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How to Tell if Your Parents Are Using Drugs


All these anti-drug brochures and videos only protect children. But that's not fair!

When we hear stories about parents who have started using drugs, it seems to us that it is somewhere far away and will never affect us personally. We believe that our parents are smart enough to resist fashion and the influence of street gangs. We are so busy with our own affairs that we do not notice their mysterious disappearances at night, their dull, darting eyes and incomprehensible mood swings. And even when we find a bag of marijuana in their room, we readily believe their confused explanations that they themselves do not use it, and it was just left by a friend for a while - let it lie, he said... Open your eyes and look around! Maybe trouble has already come to your home?

Why Parents Use Drugs

Sometimes it is just curiosity - parents want to try in their old age what they were deprived of in their youth. Sometimes they take drugs, trying to look younger in front of their peers. But more often they just want to escape from the boring reality - work, pension, clinic, Internet and public transport. A harmful example for parents are their musical idols - jazz musicians, bluesmen and rockers of the sixties, who actively used drugs. Bad company can also play a special role - former classmates disappointed in life and retired people from the yard.

How can you help your parents?

Young people play an important role in preventing parental drug abuse.

1 Show attention to your parents, always find time to listen to them, ask about their lives, participate in their affairs, praise and encourage them.

2 Get to know their peer friends and their children.

3 Plan more activities that you can participate in as a family.

4 If it turns out that your parent is using drugs, don’t spare any effort or money for his or her treatment.

what kids should know about MARIJUANA

The active ingredient is psychedelic cannabinol, which is found in the leaves and flowers of hemp. Parents can try to grow hemp in the window - let them play around, in such lighting it will only be possible to weave a rope from the grown hemp. By the way, don’t bother them, and if they start smoking banana peels after learning from their peers about its narcotic properties, it’s just a good fairy tale.

Your parents may call it...
Weed, ganja, ganjubas, marijuana, hash, plan, schmal, dope, drape, dill, brooms.

How do parents feel?
They are doing well. Although sometimes they are thoughtful and timid, and they also have sudden attacks of hunger.

How do parents behave?
Slowness, rapid heartbeat, red eyes, laughing for no reason. Parents feel like a big warm blanket wrapped around their own brains. Although they understand only fragments of phrases from a conversation, they seem to them to be a concentrate of universal wisdom. When asked, “Are you okay?” they answer, “Me?! Okay?!” and start feeling themselves with a surprised smile. At about three in the morning they may decide that it’s time to re-tile the bathroom. Soon this impulse will pass, and only pieces of ceramic and cement will remain scattered around the apartment.

What does the drug look like?
It resembles dried parsley - a green mixture of dry broken leaves and inflorescences. It is smoked by stuffing it into a cigarette, using a pipe or a homemade hookah from a plastic bottle. Or - pouring it on foil, heating it from below and inhaling the vapors through a tube. Sooty pieces of foil, bottles cloudy from the inside, crumbled cigarettes - all this indicates that the parents do not smoke tobacco.

Signs of Parents Who Use Marijuana Regularly.
There is an authoritative opinion that this drug is absolutely harmless, and the data that marijuana gradually kills nerve cells is just a propaganda lie. However, a smoker really does become inhibited, absent-minded, unemotional over time, and can be easily identified in a crowd by his characteristic smile - moronic and frightened.

What Kids Should Know About LSD and Mushrooms

LSD is a powerful synthetic hallucinogen, the effective dose is only 20 millionths of a gram. But an overdose will not cause death, although a parent may have a serious mental disorder. Psilocybe mushrooms, tiny hallucinogenic toadstools that grow in damp grass in autumn fields in the Russian Federation, have a similar effect. In addition, the infamous chemist Alexander Shulgin synthesized several hundred hallucinogens and described them in the books TIHKAL and PIHKAL. Fortunately, these books were not published in Russia, and your parents will not see them.

Your parents may call it...
Acid, brand, square. Mushrooms are simply called: mushrooms or toadstools.

How do parents feel?
They are doing well. But they want to have a trip.

How do parents behave?
The effect of LSD lasts for 12 hours, its strength is individual. Mushrooms act for 4 hours. During this time you will not be able to sleep or eat - each slice of bread will become a wonderful conversationalist, and the idea of ​​​​cramming it into your mouth and chewing will seem monstrous. First, the wallpaper in the parents' room begins to move and wink, then the parents begin to see sounds and listen to colors, then they stare at their palms and ask you to show them yours, then they realize that they are the sun, and try to fly out the window to shine a little there.

