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Cannabis is for deputies, and methadone is for the people!


Or how Ryzhkov, on behalf of the State Duma, defends the chemists from Sofeks

How Russian State Duma deputies promote drug legalization in their free time.

Under this “slogan,” a press conference was recently held at the Interfax Agency, dedicated to the so-called “chemists’ case” – the initiation and investigation of a criminal case related to the illegal trade by entrepreneurs from the Moscow firm “Sofex” of a potent drug – diethyl ether, which in some cases is used as an ingredient for the production of synthetic drugs.

The journalists were addressed by the CEO of the company "Sofex" Alexey Protsky, the lawyer of the accused Evgeny Chernousov, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ryzhkov, the human rights activist Lev Ponomarev, the doctor of chemical sciences Lev Fedorov, and also the commercial director of the company "Capital-Khim" Andrey Kuznetsov. The commercial director of "Sofex" Yana Yakovleva was also present in the hall, however, she preferred to be among the invitees and not to answer questions from the press, i.e., as they say, without comment.

Homeless support group

Opposite the entrance to Interfax, the journalists were met by a group of colorful guys, young and not so old, worn out by life and alcohol, who were holding posters with slogans calling for the legalization of “soft” drugs - hemp and marijuana. To everyone passing by, gloomy demonstrators with a wry smile were handed a colorfully printed leaflet from the “League for the Legalization of Cannabis.” It is clear that this in no way added to the sympathy of others for the organizers of the action, which, without a doubt, was timed to coincide with the press conference. Moreover, it seemed very doubtful that the defenders of the “chemists” did not know this and did not in some way contribute to the holding of the mini-rally - at least in terms of information support.

There were not many people in the hall itself, just over twenty. Apparently, only representatives of the “correct” publications were invited to the event – ​​that is, those that presented only the point of view of “Sofex” on their pages. We were lucky enough to be among the “chosen ones” and, frankly speaking, the speakers’ speeches were a revelation to us in a sense. It is clear that before attending this press conference, we thoroughly familiarized ourselves with the information available on the case – both from the defense of the aforementioned “chemists” and their main opponents – the Moscow Drug Control Department. Of course, there are still many uncertainties in this case – starting with whether the ill-fated diethyl ether is a potent drug and actually a precursor – a substance that can be used in the manufacture of drugs. And, accordingly, whether a special permit is required for its circulation on the territory of Russia or not. According to the drug control officers, such a permit, or rather a license, is required. And not just one, but a whole package of permitting documents, including the go-ahead from Rostekhnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Perovsky Court is the most humane court in the world!

In order to clarify (or rather, to confuse) the situation, Alexey Protsky spoke at the press conference, reading a lecture to those gathered from a piece of paper on the topic: "How to trade in narcotic raw materials without realizing that they are such." According to the CEO of "Sofex," the company had been working for several years without any licenses, and up until a certain point, everything was fine. And that moment, as the CEO of the trading and purchasing company told journalists, came in 2004, when the head of the Service for Control of Legal Drug Circulation (SKLON FSSN in Moscow) Ivan Elisavetchenko and his deputy, Mr. Fomin, showed up at the company's management. These people allegedly offered the company "Sofex" to obtain all the necessary licenses and sell diethyl ether together. At the same time, the SKLON employees, they say, were engaged in outright extortion, almost openly demanding envelopes with cash. And to top it all off, they even offered the company's management participation in some dubious project that reeked of crime a mile away. "Sofex", naturally, refused the "profitable" cooperation, which earned them enemies in the drug control for the rest of their lives.

