Cannabis Fun Club in Russia
Photo report from the concert of the group Jah Division on July 6, 2006 in the cafe "OZON" in Vladimir (~7mb)
[12.05.2005] Why have people been using marijuana for so many centuries?

The answer to this question is complex, and each researcher answers it in his own way,

No matter how happily a person's earthly life develops, in the depths of the human spirit, especially in the secret places of the human heart, there is always a sense of abnormality in the life process, its incorrect course and development. A person senses this abnormality in his own life, and senses it in all the surrounding existence. He feels that something is missing in life, that life should proceed completely differently. The sense of abnormality in life, internal dissatisfaction with the existing situation is a general psychological feature of all mankind.

It is a constant tormenting riddle for a person and causes an instinctive desire to solve it, to find out the reason for the abnormality of life and to find a way out to a normal life. It is a constant instinctive search for the truth of life of a person who is dissatisfied with his current situation. People are eternally dissatisfied with the present, eternally thirst for new living conditions, always hope for a better future. At times a person seems to forget himself, he experiences bliss, he gives himself over entirely to moments of joy and happiness. He is carried away by his life and does not find anything more beautiful than it. But the moment of joy passes, and life again forges the shackles of inner heaviness and problems for the one whom it has just spoiled with joy.

Moral evil, physical evil, evil in all its forms is encountered on the path of man. It poisons his most innocent happiness and involuntarily makes him dream of other worlds, other lands, new, ideal conditions of life and existence.

The fact of general mental dissatisfaction, occupying a central place in human life, plays an important role in the history of the human race.

It turns out that this feeling is absolutely necessary for all of humanity and for each individual person.

If a person experiences only joy and constantly feels that everything in his existence is good and right, he loses the desire not only to change anything in his life and the life of society, he loses the motive for any action at all, he freezes in immobility.

In order for a person to act, he must have a motive. This motive can generally be expressed in the words: "in me (in society) something is not as it should be" or "in me (in society) something is missing...". The motive for action always appears due to a person's dissatisfaction with his previous state.

Christianity considered the eternal human feeling of incompleteness of existence to be a consequence of original sin. It is precisely this anxiety dormant in the depths of the psyche of every person, the understanding of one's sinfulness, separation from God, the understanding of the inexpressible wrongness of one's life that forced people to make revolutions and great discoveries, to leave the world for monasteries and perform spiritual feats.

Ultimately, this feeling forced man to create, to try again and again to repeat the main act of God - the creation of the world.

Man is endlessly trying to create another, better world: on the planet, in his own family, or at least in a written book, a painted picture... And he always fails.

Sometimes a "loser", in order to "cure" himself effortlessly from the feeling of dissatisfaction, begins to take drugs - a medicine from God and fate.

It would seem like such a simple path, but Satan hides in simple solutions to complex problems.

Remember how accurately Vysotsky sang:

"No, neither the church nor the pub,
Everything is not sacred now.
No, guys, it's not like that,
Everything is not as it should be..."

Vladimir Semenovich tried to treat this pain with both vodka and marijuana. His fate is known to every resident of our country...

One could write a whole philosophical treatise or psychological study about the feeling of dissatisfaction. One thing is absolutely clear - it is the feeling of God's presence inside one's own soul, the feeling that someone inside us knows what is right and what is wrong in human actions and thoughts, that we call conscience. When a person commits a wrong act, makes a decision that does not correspond to the inner purpose of a person, which rejects his own "inner voice", his soul begins to hurt. Something inside him knows exactly what a person can allow himself and what he cannot. A person calls this pain differently: sometimes anxiety, sometimes depression, sometimes loneliness.

In ancient times, doctors did not treat such suffering of the human soul. Religion was their healer. Even in pagan cults it was recognized that not every person is given the opportunity to purify himself and become a priest. But even in a sinful world, everyone’s soul hurts...

The treatment of the feeling of meaninglessness of life and the pain of conscience has long been practiced in many countries around the world.

In Ancient Greece, they were treated during mysteries. Mysteries were secret religious rites, in which only initiates were allowed to participate. Later, in medieval Western Europe, mysteries were called poetry plays performed in squares during religious festive celebrations.

In ancient India they were treated during collective vigils, concentrated collective reflections - "arkchpo" meditations.

In ancient China, they were treated with Taoist "conversations." Taoism is an ancient Chinese religion that points the way to finding and achieving eternal happiness.

Every ancient religion and culture knew its own ritual aimed at helping an ordinary person to know himself and understand his special role in the fate of the Universe.

