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London cannabis has become twenty times stronger in twenty years

20.02.2007 Marijuana used by Londoners in recent decades has begun to contain 10-20 times more of the active substance (tetrahydrocannabinol, THC), writes the British Daily Mail.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the average THC content in cannabis hovered around one percent. Tests of samples sold on the streets of London today have shown THC levels of between 8 and 11.4 percent. In fact, in 2006, the same lab that conducted this study reported finding marijuana for sale that contained more than 20 percent cannabinoid.

In the same 2006, Ilkeston resident David Wyler was sentenced to five years in prison for growing cannabis with a THC content of 29 percent in his home.

Such a significant increase in the concentration of the psychotropic substance became possible due to the transition from cultivating hemp in open ground to various methods of growing it "under the roof". In particular, hydroponic plant growing technologies underwent great development, and targeted selection work by producers of the prohibited product also played a significant role.

According to sociological research, 44 percent of UK residents aged 16 to 29 have smoked cannabis. Half of them had used marijuana less than a year before the survey.

In legal terms, cannabis in the UK is classified as a so-called Class C drug, similar to anabolic steroids or sleeping pills. Possession of marijuana is not usually a criminal offence, and the maximum sentence for trafficking small amounts of cannabis is three months.

British courts have recognised several cases in which smoking cannabis can have a negative impact on a person's behaviour. For example, teenager Luke Mitchell, who was accused of murdering a schoolgirl, was considered to be mentally unstable because he smoked the equivalent of 100 standard joints a day.


I'm from London! And I answer that the plan here is awesome....

how can you smoke 100 joints and still knock someone down? It should have been so runny there!!!!!!!!

just crap, and if it's liquid, then even if you smoke 1000 it won't do any good

Bullshit! Part of antiganja plan - stupid propoganda.


Total bullshit... The kid was 100% not right in the head and the pipe has nothing to do with it... For comparison, smoking a joint in the face will never pull you over! But half a bottle of vodka is just the opposite.

I'm sitting here, smoking a pipe, by the way, the hashish is fierce. What kind of SHIT people don't write. The article was written by a complete moron. Knowing the patterns frees you from knowing the facts. I'm sure this idiot drank coke with a hero, a teenager with dick. Aggression is relieved with cannabis. Well, and about the hundred????? joints, well, it's funny even to comment on that. The smoking people understood me, but the rest of you have an understanding ahead of you.

And here in Rostov, the grass has started to lose ground in terms of quality :( True, hydroponics sometimes helps out ;)

04/21/2007 <a href="">65bb52ff6dd86afb77dbd36d b0aa65a2</a> [url]http://65bb52ff6dd86afb77dbd36db0aa65a2-b1.k90u0h .info[/url] [url=]65bb52ff6dd86afb77dbd36db0aa65a2[/url] [u]http://65bb52ff6dd86afb77dbd36db0aa65a2-b3.k90u0[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

I will never believe that you can kill someone while stoned

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On the Cannabis Fun Club in Russia website you can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the gardening section you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. The workshop section describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
