Cannabis Fun Club in Russia
Photo report from the concert of the group Jah Division on July 6, 2006 in the cafe "OZON" in Vladimir (~7mb)
[04/05/2005] Hemp (from the children's encyclopedia)

Long ago, the nomadic Scythians roamed the Black Sea steppes. All their simple belongings fit in a cart. When the horses ate the grass in the nearest meadow, the Scythians moved to a new place.

Now there are no traces of their presence in the Black Sea region. Only in ancient burial mounds do archaeologists dig up rare items made by Scythian craftsmen.

But in our fields a living monument of that distant time has been preserved." This is hemp. It came with the Scythians from Central Asia, having traveled thousands of kilometers. It was enough for a handful of seeds to get into the carts of the nomads for hemp to take root in a new place.

For a long time, no attention was paid to the alien plant. And it grew, like nettles, on garbage heaps. But its turn came to take its place on Russian fields.

What benefits did our distant ancestors find in hemp?

First of all, the tasty seeds. They were eaten as eagerly as sunflower seeds are cracked today. And even many centuries later, when Russian villages suffered from grain crop failures, the peasants fed themselves with hemp seeds.

Over time, they learned to squeeze greenish oil from the seeds. They cooked food with it. They also poured it into lamps that lit up the home. A hundred years ago, street lamps on Moscow streets were filled with hemp oil.

Now this plant has new professions. It has become a "soap maker" and "paint maker".

What is laundry soap made of? Mainly from hemp oil.

What do you dilute oil paints with? Drying oil. And it is also often prepared from the same oil.

Each of us has to deal with rope. Where does it come from? From a hemp field. Its stems have very strong fibers - the famous hemp. Ropes and cables are made from hemp.

When we have a leak in the pipes in our apartments, we call a plumber. He will unscrew the pipes, wind something on the threads and screw them back together. And the pipes stop leaking. This "something" is hemp - a tried and true assistant of the plumber.

Children's Encyclopedia • Russian Field


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