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Reading 12/24/2006

Drug testing may become mandatory for admission to higher education institutions

The program is hosted by Alexander Gostev. Radio Liberty correspondent Daria Zdravomyslova takes part.

Alexander Gostev: The statement by Education Minister Andrei Fursenko that drug testing may become mandatory for admission to higher education institutions had a great resonance in regional Russian universities. In many higher education institutions, drug testing has been in effect for several years on a voluntary basis. Representatives of institutes and universities from all over the Urals and neighboring regions came to Yekaterinburg for a conference to exchange this experience. Despite the objections of human rights activists, most rectors advocated that students be forced to take such tests. Radio Liberty correspondent in Yekaterinburg Daria Zdravomyslova reports.

Darya Zdravomyslova: The constant smell of marijuana in the hallways and syringes lying around in the toilets prompted the management of the Ural State Mining University to start testing students for drugs 5 years ago. During this time, 40 thousand students not only from the mining university, but also from other universities have passed through a special screening device. Many higher education institutions in Yekaterinburg have included testing in the mandatory medical examination. A student only needs to touch special sensors and the person's entire drug history for the past 11 months appears on the computer monitor, including operations under anesthesia. According to Vladimir Samarin, head of the addiction prevention department at the Ural Mining University, they are trying to solve the problem of drug use without resorting to expulsion.

Vladimir Samarin: Our goal is not to expel or offend anyone. To identify, conduct a preventive conversation, refer to a narcologist to confirm the diagnosis for consultation, and if necessary for treatment - this chain is already established, it works. Knowing that such control exists, any interest in drug use immediately disappears. Is this a violation of human rights or concern for the health of students? Of course, concern for health.

Darya Zdravomyslova: But if at the Ural Mining University the procedure for testing one person takes one and a half minutes, then at the Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering it takes several days. The university's vice-rector for extracurricular work Elena Vyalkova says that they decided to test students using test strips.

Elena Vyalkova: There is great indignation from those students who do not use, but were subjected to this, from their point of view, humiliating procedure. Each person goes to the toilet. Immediately collects urine in a cup, takes it to the office. Testing is done in front of him. At the same time, imagine how the students behave in the corridor, where they are overcrowded, where they push each other! Students stood in line with cups of urine!

Darya Zdravomyslova: The heads of many universities note that in order to introduce mandatory drug testing, it is necessary to create a legal framework. According to Viktor Valiullin, Vice-Rector for Extracurricular Activities at Kazan State Medical University, this is what students refer to when they refuse testing.

Viktor Valiullin: We identified those people who were already registered. And the rest still managed to either arrange some kind of substitutions, when there is a whole crowd of boys there. It is impossible to do anything with them. Our legislation does not allow us to punish them in any way. We tried to introduce mandatory university rights to get rid of drug-addicted students and the right of universities to conduct such testing. But a lawyer told us that this contradicts federal laws.

Darya Zdravomyslova: So far, testing in various cities of Russia is voluntary-compulsory, that is, you can refuse, but it is better to undergo. The head of the department for coordination of work on prevention and combating drug addiction of the Yekaterinburg administration, Sergei Shirshov, believes that evading testing is precisely a violation of the law.

Sergey Shirshov: According to federal law, drug use without a doctor's prescription is prohibited in the Russian Federation. There is administrative punishment and criminal punishment. Universities train specialists who will eventually become managers. They will manage the nuclear industry and, ultimately, treat people. The state has the right to protect its risk when training specialists. Therefore, testing should be done. Most likely, changes will be made to the Law "On the Powers of Local Authorities", which will include a line on delegating powers in preventive activities. This point should be spelled out in the university.

Darya Zdravomyslova: Ural human rights activists have a different opinion. The introduction of mass testing may entail the restriction of other rights and freedoms, believes Vladimir Popov, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Human Rights Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region. As he said in an interview with the Regnum agency, "all sorts of total inspections, purges, and so on simplify the situation." Vladimir Popov cited the experience of "prohibition" as an example. In both Russia and America, the ban led to the opposite effect. And while officials are developing possible options for a student testing program, universities are already looking at future applicants. The Ural Mining University has already conducted experimental testing of high school students.

incognita - [01/27/2007 - 13:19]
Luckily, I'm already finishing university!

It's true that I heard that employers also want to conduct checks on their employees...

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