Well, that happens too. But, nevertheless, when asked by a journalist why the management of Sofeks did not immediately file a corresponding application with the prosecutor's office or the drug control agency's internal security service, Protsky replied that at that time they allegedly considered it impossible for themselves "to engage in operational activities" (!), and therefore did not file any application for the clearly illegal actions of police officials. But they are preparing to do so in the near future... A bit late, however, and the explanation itself sounds somewhat unconvincing, don't you agree? Now, according to Lev Ponomarev, the problem has grown into a state one. However, here the human rights activist did not fail to thank the Perovsky Court, almost with tears in his eyes. "Yakovleva and Protsky were illegally arrested. Then it turned out that the case had no legal basis, and the court returned the case back. This shows that a criminal case was hastily fabricated, people were hastily arrested so that they could not defend themselves. And although we know that our court is not always objective and can be pressured, in this case we are grateful to the judge who sent this case back."

By the way, for the sake of objectivity, we will add that the judge returned the case absolutely so that the investigation would disclose in more detail some episodes of the case in the indictment, that’s all. This is a harsh reality that Sofax’s defenders are trying in vain to hide by hook or by crook. In addition, Ponomarev complained in his speech that all participants in the notorious “chemists’ case” are being monitored, they are under pressure and are constantly intimidated. Which is completely in vain, since, according to Lev Fedorov, “Russia has nothing to do with the production of drugs in Afghanistan, raw cocaine, which requires diethyl ether, is not produced in our country, and the Federal Drug Control Service is chasing after unfortunate entrepreneurs selling household solvent, instead in order to catch real criminals and monitor the trafficking of real drugs.” Although, what does Afghanistan have to do with its raw opium, if the accusation directly refers to the use of ether supplied by Sofex for the production of the synthetic drug methadone in Russia - even moreover, in the near Moscow region?

A chicken is not a bird, a solvent is not a precursor

However, it is precisely this statement by the highly respected chemist Fedorov that makes one wonder - do all the facts presented have an evidentiary base, and if so, does it not contradict itself? Let's start with drug production in Afghanistan. In principle, it is no secret to anyone that raw materials for drug production are trafficked through Russia. How then can one agree with Lev Fedorov's opinion that the Russian Federation has nothing to do with the production of Afghan drugs? After all, that very diethyl ether obtained by the Sofeks company from France and used by Moscow region craftsmen to synthesize methadone was supplied, as human rights activists Yakovleva and Protsky claim, exclusively for technical purposes and only to industrial enterprises. However, where is the guarantee that these were precisely the aforementioned industrial enterprises, and not underground drug production organizations, such as, for example, the laboratory of Mr. Shulikov, convicted of producing that very methadone? One noun was constantly heard from the lips of the conference participants - SOLVENT. They say that all the reports of the Federal Drug Control Service are full of cases involving chemical substances, and only slightly touch upon the sphere of drugs. Apparently, what was meant here was that drug control does not control what it should control. As a very dubious proof of their words, the speakers cited data from reports on work done to the UN, that many countries find potent drugs by the ton, fight criminal organizations, etc., while in Russia the Federal Drug Control Service is chasing solvent, and in this way tries to make up for the missing percentage in detection...

But isn't stopping the activities of a large company selling tons of diethyl ether, which is on the list of precursors and is a potent substance that requires a special license to trade, detection? Is stopping the illegal circulation of a substance that can be used to make a serious drug not control? According to ardent defenders of Sofeks, no.

The more you delve into the “chemists’ case,” the more clearly you understand that the flared passions between the Moscow drug control and the ardent defenders of the Sofax management are simply bound to end up on the pages of some detective novel. By the way, popular authors write unforgivably little about the fight against white death, which is why “among the people” the image of a fighter against global drug trafficking is not at all popular. And it's very scary. Especially in today’s close to combat situation with drug addiction in Russia. Why not, for example, the popular actor Alexei A. Petrukhin, and more recently also the writer who published the bestseller “Time of Anger” (in the first version “Thoughts out loud, or the carousel effect”) precisely on the topic of the fight against drugs and similar situation, and we got a complete understanding of this problem after reading, should we not use the plot of the “chemists’ case” in our next book? Maybe after such a frank affair, some people will finally get rid of the illusion of sympathy for the “innocent victims of the tyranny of the Federal Drug Control Service”?