The priests of almost all ancient cultures used their "secret plants" in these rituals. The grapevine was once one of them. In all Eastern cultures, marijuana was one of these plants.

However, and this is very important to understand, the "secret plants" were only
assistants of pagan priests, and not the main part of the ritual. Marijuana allowed priests to more easily tune a person to the "sacred wave", and did not replace the sacred rite. Today we can assume that it helped to induce specific mental states, making it easier for priests to conduct mass mysteries.

The fact is that there are feelings that a person participating in a religious ceremony - a sacred ritual - necessarily experiences, regardless of what religion he belongs to. These feelings have been described in detail over the centuries by psychologists and mystics.

The first of these sensations is the feeling of a special sacred time.

Time for the participant of the ritual seems to stop, freeze, cease its running. Here, in the temple, it seems to be absent. Time here is the same as it was a hundred, a thousand, and two thousand years ago. And if you have not participated in the mystery for many years, then, returning to the temple, you will again find yourself as if in the same moment, as if the years flew by somewhere in another dimension. This feeling was brilliantly described by the famous philosopher and historian of religion Mircea Eliade.

The second feeling is the unusualness of the surroundings.

During the mystery, even the most ordinary objects: a staff, a cup, clothing, furniture, located in a temple or sacred space, become unusual. They change, live a separate, independent, mysterious life. Ordinary objects acquire a symbolic, signifying meaning. The space itself becomes alive and full of mystery...

If you carefully read Théophile Gautier’s description, then you probably already realized that these sensations are characteristic of a mild form of intoxication with cannabis products. It was in order to evoke and deepen sensations of this kind that hemp was used in pagan religious cults.

“How great!” you say. “So, you can use cannabis instead of religious ecstasy, it means you don’t have to understand yourself, don’t go to church, and all this will be replaced by one “joint”?”

No, dear reader, it is not so. That is why the Vedas, the mysteries of Dionysus, the Chinese sages, Avicenna and sought to keep secret the use of cannabis for healing the soul.

During mysteries and sacraments, marijuana created only the form, the background, the outer shell of spiritual states. It only facilitated the entry of a newcomer into a mystical experience. Then the person was led and controlled by an initiated priest, who was responsible for the participant in the mystery correctly perceiving the meaning of his feelings. Marijuana did not replace the mystery, it only helped to enter the necessary state and join it.

That is why the initiates were afraid of the knowledge about marijuana going beyond the temple walls. They were afraid of the separation of form from content, the separation of sensation from its spiritual, religious meaning...

And so it happened. Once marijuana left the pagan temples, it lost its meaning. It ceased to be a source of knowledge of the sacred and mystical mysteries of the human soul.

The intoxication remained, but its spiritual meaning was lost over the centuries.

Only caricatured echoes of the sacred role of marijuana in the ancient world can be seen in the tendency of smokers to gather in groups - companies - to use marijuana. Some groups look for an "experienced" drug user who would play the role of a "guide", directing the collective "high". Such a person is sometimes called a "witch", almost like an ancient priest.

There were especially many attempts to return marijuana to the role of a "sacred plant" in America in the 60s and 70s during the hippie youth movement. They also tried to comprehend something with the help of marijuana and newly-minted "gurus", but they never managed to understand what it really was.

But we have been a little distracted by the description of the ritual role of marijuana, as if forgetting about the most important thing: the pagan religious ritual and marijuana used by priests within the sacred process served to help a person find the meaning of life, to find a clear view of what he is called to earth for in his form and at his time.

The purpose of the ritual was ultimately to rid the participant of that mystical feeling of dissatisfaction with life with which this chapter began.

The main myth and the main deception of all drugs and cannabis in particular and especially is that they are really capable for some time - during the period of intoxication - of artificially dulling this universal, metaphysical melancholy, this almost endless feeling of the wrongness of life, so characteristic of people.

The full meaning of marijuana's participation in the religious ceremonies of antiquity was that marijuana, immersing a person in Sacred time, creating an unusual environment, imperceptibly anesthetized the soul of a person, dulling the moral melancholy inherent in it.

The priests used the strangeness and bliss of the state of intoxication to instill in man a sense of the meaningfulness of his existence in the face of God. The One or the Tao - it does not matter by what name the ancients called the Spiritual Essence of the Universe.

A person who had gone through the mystery took away from it the conviction of his involvement in God's creation, and it became easier for him to bear the burden of life without any further participation of drugs. His life acquired a higher, imperishable meaning. This happened thanks to faith, and the "secret plant" played in this mystical process only the role of an instrument in the hands of a priest-healer who carried meaning.

