Cannabis Fun Club in Russia

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Reading 27.11.2006

Drugs are getting cheaper in the EU

In the EU countries, the cost of the main types of drugs has decreased over the past five years, RIA Novosti reports, citing the European Observatory on Drug Control. The prices of marijuana and cocaine have decreased by an average of €20 in the EU, and heroin and ecstasy by €50.

According to the study, the lowest price for cocaine today is in the UK – an average of €40.8 per gram. In other countries, drug dealers charge up to €100 or more. The cheapest heroin in the EU is sold in Belgium – at an average price of €31 per gram.

According to the European Observatory on Drug Control, 10 million EU residents (3% of the adult population) have used cocaine at least once, which is the most popular drug in Europe after marijuana.


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