30 thousand… pieces of silver

Deputy Vladimir Ryzhkov, who is preparing letters and requests to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, the head of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev, about disbanding the Federal Drug Control Service, foaming at the mouth, yes, foaming at the mouth, tried to prove to those present that the "chemists' case" was fabricated, that there is not a single (!) charge that proves the guilt of Protsky and Yakovleva. Also, apparently on the eve of the election race, the State Duma deputy passionately spoke about how he is against drugs, especially since "in the context of this case there is no talk about drugs." An interesting statement, especially considering that Vladimir Ryzhkov's sharply negative attitude towards drugs is probably once again confirmed by the homeless-looking people standing at the entrance to Interfax with slogans about the legalization of the deadly potion. In addition, to a very reasonable question from a journalist about whether his participation in this case tarnishes Vladimir Ryzhkov's reputation, the deputy replied that, supposedly, a huge amount of slander is directed at him every day, he is used to it and is not afraid. What can I say? This is a disease, Mr. Ryzhkov! And besides, according to him, THE MOST OF THE STATE DUMA DEPUTIES AGREE WITH HIM!!! That is, Ryzhkov acted as an envoy of the Duma, so he stated, and did not even refute his indirect involvement in organizing the mini-rally, which once again proves the brazen confidence of the supporters of the "chemists" and others like them in their complete impunity!

Meanwhile, the press conference continued to go on as usual, and it became more and more interesting. For example, the lawyer of the accused, Evgeny Chernousov, proudly told those around him about his outstanding biography and that few of the generals of the Federal Drug Control Service can boast of such important events in their lives as being awarded the medals "In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow" and "200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia". However, for some reason he forgot to mention that, according to the information we have, he paid "interested parties" about 30 thousand dollars to bribe officials in the prosecutor's office - so that the criminal case against the heads of the Sofeks company would end up in the hands of a familiar investigator and would safely sink into oblivion. He often likes to repeat this phrase in his circles, but for an understandable reason he did not announce the round figure in front of journalists. And in general, Chernousov is a separate conversation, and in the next issue we will tell about the true face of the lawyer.

P.S.: In general, based on the results of the press conference, two conclusions suggest themselves - either this event was designed for simpletons with a childish level of mental development, or the respected opponents of drug control themselves do not understand that with such illogical statements they are only worsening an already difficult situation.

And therefore, it is safe to say that the organized briefing failed miserably, since the effect was the exact opposite of what was expected. And instead of winning the public over, Sofeks and the company only turned people against. Because no sane person, much less a father or mother, will defend drug dealers or drug components, and, moreover, will not vote for a politician who advocates the legalization of drugs!

Source: "Vsluh"


Doctor Faust
Water is used to produce drugs... which means its distribution MUST be controlled!=) In fact, diethyl ether can be synthesized at home - concentrated sulfuric acid and ethyl alcohol.
Mix, but do not shake=)))
Just be careful! Ether is very volatile and its vapors are explosive! You need a good refrigerator...

I wonder if a person prepares diethyl ether at home, say, for recreational purposes, will the Federal Drug Control Service, having learned about this, also try to prosecute him for the production of precursors?

The Federal Drug Control Service are assholes who fight against everything except those who distribute hard drugs, since the latter are difficult to fight, and we are not used to taking difficult paths.

Damn, it's really a bummer!!!! what is the state trying to achieve???????????????? The outcome of their work is known in advance: all marijuana sellers have been imprisoned for life, and the government intends to catch at least one heroin seller in 2368.

I couldn't finish reading it...
But I agree with the statement that "the Federal Drug Control Service are goats"

05/13/2007 <a href="">2d1af90b8749293c86c8353995bd7c22</ a> [url][/ url] [url=]2d1af90b8749293c86c8353995bd7c22[/url] [u]http://2d1af90b8749293c86c8353995bd7c22-b3[/u] 365cb308b82acfc7fe6dc43d1469d62d

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