What does the drug look like?
LSD is usually a soaked square of perforated paper 5 by 5 millimeters. And the mushrooms are stored dried - clearly visible caps with thin stems, or ground into a brown powder.

Signs of a parent who regularly uses hallucinogens.
Bul-Bul Ogly's CD is on repeat, and on the nightstand is a book called "Electro-Coolant Acid Test." The walls of the room are covered with phrases and posters of incomprehensible content. In their free time, they like to discuss the role of DJs in the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and are upset by the impossibility of expressing this thought in words.

what kids should know about COCAINE

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant, extracted from the coca plant. It grows only in the highlands of South America, which is why cocaine is the most expensive drug.

Your parents may call it...
Coke, coca, coconut, crack, first, powder

How do parents feel?
They are fine. They are in the very center of reality, but on guard.

How do parents behave?
They are sweating, their pupils are dilated, their jaws are clenched. The parents feel an extraordinary surge of energy, clarity of consciousness and self-confidence. They are delighted with their own lives, and are eager to share their ideas. They have come up with and drawn on a napkin a project for building a three-story swimming pool on their summer cottage and a monorail to the nearest metro station, and now they are running to the hardware store for shovels. In twenty minutes the effect of the cocaine will wear off, and they will return home exhausted, without shovels.

What does the drug look like?
White powder or crystals. Parents will rub it with the edge of a plastic card and inhale a trail through rolled up bills (if they are reasonably disgusted, sheets of notepad).

Signs of parents who regularly use cocaine.
Pale, nervous, exhausted, explode over trifles, are sometimes in a great mood, sometimes in the deepest depression. The main sign: they are showmen, bankers or simply well-off. Otherwise, where does so much money come from?

What Children Should Know About ECSTASY (MDMA)

This is a chemical drug, the effect is something between a stimulant and a hallucinogen. It lasts for 4 hours. Parents can readily use it for discos, parties, romantic dates and New Year's celebrations.

Your parents may call it...
X, I, tablets, XTC.

How do parents feel?
They feel good. They want to dance and share their love with the world.

What is your parents' parish?
Sleepiness and hunger disappear, energy appears (including twitching of muscles and jaws) and deep sympathy for others. They come up to you with a dancing gait and whisper enthusiastically: “Oh, my God, how I love you! What wonderful ears you have! Can I touch them? Can I? Wow!!! Don’t take them off, please!” In this state, they really love you very much! By the way, it’s not a fact that this feeling will disappear quickly.

What does the drug look like?
Drug manufacturers produce it in tablets, on which a symbol (dollar, duckling, star, cherry) is imprinted, allowing them to distinguish their product on the market.

Signs of a parent who regularly uses ecstasy.
He runs off to a party, comes back a day later, sleeps for three days straight and dreams of the party again. However, frequent use greatly dulls the effect.

what kids should know about HEROIN

Opiates (heroin, morphine, methadone, opium and poppy derivatives) are the most dangerous type of drugs. They are the ones that cause the famous "withdrawal", "needle addiction" and death from the slightest mistake in dosage. Compared to opiates, other drugs look like innocent pranks, so when they say "drug", they most often mean them.

Your parents may call it...
White, black, slow, gera, heroin, junk, hanka.

How do parents feel?
They are fine. But soon they will die.

How do parents behave?
Intoxication, calm, full orgasm. Heartbeat and breathing are slow, pupils are constricted to a point. Parents may vomit if they are not used to it, but they will also really, really like this process. Is it clear why opiates are called "bull high"?

What does the drug look like?
Powder from white to dark brown or resin-like substance. Also rolled up tubes for inhalation, syringes, cotton wool, spoons, smoked at the bottom.

