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The science 21.12.2006

Marijuana is not a "stepping stone"

An independent study conducted by the nonprofit RAND Drug Policy Research Center indicates that marijuana is not a so-called "stepping stone" for addiction to other, "harder" drugs, such as heroin.


It is worth noting that this is exactly what sworn anti-drug addiction advocates around the world, and especially in the USA, are emphasizing. It is believed that a person who has tried marijuana will certainly want “more of a high,” and will almost certainly become addicted to something worse.


A RAND study found that this is at best not entirely true. After analyzing drug statistics between 1982 and 1994, researchers concluded that teens who used "hard" drugs were predisposed to do so regardless of whether they tried marijuana first.


"Marijuana is not a gateway drug. It's simply the first drug most teens try," said lead author Andrew Morral, who found that about 50 percent of American teens have tried marijuana by age 16, while most don't have the opportunity to try harder drugs until their 20s.


The RAND researchers, however, are not calling for legalization of marijuana, which some scientists say has a very negative effect on the human brain.


However, the US government is being asked to reconsider its attitude towards marijuana as one of the most important objects in the "war on drugs". RAND believes that spending excessive forces and resources on the fight against marijuana will not reduce the turnover of "hard" drugs.


YuJen - [12/23/2006 - 11:32]
I would like to know more about this mythical, notorious negative effect of marijuana on the human brain. It seems to me that this is also one of the myths. I have been smoking for 10 years, have a higher education, a prestigious job. My memory has not failed me yet.

Palatenchik - [12/23/2006 - 1:41 PM]

Ruslan - [12/28/2006 - 14:02]
Fuck, the springboard is not Marijuana, but its prohibition... Nobody takes into account that with the legalization of Marijuana, it will be treated differently...

Sofos - [12/30/2006 - 12:59]
If we consider this issue from the point of view
crime, then under the influence of alcohol in Russia there are incomparably more illegal actions. Marijuana has the status of a light doping in people's minds, and alcohol has been associated for centuries not only with fun, but also with great swinishness. The human face often loses its appearance. But, one should not judge legalization in a maximalist way, since the issue is quite complex and it is unknown what consequences it may bring. I think that this situation suits both the government and, more or less, the consumer.

MaDZzzY - [01.01.2007 - 19:00]
No way!!! Grass and alcohol are two different things, I have never seen anyone pick on someone while high, which can't be said about alcohol... and then, if you're born to crawl, you can't fly...

Cuba - [04.01.2007 - 11:34]
on the contrary, many knowledgeable people believe that Russia can be brought out of its rampant alcoholism (theft, abandoned children, murders and what has recently become relevant - mass alcohol poisoning) by changing some prohibitive laws p.s. booze scum

HUMANISTITEL - [05.01.2007 - 09:09]
blue asshole.
Well said. In any case, booze makes a person uncontrollable even by himself. Plus obvious aggressiveness.

doctor - [05.01.2007 - 17:54]
People! Marijuana is the only way to fight closed-angle glaucoma, and in general a medicine

Hy6 - [12.01.2007 - 10:50]
there was a case... I caught a cold... I smoked some juice and got cured))))

BARman - [12.01.2007 - 19:33]
Is it really possible to cure a cold with marijuana? I'm sick and my temperature is pounding like a dog.

ka - [01/13/2007 - 22:26]
doctor! about glaucoma - is this not a joke? can you give more details? it's really important...

AliEnder - [01/16/2007 - 08:45]
As for the medicine, I absolutely agree. I myself have noticed more than once that if you have a cold, you just need to blow on some normal Buryat oil and at least start skiing. And in general, marijuana is not addictive, so why, unlike alcohol, is it prohibited? It’s not clear... A mistake of nature however...

w810i - [01/16/2007 - 13:55]
In my opinion, there is an addiction. After all, sometimes you want it, but you don’t. It’s just that not everyone realizes that this is a craving for a drug.

mephisto - [01/16/2007 - 18:49]
More towards cigarettes anyway... And they don't legalize it only because it's easier to lead a drunken crowd than to force a free person to do anything. And in general, this law is nonsense. Let those whose brains are affected not smoke, but I am my own boss. And these nerds are on a different wavelength, like I'm a scientist and full of shit. The more you study, the more you get smarter in other areas. And imagine all this because of the Yankees. Their hippies turned grass into a drug. In Rus', we've known about it for a long time. Even my granny wasn't surprised when I dried grass. We made pies, ropes, butter, and all sorts of things from it, but the Americans ruined it all with their boorishness.