When knowledge of marijuana's psychoactive properties left the temples and became common knowledge, only information about its ability to relieve a person from moral pain for a short time remained. The knowledge of how marijuana can help a person feel his role in the Universe disappeared without a trace.

This role of marijuana is very noticeable in our terrible age. It has become widely used by veterans of recent senseless wars, in the criminal environment, in the strange and senseless environment of the new Russians. Marijuana outside the pagan temples has retained its role as the "herb of oblivion", a cure for conscience...

Unlike many other drugs, marijuana, when used outside the sacrament, has not only a physical and mental effect, it has a moral effect. We do not know how this happens, but when used in everyday life, marijuana is capable of atrophying the human memory of God in the soul - it has a direct physical effect on the human conscience.

Not only does marijuana cause direct aggression, it can anesthetize (numb) the soul, eliminate mental pain caused by the consequences of a person's aggressive actions. Someone who smokes marijuana systematically will not feel guilty about the bad deeds he or she has committed. That is why marijuana helped soldiers so much after the senseless and cruel wars in Afghanistan and Vietnam. It anesthetized the deepest kind of mental pain - moral pain, a person's guilt complex for the death he or she has brought to another.

A person will not experience pain, therefore, he will not be able to realize his guilt. Since he cannot realize his guilt, it means that he will not be able to develop.

Think again! Normal human life implies not only pleasures, but also pain. The soul hurts when we are wrong. It reacts with anxiety and depression to our indifference to our neighbor, to our attempts to reduce life only to the acquisition of material values.

A soldier who fights in an unjust war suffers unspeakable pain because of the human blood he has senselessly shed and which his comrades have shed before his eyes. He feels guilty. There are only two ways to combat this feeling.

The first way. You can understand the cause of pain and try to atone for guilt, find a new use for your soul. Preserve the painful experience of war, but rework it into a conscious human position. It is very difficult to do this. But religion can help on this path. Medical science, which is called psychotherapy, can also help.

The second way is the way of drugs in the broadest sense of the word. This is the way of "finishing off" the soul with psychoactive substances, an attempt to anesthetize the soul with drugs or sedatives.

But practice has shown that the drug is not capable of curing mental pain. It is only capable of driving it somewhere into the unconscious, hiding it from consciousness, and even then for a very short period of its chemical action. Like freezing - anesthesia of teeth and jaws - the anesthesia of the soul by the drug will soon end, and mental pain or the feeling of meaninglessness, uninterestingness of life will return with double the force.

For a person who follows the path of drug use, there is only one way out - to use drugs continuously...

For centuries after the temples, people used marijuana as a "moral painkiller." These centuries have proven that a soul deprived of pain is ultimately deprived of meaning.

One of the patients, by his own account, had worked for a long time as a liquidator - a regular killer in the Soviet security services. He was one of the few patients who sought treatment for physical and psychological dependence on marijuana in the 1980s. Here is what he said:

"My work is a strange thing. I always knew for sure that what I do is useful to our people and the government. But despite such knowledge and special training, murder is a terrible thing. It doesn't just happen. At first, you don't sleep well at night, some force seems to push you out of bed: you walk, smoke and sweat, it's hard to control yourself. For some reason, my hands remained calm, but my legs were shaking...

Then it all goes away, but you become wooden, you feel like a machine. There is some kind of painful emptiness inside, as if a balloon was pulled out from behind your sternum and nothing was put in its place. You can go on like this for a month, maybe two. The only thing that helps is marijuana. I got to know it in Mexico. Mexican marijuana is not at all like our hashish. When you smoke enough, the emptiness in your soul disappears, the world becomes colorful again. This is the only way to get rid of this emptiness. True, you have to smoke for a long time. You lock yourself in for a week and smoke - then you can live... After a while, even a week doesn't help, you have to smoke constantly. Then you somehow survive."

After some time, this patient could no longer live a normal life without smoking marijuana.

At 28, he was "retired" from the security services. He was unable to find a new job, and his entire life turned into a job search and smoking drugs. He met us when he was already a virtual mental invalid, unable to perform any human activity outside of a marijuana intoxication.

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» took a smoke
» I ask for advice! Request n..
» Pipette
» lower leaves
» Don't people die from grass?
» Pizza
» Legalization??!!!..
» BAD trip
» smell from female plants
» Break where to get some weed?..

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