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Chocolate excites more than a kiss. Dispassionate conclusions of scientists


The sensations of melting chocolate in your mouth are much more intense than those of a passionate kiss, according to scientists. Researchers monitored the heart and brain activity of several couples in the lab when they first ate chocolate and then kissed. The scientists’ observations showed that chocolate caused a more intense and long-lasting sensation than kissing, and that chocolate increased heart rate by two times. The study was conducted by Dr. David Lewis from Mind Lab, who previously worked at the University of Sussex.

"There is no doubt that chocolate beats kissing when it comes to providing a thrill that lasts," says Dr Lewis. "In many cases, the thrill from chocolate lasted four times longer than the same feeling from a passionate kiss," he adds.

According to the scientist, it has long been known that some components of chocolate have psychologically active effects, however, as Dr. Lewis believes, this effect can be prolonged if you wait until the chocolate melts on the tongue, writes the BBC.

All the volunteers who took part in the experiment were in their early 20s. During both tests, electrodes were attached to their heads, and special devices monitored the pulsation of their veins.

"The land of chocolate" is America, or more precisely, the territory where modern Mexico is located, because it was to it that chocolate owed its birth. Chocolate has existed for almost three thousand years. The word kakawa, as some historians say, belongs to the ancient Olmec tribe, Indians who have now remained only in the annals of history. After them, the baton for mastering sweet beans passed to the Mayan Indians, who offered sacrifices to the powerful and formidable cocoa - the god, because one of the important components of their life, worldview and religious beliefs were cocoa beans.

The researchers compared their resting heart rate with their heart rate while tasting chocolate and while kissing. And although kissing caused hearts to beat faster, the effect did not last as long as chocolate, which raised the heart rate from the usual 60 to 140 beats per minute. In addition, the scientists found that when the chocolate begins to melt in the mouth, all regions of the brain receive a much more intense charge than the one that causes arousal from kissing. It is believed that women like chocolate more than men, but scientists have found that the reactions are the same for both sexes.

"These results surprised and intrigued us," said Dr Lewis. "We certainly knew that chocolate - especially dark chocolate - would increase the heart rate because it contains highly stimulant substances. But none of us expected such an increase in heart rate and such a strong effect."

The study used chocolate with 60% cocoa content, which was not yet commercially available.

Chocolate facts

- Chocolate lovers tend to be slimmer, have smaller waists, and suffer less from diabetes than those who choose other sweets. However, the biggest difference was in attitudes toward life and subjective feelings of well-being. Chocolate lovers rate their health significantly higher, feel happier, are less likely to feel lonely, and suffer less from depression. They are also more likely to still make plans for the future. Previous studies have shown that eating chocolate releases endorphins, which cause feelings of pleasure and reduce sensitivity to pain. (

- Scientists from Yale University presented a report on the role of flavonoids in the development of cardiovascular diseases at the annual meeting of American cardiologists.  Flavonoids are water-soluble natural heterocyclic oxygen-containing compounds that have a pronounced antioxidant effect. Fruits and vegetables, wine, and green tea are rich in flavonoids. A very concentrated source of flavonoids is cocoa or cocoa-based products, primarily dark chocolate, which contains over 70% cocoa. In a study by physicians from Yale University, 45 subjects were divided into three groups and given cocoa without sugar, cocoa with sugar, and a cocoa substitute similar to it only in appearance for 6 weeks. The main result of the study was noticeable changes in the dilatation of blood vessels, which for the group of subjects who consumed cocoa without sugar averaged 2.4%, and for those who drank cocoa with sugar - 1.5%. Scientists believe cocoa helps improve endothelial function (PhysOrg)

- The theory that chocolate can act as an antidepressant is rooted in the belief that chocolate addiction is linked to a serotonin deficiency, but Australian researchers found no support for this hypothesis. What is true is that chocolate acts on the same neurological system as serotonin. But you'd have to eat a truckload of chocolate before you'd feel the equivalent of one antidepressant pill.

- