Cannabis Fun Club in Russia

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The science 18.12.2006

Marijuana has a negative effect on the psyche

A survey by a British foundation has found that half of young people who use marijuana suffer from side effects such as paranoia and memory lapses.

A study by the YoungMind Foundation found that 80% of the 727 11- to 17-year-olds surveyed had used marijuana. The foundation called for urgent research into the effects of cannabis on the developing teenage brain as the number of young people smoking has quadrupled compared to previous years.

The foundation's director, Barbara Hertz, says that young people who regularly use marijuana are twice as likely to develop mental disorders in adulthood. She argues that marijuana is not as harmless as it is commonly thought - cannabis has a serious impact on the way we think, feel and behave.

The foundation's representatives believe that it is necessary to inform young people about the negative consequences of smoking soft drugs on mental health.


Cuba - [06.01.2007 - 14:40]
believe me, after 17 years, any crap will ruin your body...example: after three years of regular booze use, your kidneys, liver, and brain will completely fail...everyone decides for themselves what to kill themselves with...the article is complete crap...Kiril, I smoke and will smoke....

tsum - [11.01.2007 - 21:48]
absolutely agree

mephisto - [01/16/2007 - 19:32]
Yes, if you smoke tobacco as much, everything will come to an end...

Krymchak - [01/19/2007 - 12:32]
I went to school, then to college, now I work and am going to apply for a postgraduate degree: and all this time I was killing my brain with hashish! And for some reason I didn't! The moral of the story: if you have a predisposition to various kinds of paranoia, instability to the stress of everyday life, then not only a plan - you can't sniff a vodka cap! And if you are basically a full-fledged person, then hashish is not only a pleasure and joy for you - it helps a lot with analysis (I'm a lawyer) and finding extraordinary solutions!

porky - [01/19/2007 - 16:25]
in short, if you think about it, if you don't drink and don't smoke weed, then why the hell live)))) the end will come in any case.. and I agree about the notification

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