Cannabis Fun Club in Russia
Scientific works about marijuana
[10.08.2006] Marijuana causes precancerous changes in the lungs

At the same time, scientists have not been able to find evidence of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between smoking marijuana and the development of cancer.

Experts from the University of Cleveland examined data from 19 previous studies on the effects of marijuana on the health of smokers. Analyzes of sputum and lung tissue samples carried out by some researchers left no doubt that changes were occurring in the lungs of drug users, indicating malignant tissue degeneration.

In particular, in the tissue samples studied, an increase in the number of cells with mutant DNA changes was detected, combined with a decrease in the number of immune system cells responsible for the destruction of mutant cells. The condition of the lung tissue indicated oxidative stress, which is also a sign of predisposition to carcinogenesis.

According to the coordinator of the research project, Dr. Reena Mehra, some features of the use of this drug support the hypothesis that marijuana has carcinogenic properties. In particular, marijuana smokers rarely use filters, inhale deeper, and retain the smoke in their lungs longer. In addition, compared to tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains significantly more tars containing carcinogenic substances.

At the same time, according to Reena Mehra, none of the studies reviewed provide any significant evidence of a strong link between frequent marijuana use and an increased risk of lung cancer. This puzzling fact should be explained by the imperfections of the studies themselves, rather than by the actual absence of such a link, she believes.


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This is how everything is written in general.
On the contrary, I read that cigarette smoke contains 3 times more harmful substances.
If you smoke shmalt and do not mix it with cigarettes, then your body will cope with it!
Our body is the most perfect machine, it can do ANYTHING!

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