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Selling means advertising

Current Russian legislation severely punishes those who, in one form or another, promote the use of drugs and the prohibited substances themselves. But it turns out that it is not at all necessary to directly advertise what is scientifically called Cannabis.

The prosecutor's office of the Moskovsky district of the city, as part of constant supervision over the implementation of legislation in the field of combating drug trafficking, inspected stores in order to find those who promote narcotic drugs and popularize the lifestyle of people involved in drug use. Surprisingly: in the entire region, only one violator was found - on the shelves of the IP Baranova N.M. store. Employees of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs, who also participated in the raid, found “souvenirs, T-shirts with the image of marijuana.” I wonder what should be depicted on them? It is known that the specific leaf that is most often depicted is a plant called Cannabis, but marijuana is a product of processing these same leaves. However, despite the wording, the store was ordered to correct the violations. And the individual entrepreneur “Baranova N.M.” will most likely have to answer to the fullest extent of the law and pay a fine. For such a case, under Article 6.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the punishment in rubles is “from four to five thousand rubles with or without confiscation of advertising products and equipment used for their production, or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days with confiscation of advertising products and equipment, used for its manufacture, or without it.”
However, a quick inspection of the shops and stalls in the Sadovaya area allowed the Fontanka correspondent to doubt that only a few were selling prohibited products. Many souvenir shops quietly offered badges, T-shirts, earrings, pendants and bags with forbidden images. A choice for every taste. The sellers were somewhat surprised that journalists were interested in just such an assortment, but a moment later they clarified with some doubt: “Are you talking about propaganda? - We're okay. It’s just lying there, not even in the most visible place.”

And against the backdrop of this abundance, the message about the “covered propagandist” - the Baranova state of emergency - looks somewhat ostentatious.
Let us recall that two St. Petersburg publications received warnings from Rosokhrankultura “about the inadmissibility of propaganda of narcotic drugs through the media.” The State Drug Control Service asked the agency to check whether the newspapers Metro and Nevskoe Vremya really promote prohibited substances. A March publication in Nevsky Vremya, which discussed the question of whether drugs that are only psychologically addictive should be banned, and an article in Metro, were eventually found to be in violation of the law.

Experts say that it is extremely difficult to catch violators - even youth publications that actively exploit the weaknesses and interests of the younger generation are very difficult to catch for propaganda. There are no clear enough formulations of what is considered propaganda and what is not. A story about how it was for a poorly known musician after he “arrived”, but he wrote a couple more hits - what is this? Even linguistic expertise will not always give a categorical answer.

Fontanka reminds all its readers that any drug is evil.

Ksenia Poteeva,


Good bastard
Drugs are evil!
The grass rules.

you try everything first and then say what is evil and what is not evil!!!!!

They don't give a fuck about trying, they drink liters of vodka, they don't give a fuck. Vodka doesn’t harm people, after all.

The most powerful addictive drug, nicotine, is found in cigarettes.

A highly toxic depressant, alcohol, which also causes powerful psychological and significant physiological dependence, is capable of distorting perception and changing the emotional background, often in a negative direction due to its depressive properties.

Ganja is not addictive, ganja is not depressive, ganja is relatively much less toxic, ganja does NOT make you want to take stronger drugs, on the contrary, many drug addicts use it as a means of alleviating the "withdrawal syndrome".
The number of drug addicts in Holland, according to official statistics, not only has not increased, but has actually decreased since the decriminalization of ganja.

Oh yes, I'm doing propaganda here!
But the nearest tent with more harmful alcohol and cigarettes is not.
Wake up people.

Chaky Milk
Tough... Bob was right...

the law is nothing more than a mussar corral...

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