructive story

06/28/2004 Comments: 2

Beavers and golden eagle

28.06.2004 Comments: 1

Green tea

28.06.2004 Comments: 1

I died

28.06.2004 Comments: 1


28.06.2004 Comments: 0

Conventions and thoughts, or the celebration of the first publication

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

Romance with ganjubas

28.06.2004 Comments: 1

Speed ​​of the Day, or Listen to Fet.

06/28/2004 Comments: 1

For hashish eaters

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

Revelations of Buddha Amitaba, or Nirvana for the Doubters (mj online)

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

Drink milk, children...

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

First stoner

06/28/2004 Comments: 2

About tasty and healthy

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

A typical MJ trip

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

Don't throw away old records

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

On the field

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

Mary Jane Strikes Back

06/28/2004 Comments: 1

Mary Jane and Ole Lukkoye

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

Muddy revelations

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

A lot of nonsense about nothing

28.06.2004 Comments: 1

My friend is a tapeworm

28.06.2004 Comments: 1

Mystical effects of MJ

06/28/2004 Comments: 1

Concert trip

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

Betrayal (the tragedy of one neuronaut)

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

Is cannabis a guarantee of health?

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

Dreams of a clearly oneiroid nature

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

Green wind

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

War trip report

06/28/2004 Comments: 1

Visual hallucination

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

It also happens

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

The Great Hemp Revolution

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

Grandma's MJ trip

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

The Battle of Bags (Polyethylene Consciousness)

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

Automobile Jah. My way.

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

MJ trip report No. 8 (bad milky trip)

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

MJ trip report No. 7 (milky-trip)

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

MJ trip report #2

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

MJ trip report No. 6 (milky-trip)

28.06.2004 Comments: 0

MJ trip report (Toilet scam)

06/28/2004 Comments: 0

Grass and the Internet

24.06.2004 Comments: 2

Gnomish talk

06/16/2004 Comments: 2
Author: HOST

Theses on Legalize

06/16/2004 Comments: 3
Author: Dmitry Gaiduk

Interview with Bob Marley

16.06.2004 Comments: 0
Bob Marley: "I-da-I'm the Nyabings - Farmers of Creation since the beginning of time" This interview was conducted with Bob Marley (Bob) in 1973 in Jamaica. Interviewer - Neville Willoughby (N.).

Rules of good manners :-)

16.06.2004 Comments: 1

"Money" and that's it!

16.06.2004 Comments: 0
Surveyor Kunst


16.06.2004 Comments: 1

Family: Cannabis

06/16/2004 Comments: 0

Total: 159 - Cannabis Seeds

» Sponsors

On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In chapter workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
