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Ford to Make Cars from Hemp

07/25/2007 Comments: 0
Ford to Start Producing Hemp-Based Car Body Parts

A legal way to “deliver” marijuana into the human body has been found

11.07.2007 Comments: 21
When experts talk about therapeutic value marijuana , they mean patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, unfortunate people with glaucoma, AIDS patients (smoking increases appetite) and people undergoing chemotherapy ( Cannabis Prevents Nausea ).

Marijuana for Allergies

14.06.2007 Comments: 3
The active substance in marijuana reduces the intensity of inflammatory reactions and may possibly form the basis of new methods of treating allergic and autoimmune diseases.

Italian scientists find marijuana and cocaine particles in Roman air

04.06.2007 Comments: 3
Italian scientists have found particles of marijuana and cocaine in the air of Rome. According to Angelo Cecinato, an employee of the National Research Council of Italy, the highest concentration of prohibited substances in the air was recorded in the area of ​​the capital's University La Sapienza. However, the scientist warned against drawing any conclusions about the habits of students studying there on this basis.

A single dose of the drug can seriously damage the brain's structure

05/04/2007 Comments: 1
Even a single dose of a drug like morphine can cause long-term damage to a person's own brain system that is responsible for emotional "reward."

Chocolate is more exciting than a kiss. Dispassionate conclusions of scientists

24.04.2007 Comments: 1
The sensations of melting chocolate in your mouth are much more intense than those of a passionate kiss, scientists believe. Researchers monitored the heart and brain activity of several couples in the lab when they first ate chocolate and then kissed. The scientists' observations showed that chocolate causes a more intense and long-lasting sensation than kissing, and the heart rate is doubled by chocolate. The study was conducted by Dr. David Lewis from Mind Lab, who previously worked at the University of Sussex.

Marijuana has become a cure for lung cancer

23.04.2007 Comments: 22
The active component of marijuana slows the growth of malignant lung tumors and reduces the risk of metastasis.

New Mexico Doctors Now Allowed to Prescribe Marijuana

04/11/2007 Comments: 5
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has signed a bill legalizing medical marijuana. The new law, which runs counter to federal law, allows doctors to prescribe the drug to terminally ill patients with chronic pain and diarrhea.

Cheerful people are dangerous to others

04/11/2007 Comments: 2
Every year, 8 million citizens officially seek psychiatric help in Russia. 3% of the population suffers from depression and 1% from schizophrenia. In neighboring China, the situation is even more tense: schizotypal disorders occur in more than 4 million Chinese.

What are psychedelics?

24.12.2006 Comments: 70
The group of psychedelic drugs or hallucinogens includes many natural plant-based drugs: cannabis (hashish, marijuana)

A cigarette has been equated to a dose of cocaine

12/24/2006 Comments: 15

Marijuana is not a springboard

21.12.2006 Comments: 72
An independent study conducted by the non-profit organization RAND Drug Policy Research Center indicates that marijuana is not a so-called "stepping stone" for addiction to other, "harder" drugs. For example, heroin.

Mexican authorities fail to cope with modified marijuana

21.12.2006 Comments: 14
Mexican military forces fighting marijuana plantings have discovered a site where genetically modified "grass" is being grown.

Synthetic marijuana helps prevent cancer

12/18/2006 Comments: 4
A synthetic version of the active ingredient in marijuana, which is legally used as a cancer-preventing drug, has found another new use.

Marijuana has a negative effect on the psyche

18.12.2006 Comments: 22
A survey by a British foundation has found that half of young people who use marijuana suffer from side effects such as paranoia and memory lapses.

Smoking marijuana triggers paranoia

15.12.2006 Comments: 13
A recent study by British scientists has found that about half of young people who use marijuana experience side effects such as paranoia.

