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About hemp, poppy and children's recreation

On the International Day against Drugs, a meeting of the city interdepartmental commission on combating drug abuse and combating drugs was held. The meeting was chaired by the Head of the city of Kurgan Anatoly Yelchaninov.
The meeting began with summing up the results of the 1st and 2nd stages of the complex operational and preventive operation "Poppy-2007", which is being conducted to suppress the illegal turnover of narcotic drugs of plant origin. Law enforcement officers, with the assistance of the city's public utilities, continued their work to identify and eliminate hemp within the city limits. A number of working meetings were held with the chairmen of the DSK and the chairmen of street committees on the issue of the inadmissibility of growing narcotic crops and wild narcotic-containing plants on homestead and summer cottage plots.
During the operation, the internal affairs agencies in the field of combating drug crimes identified 45 crimes related to illegal drug trafficking, 42 citizens were brought to administrative responsibility, including 15 people for illegal storage of narcotic drugs of plant origin. The sale of food poppy seeds in the retail network remains under the special attention of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Kurgan Region, employees of the Territorial Authority of Rospotrebnadzor for the Kurgan Region and the Internal Affairs Department of the city of Kurgan. During the operational actions of law enforcement agencies and the relevant examination of one of the batches of poppy seeds, it was established that the plant particles of the seized sample are a narcotic drug - poppy straw.
The head of the city, Anatoly Yelchaninov, pointed out the need to strengthen interdepartmental cooperation and proposed persistently using all possible levers to prohibit the trade of such goods.
The commission examined the results of the work of the public safety police to identify violations in terms of the sale of alcohol and tobacco products to minors and the results of graduation parties in city schools.
The coming summer is the time of the biggest school holidays. Effective activity and cohesion of all subjects of the prevention system remains necessary today. Organizing employment for children and youth, providing them with leisure time, and developing positive psychological attitudes will help counter the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs. Therefore, one of the discussion issues on the meeting agenda was the issue of organizing and conducting preventive work among teenagers and youth during the summer in cultural and leisure centers of the city, in educational institutions and at places of residence.

Kurgan News


Let's legalize!
Elchaninof asshole!

I fucked the cops in the ass!


Chaky Milk
Holy shit, the ratio of crimes committed under the influence of vodka to under the influence of weed = 99 to 1

Yelchaninoff is a faggot, all are bitches, Marley is alive!
poppy finally crap let them die who shyryaets
by the way I'm from Kurgan we are forever loving JAH!!!

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