Cyprus - [01/17/2007 - 06:50]
grass is not a drug,,,,,,but for the soul,,,,,,,

heel - [01/18/2007 - 08:36]
grass is life, vodka is death!

gash - [01/18/2007 - 10:48]
yes, all the talk about legalizing weed is just crap!!! Those who need it have been smoking for a long time, don't give up, and steam wherever they can get involved, and those who smoked and didn't like it, let them continue drinking vodka... to each his own!

gash - [01/18/2007 - 10:48]
yes, all the talk about legalizing weed is just crap!!! Those who need it have been smoking for a long time, don't give up and don't worry about where they can get involved, and those who smoked and didn't like it can continue to drink vodka... to each his own!

ZXV - [01/18/2007 - 14:25]
I smoked for 7 years without a break (well, I sometimes rested for a day or two). I quit now, I haven’t smoked for 4 months now. Sometimes I want to, but I’ve convinced myself that it’s not necessary. Quitting is really easy, easier than cigarettes (I smoke). fuck, it got so bad one time that I called an ambulance for myself, it was actually whiter than putty, in short, I was really dying, it didn’t calm me down for a long time. The doctors said: your blood pressure had risen too much (and your heart was actually beating very quickly). Then I was scared to smoke, but I still smoked, I adapted little by little, but the fear did not disappear for a long time, and then all sorts of thoughts led to the fact that it was better to quit right now.
I think I've given up for a long time.

FANKY - [01/19/2007 - 17:05]
yes.. booze is a jerk! and you also need to know when to stop with weed... but it's harmless... you could say it's less harmful than a cigarette. and in some norms it's a good heart stimulant! so it's sometimes good for heart patients...! and whoever smokes is positive and smiling! what can't you say about booze! decide for yourself what you need and what you want!

FANKY - [01/19/2007 - 17:06]
fuck, I'm sooooo high))))))))))))

BuRiMe - [01/20/2007 - 09:24]
I noticed that out of all the Rastas I know, there is someone who really doesn't respect the benefits of booze!:)

Negative Creep - [23.01.2007 - 01:29]
damn...I haven't used booze for six months, but I smoke every day...and I'm happy...

diversionbeing - [24.01.2007 - 20:01]
what is done must make sense. Who of you can answer the question why he does it? And avoid explanations of some egoistic nature? Like, "I don't care, I like it", or something like that. Can any of you get along with a person who does not share this position on drugs? I would like to warn you right away: in essence, I have nothing against it, but I cannot understand the REASON (and I really need to)...

diversionbeing - [24.01.2007 - 20:06]
Does anyone have any reasonable arguments that this crap does not cause any harm and is actually good for your health?

Alef - [01/25/2007 - 13:29]
reasonable arguments? ;) my older brother has been smoking for as long as I can remember, and my wife is in complete denial... she has poured jam into the toilet more than once... it was so offensive.. ;( But now it has become easier and our mother knows and my brother's wife is used to it ;) And our cousin has been grabbing for as long as I can remember...
Listen, "diversionbeing", the main thing is not to overdo it. Although it is hard to stick to the "golden rule". I know from my own experience ;)

Alef - [01/25/2007 - 13:38]
When I was high I would come up with such topics...
In general, jam is a good stimulant for the imagination :)
I recently bought myself contact lenses. I'm not completely used to it yet. And literally I grabbed it for a couple of days, came home and thought “it’s time to take off the lenses”, but no such luck - I caught such a betrayal.. omg... and it’s scary to get into the eye and the laugh rushes... like in the joke “who would cheat , and who wants something sweet" :)))))

Jamal - [01.02.2007 - 11:19]
Magic remedy, damn)))

Uh... - [01.02.2007 - 17:26]
And I'm actually for mescaline...cactus is almost the same herb...