Law of Cannabiome

11/24/2006 Comments: 13
David Robb and his colleagues from Rutgers University decided to find out why cannabis causes temporary memory problems in drug addicts, as well as difficulties in the learning process. To this end, the scientists conducted a series of experiments on laboratory rats. The rodents were given the active component of the drug - delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in a dose proportional to the average amount of "weed" smoked by a person. Then the team of researchers recorded the work of one of the areas of the rats' brains.

Marijuana deafens the orchestra in the brain

21.11.2006 Comments: 10
Imagine an orchestra where all the musicians are deafened and blinded. Each musician can still perform their part, but the listeners are unlikely to enjoy such music. The reason for this is the temporary absence of any feedback, coordination, and synchronization in the group. And scientists believe that something similar happens in the human brain under the influence of marijuana.

Something about the love of chocolate

06.11.2006 Comments: 711
Like many other foods, chocolate itself is not harmful, it's all about the amount you eat. But the problem is that once you start eating chocolate, you can't stop. It's not our fault - the craving for sweets is in our genes.

Alzheimer's on blood

31.10.2006 Comments: 3
Experts from King's College London have presented the results of a study that has made it possible to diagnose Alzheimer's disease early, which is one of the main forms of age-related dementia - a thinking disorder that occurs with age.

Marijuana helps retain calcium

26.10.2006 Comments: 8
Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have discovered that the cannabis plant contains substances that help preserve calcium in bone tissue. Based on this research, Israeli scientists have created a prototype of a drug for osteoporosis.

Does marijuana improve memory?

10/23/2006 Comments: 4
Experiments on rats suggest that a substance found in marijuana protects against memory loss, a major symptom of Alzheimer's disease.

Marijuana Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease

11.10.2006 Comments: 2
Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute (California) have discovered another beneficial property of marijuana. According to their data, the use of this drug, which is prohibited in the US, Russia and most EU countries, can significantly slow down the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Hemp and other materials of the future

10/11/2006 Comments: 1
The 21st century has been taken over by preservatives, sweets and genetically engineered products. But there are people who resist this. They want everything 'correct' - including clothes. Therefore, in response to the emerging demand, "eco-friendly" clothing collections began to be released. In the UK, such collections have become spring bestsellers among mass buyers - in Oasis, Topshop and Marks & Spencer stores. So what is "eco-friendly" clothing? This is clothing made from natural fibers grown in a natural way, without any chemicals. We are talking primarily about linen and cotton. And they also remembered one very unpretentious plant that does not require special care. Perhaps our environmentally friendly future and eco-friendly clothing are behind it.

Marijuana is safer than SMS and email

06.10.2006 Comments: 2
British scientists set out to find out how work in conditions of constant “information” pressure affects a person, when an employee has to simultaneously respond to countless letters on the Internet and SMS messages, while simultaneously doing his main job. The results of the study surprised the scientists themselves. It turned out that constantly switching attention from e-mail to computer text, text messages (SMS) and back poses a much greater threat to a person’s mental abilities than drug use. marijuana . The clinical trials commissioned by Hewlett Packard involved 80 volunteers, and 1,100 adults were also interviewed. During the experiment, all volunteers showed symptoms of drowsiness, apathy, and regressing ability to concentrate. As a result, the decline in intelligence and attention reached, according to the researchers, “a staggering level.” Moreover, the subjects showed an addictive effect to e-mail correspondence, comparable in strength to drug addiction.

Scientists from St. Petersburg have improved hemp

15.09.2006 Comments: 15

A group of scientists from the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Plant Growing have developed a variety of non-narcotic hemp, Interfax reports. In addition to the fact that the content of psychoactive substances in it itself is vanishingly small, crossing it with regular varieties allows one to obtain a relatively safe variety of the plant.

Marijuana causes precancerous changes in the lungs

10.08.2006 Comments: 6

Marijuana smoke can trigger precancerous changes in lung tissue – this is the conclusion reached by American researchers as a result of a review of studies published in recent years on the carcinogenic properties of the “light” drug.