Signs of a Parent Using Opiates.
Opiates destroy the limbic (emotional) system of the brain, as a result of which interest in the world, the ability to experience emotions, parental instinct, and conscience disappear. The sense of responsibility and decency ceases to bother - skipping work and stealing money from a child becomes a completely normal thing. A characteristic feature is chronic constipation (remember Vincent from "Pulp Fiction" - all his troubles happen when he goes to sit in the toilet). With a long absence of the drug - dilated pupils, anxiety, depression, withdrawal. Opiates cause psychological addiction, which is very difficult to cure - physical withdrawal can be relieved in a day, but psychological dependence will remain for many years: in Russia, 95% of already cured drug addicts return to opiates within the first five years. Parents can be sure that they will indulge and soon stop using the drug. And so it will happen, but before that they will die. Unless you help them.

What Children Should Know About KETAMINE

Ketamine (Calypsol) is a medical anesthetic that has a strong hallucinogenic effect, which alarms doctors and attracts drug addicts. The Ministry of Health would be happy to replace it, but other anesthetics are much more toxic. Drug addicts use ketamine in doses 5-10 times less than medical ones.

Your parents may call it...
K, Ket, vitamin K, Nastya.

How do parents feel?
They feel good. But they want to lie down.

How do parents behave?
They turned on mysterious music and lay motionless. They are not in our world now - their bodies are under anesthesia, and their souls have separated and are drifting through the vastness of the macrocosm in other dimensions. In half an hour the anesthesia will wear off, and perhaps they will make love on the threshold of reality and parallel spaces.

What does the drug look like?
It comes in vials for injections - the syringes will be lying next to the parents' bed. But sometimes it is vaporized and snorted or drunk, which is a mediocre translation of a rare product.

Signs of parents who regularly use ketamine.
They talk about how the molecule is a great guy, life after death exists, the world is brilliantly designed, and yesterday they gave the password and login to the Universe - too bad they couldn't remember it. They enthusiastically search for where to get the drug. If they find it in such quantities that they can use it regularly, ketamine stops working, the parents lose interest in it and get carried away with other things. But more often - with other drugs.

what kids should know about AMPHETAMINES

Your parents may call it...
Phenamine, fen, meth, speed, and also pervitin, screw, shirka.

How do parents feel?
They feel good. And they really want to be active.

How do parents behave?
They are active, excited, their minds are clear, their teeth are chattering and they are not hungry at all. They firmly decide to take a shower, but first they mix some cement and start laying tiles in the bathroom. By morning they will have laid them neatly - and not only in the bathroom, but throughout the entire apartment, including the walls and ceiling. Then the withdrawal will set in - oppression and depression. The parents will fall on the tiles and cry about a life wasted.

What does the drug look like?
White (yellowish, reddish) powder that is snorted or drunk. But your parents may well learn to “cook screw” (methamphetamine) from the drug “Solutan” and chemicals - red phosphorus, acetone, hydrochloric acid. They will consume this cocktail intravenously.

Signs of a parent who regularly uses stimulants.
Thinness, paleness, exhaustion, lack of sleep for several days, irritability, trembling and paranoia.


1) Paleness, weight loss, dark circles under the eyes.

2) Staying awake at unusual times of day, then sleeping for several days in a row.

3) Sudden mood changes: acute attacks of delight and activity, then depression and lethargy. Fit of rage and causeless tears.

4) Apathy, lack of interests - parents stop collecting stamps, buying bloodworms for winter fishing and planning renovations to the summer house veranda.

5) Most drugs are incompatible with alcohol. A particularly dangerous sign: drug addicts become indifferent to a festive feast and a healthy drink with their family.

6) New circle of acquaintances. Strange phone calls at any time of the day. The appearance of taciturn guests of unkempt appearance in the house.

7) Tremors, shaking limbs and head twitching. Parents may pass this off as Parkinson's disease. Don't fall for their deception.

8) Unexplained requests for money, cash disappearing from your pocket.

9) A persistent desire to wear long-sleeved T-shirts and shirts that cover the veins even in the heat. The appearance of the "Rescuer" balm on the nightstand: parents may claim that they are treating radiculitis, but don't believe them - they use it to treat punctured veins.

10) The appearance of suspicious (possibly already empty) bags, packages, spoons, bottles, twisted pieces of paper and foil in personal belongings. In the trash can and ashtray - flakes of cheap tobacco, crumbled from "Belomor".




21.04.2007 <a href="">6edb10308c0a92aad3da8dd768f76ea2</a>[/ url] [url=]6edb10308c0a92aad3da8dd768f76ea2[/url] [u] fo[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

Petya Pisunkov
tough =)) Boo-ha-ha

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