Mykha - [04.02.2007 - 19:17]

anatoly - [06.02.2007 - 10:04]
I heard that hash kills brain cells, slows down a person's physical development, looks much younger. I've been smoking for ten years, I'm 26, but I look 20, everyone is surprised! I started paying attention to Rostikov, a real difference, everyone looks great, everyone has everything in order in their personal lives. I noticed the only joint in the grass, it does not have the best effect on the genitourinary system.

Progmer - [02/07/2007 - 00:08]
I quit smoking (cigarettes) on New Year's Eve, I haven't had a drink for over a year now, but as for the plan, that's a different matter))))
I've been smoking for about 3 years now. I don't smoke during the day on principle.
What can I say about the plan?
It takes up my evening time, a lot. There is no physical addiction, of course, there is a moral addiction, if there is none, I just switch to another topic and don't remember about it...

anatoly - [08.02.2007 - 09:10]
Have you noticed this fact, if you want to get high, there are always some problems with it, where to get it, there's chaos everywhere. Fuck, when you want to take a break, constant calls from friends start, offering to grab it. It's inexplicable, but it's a fact!

User-cannabis - [08.02.2007 - 13:17]
Damn, I don't know what's wrong with someone who hasn't noticed addiction, I think there's more addiction to alcohol and to cigarettes, and a plan is a thing, I haven't noticed any addiction to myself, it's a medicine that instantly takes you out of a binge, when you drink, you can't say that the people around you are safe and for the "alcoholic" himself too, but when you smoke you control yourself and are aware of your actions, there are really problems like mine, once I smoked at a party and then drove home by myself, I got a little stoned on the way and that's why it took me three hours to get home, although the drive is only 10 minutes, but that's not dangerous, and if I was drunk, I would have definitely fucked up somewhere. Regarding the effect on the brain, alcohol affects the brain even more, a person simply degrades, yes, with prolonged use of the plan, brain activity decreases, but it seems to me that this is only due to the fact that short breaks are taken, and the brain simply relaxes and does not have time to return to normal, about physical addiction, complete nonsense, has anyone had a hangover after getting high, strong, and after strong drinking? So draw your own conclusions. We can talk about this topic endlessly ... BUT in the end, the PLAN will be higher.

GanjWorld - [13.02.2007 - 21:29]
Legalize marijuana! Fuck Bush!

Yuron - [02/14/2007 - 11:57]
Fuck guys, booze is bull-water! I don't respect it at all. And it feels bad in the morning! Another thing is to smoke - yell - eat - sleep and everyone is happy. And no one wants to punch anyone in the face.

Zaika - [02/15/2007 - 01:27]
It's all tops, it's impossible to get used to marijuana, everyone has different strains, even if you buy from the same dealer. And accordingly, it covers differently. And blue is a complete piece of crap!!!!!!!!!

Zaika - [02/15/2007 - 01:33]
It's time to ban the sale of alcohol altogether, but allow marijuana and sell it in every store. How many happy faces will there be on the streets then!!!! And no hangover, that's why you're riding on a bus or the subway, and half the train car at rush hour smells so bad. You can suffocate!!!!!!!!!

Hitmansmoke - [02/17/2007 - 21:22]
Of course, this is complete bullshit. If these fighters have never smoked, then there is no need to interfere with the choice of other citizens. But I think that it is better to grab something than booze!

harier - [02/18/2007 - 18:56]
The grass is super!

Zhomart from Kazakhstan - [20.02.2007 - 11:07]
I feel like taking a breath...

Ilya - [02/21/2007 - 06:43]

Raman - [21.02.2007 - 14:18]
I wouldn't say that weed is awesome stuff, after smoking it every day for 2 years I start to notice how my attitude to life has changed dramatically, I don't give a shit about studying and everything else. And booze is a complete joke, my memory goes blank and I go nuts

Guns - [02/21/2007 - 23:06]
I've been smoking for 8 years, I go to the gym regularly, half of the bodybuilders in our gym smoke, including the trainer, there are also rastas in the government, but not many - if there were a little more, it would be legalized, but mostly bruises. Blue and garbage. It's brutal as it is!

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