World Health Organization about hemp

08/04/2006 Comments: 6


Cannabis is a generic term used to refer to several psychoactive drugs derived from the plant Cannabis sativa ( Editor's note: also based on Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis ). The main psychoactive component in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol THC. Substances that are structurally similar to THC are referred to as cannabinoids. In addition, there are many recently identified compounds that are structurally different from cannabinoids, but have similar pharmacological properties. The Mexican term marijuana is often used to refer to hemp leaves or other unprocessed parts of the hemp plant in many countries. Unpollinated female flowers of the hemp plant are called hashish ( Note from the editors of the site: the term hashish most often refers to the pressed resin of female inflorescences; unpollinated female inflorescences are called marijuana ). Hemp oil (hash oil) is a concentrate of cannabinoids obtained by solvent extraction from parts of the hemp plant or resin.

Effects of prenatal cannabis exposure on neonates, Jamaica, an ethnographic study

04.08.2006 Comments: 3

Brief information about the study

Target: to identify the effects of prenatal exposure to psychoactive cannabis on the nervous system of neonates.

The impact of psychoactive cannabis use on cognitive function in people under 65 years of age

04.08.2006 Comments: 2

Brief information about the study

Target: The study was designed to identify and describe the potential adverse effects of cannabis use on cognitive function over a 12-year period in individuals under the age of 65. It was a follow-up study of a randomized, randomized, and randomized sample of adults in East Baltimore.

Smoking marijuana can cause ectopic pregnancy

03.08.2006 Comments: 15

Using marijuana shortly before or after conception prevents the embryo from implanting in the uterus and can lead to ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, warns the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Marijuana can be used to make painkillers

07/13/2006 Comments: 2
Researchers at the University of Texas intend to begin developing a new generation of painkillers based on synthetic cannabinoids - the active components of marijuana.

Marijuana Forever! Russian Scientists Have Bred a Special Variety of Hemp

06/27/2006 Comments: 17

A group of scientists from the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Plant Growing has developed a variety of non-narcotic hemp, Interfax reports.

"Weed" causes a short circuit in the brain

27.06.2006 Comments: 10
Marijuana is especially harmful after work

Brain and "grass"

06/21/2006 Comments: 6

A clinical study touted by the Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research showing that marijuana components may slow the growth of malignant brain tumors is the latest in a long line of studies demonstrating the drug's potential as an anti-cancer agent.

Scientifically, this drug is on the wrong list.

17.06.2005 Comments: 7

Cannabinoid hyperemesis: marijuana, vomiting, shower

24.05.2005 Comments: 6

Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cannabinoid-induced learning and memory impairments

05/24/2005 Comments: 6

Cannabis: The Definition of "Inner Bliss"?

24.05.2005 Comments: 5

Genes may influence marijuana addiction

20.05.2005 Comments: 2

Pharmacological evaluation of the effects of aerosolized cannabinoids in mice

05/04/2005 Comments: 2

What is the chemical mechanism of action of marijuana?

04/19/2005 Comments: 9

Khimka FAQ

04.04.2005 Comments: 6

THC binds to specific receptors in the brain

31.03.2005 Comments: 6

Extraction and purification of oils contained in marijuana and hashish

31.03.2005 Comments: 0

Chemical composition of cannabis

31.03.2005 Comments: 3

Indian Hemp Extract

31.03.2005 Comments: 1

Medical uses of weed

03/31/2005 Comments: 2

Chronic marijuana use does not damage the brain

31.03.2005 Comments: 1

Medicinal Marijuana in Japan

31.03.2005 Comments: 1

Effects of cannabis

03/31/2005 Comments: 3

Marijuana, Memory and the Hippocampus

03/31/2005 Comments: 1

Study: Marijuana-like active ingredients affect appetite

31.03.2005 Comments: 1

Cannabis and pregnancy

31.03.2005 Comments: 2

Cannabis: Another Source of Brain Nutrition

31.03.2005 Comments: 1

The Effect of Ultra Clean Shampoo

03/31/2005 Comments: 1

Total: 56 - Cannabis Seeds

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
