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The vast majority of the most popular films of the last 20 years are dangerous to health


We are talking about the propaganda of unsafe sex and drugs that permeates modern films; at least, this is what a study published in the journal of the British Royal Society of Medicine claims (extensive quotes from this report were reprinted by the British newspaper The Independent). The heroes of such popular films as Basic Instinct, American Pie and the James Bond films repeatedly engage in sexual intercourse with different partners, without offering the viewer the slightest hint that they care about safe sex, preventing unwanted pregnancy, and so on. Of the 200 highest-grossing films of recent times, only one single work featured a condom. Given the enormous success of such films and their influence, especially on the immature minds of young people, one can assume that they seriously undermine any propaganda campaigns to protect health and combat the spread of AIDS. The authors of the study draw public attention to the fact that, in addition to all of the above, modern films tend to make fun of things such as monogamy and sexual abstinence.

Drugs also figure prominently in cinema. Eight percent of films studied by the Royal Society of Medicine contained scenes of marijuana smoking - and all of the scenes were positive, or at best neutral.

There are also some problems with alcohol and smoking on screen, but here the laws of the market are already at work - often the appearance of a particular brand of cigarettes or booze in the frame is dictated by considerations of hidden advertising. As for "dangerous sex", of course, no one pays extra to show it in films to major studios. But it is difficult to imagine that the sharks of the film business will agree to revise the scripts of box-office films for the sake of exclusively ethical considerations. In addition, there is a serious gap in the research of supporters of a healthy filming style. Of course, it is difficult to imagine James Bond putting on a condom right on the screen (this does not correspond to the image of a macho spy, and one can even end up with accusations of pornography). But no one prevents us from assuming that all the Bond girls have managed to take the necessary measures against unwanted pregnancy - they just do not show us this on screen.

It is interesting that researchers have completely ignored the problem of propaganda of physical violence, while today it is rare that a box office hit film, not excluding even harmless "family movies", does without mutilation of its heroes (and in comedies, as a rule, the victims are adults, and their tormentors are children). A fan of action films, especially if he has been watching them since childhood, develops an absolute certainty that if a person is hit ten times with his head against a central heating radiator, nothing terrible will happen to him. The application of such beliefs in everyday life is sometimes more dangerous than refusing to use condoms.


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21.04.2007 <a href="">e57db03ea3ce6f29552ae749282ccf80</a> [ url][/ url] [url=]e57db03ea3ce6f29552ae749282ccf80[/url] [u]http://e57db03ea3ce6f29552ae749282ccf80-b3.k90u0[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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