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Alexander Mikhailov: Not all private drug treatment clinics are worth trusting

Head of the Department of Interdepartmental and Information Activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN), Lieutenant General Alexander
Mikhailov told INTERFAX observer Pavel Koryashkin about current problems in the fight against drug addiction.

The head of the Department of Interdepartmental and Information Activities of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN), Lieutenant General Alexander Mikhailov, told INTERFAX observer Pavel Koryashkin about current problems in the fight against drug addiction.

Aleksandr Georgievich, how do you assess the results of the Federal Drug Control Service's work in 2006? What are the main tasks facing the agency in the coming year?

- According to preliminary data, in 2006, FSKN officers confiscated more than 92 tons of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in criminal cases. A truly large quantity of drugs was confiscated from illegal circulation; the figures speak for themselves. As a result, drug prices increased in most regions, and in some regions a literal heroin "famine" began.

We will continue to not only actively combat drug trafficking, but also take broad preventive measures to steadily reduce demand. It is difficult to counteract demand, but it is still possible. The last year has shown that young people are starting to turn away from drugs. Although much here depends not only on law enforcement agencies, but also on regional authorities and public organizations.

If in the past the number of people registered with a diagnosis of drug addiction grew annually by 20-26%, then over the last three years this increase has amounted to only 0.05%. Doctors could object that in this case we are dealing with latent drug use, but, for example, in a number of Russian regions the number of drug addicts identified among those undergoing a medical examination for conscription into the army is decreasing.

There is another problem - the decrease in demand for drugs is compensated by an increase in alcohol consumption and the growth of alcoholism. Therefore, it is necessary to combat the use of all psychoactive substances and promote a healthy lifestyle.

What drugs currently predominate on the Russian "black market"?

- The list of drugs does not change significantly. Heroin and marijuana are still popular among drug addicts, but in recent years we have noted an increase in the share of synthetic drugs.

This is due to the increase in the number of foreign underground laboratories producing "synthetics" and the desire of young people to protect themselves from infections associated with intravenous drug use. Although, people are mistaken in believing that synthetic drugs are less dangerous than, for example, heroin.

Is there still a lot of Afghan heroin in Russia?

- More than 98% of the heroin on the Russian "black" market is from Afghanistan. And one of the key tasks is to block the transport flows through which heroin is supplied to Russia.

In Afghanistan, heroin production is constantly growing. Moreover, it is completely exported illegally. We regularly seize large quantities of heroin, but attempts to import this drug into our country are still very active.

There are calls to revive the practice of compulsory drug addiction treatment that existed in the USSR. Is the Federal Drug Control Service in favor?

- This is an initiative of the public rather than of law enforcement agencies. Both we and the State Duma receive a lot of requests from citizens who demand the introduction of compulsory treatment for drug addicts. The authors of the requests see this as a way to protect themselves and their children. After all, a drug addict draws others into his sphere of influence.

The issue of involuntary treatment for drug addiction is now being actively discussed. We emphasize the word "treatment". A full-fledged system of treatment should be created, not imprisonment or abuse of a person. There should be no return to the Soviet system. We should be talking about temporary isolation of a person from society for the normal process of treatment and rehabilitation.

It is possible to medically bring a drug addict out of remission quite quickly, but the goal of any treatment is to consolidate the patient's stable condition. Without a full-fledged rehabilitation system, no treatment will help.

Many private clinics and centers advertise themselves, promising recovery from drug addiction. Can they be trusted?

- Clinics and centers that have really high treatment results do not need loud advertising. And intrusive advertising of their methods indicates low efficiency.

Clinics that promise a 100% guarantee of treatment are probably misleading people. We closely monitor the work of such clinics, and I must say that many of them are based on inflated authority. Therefore, you can not trust all of them.


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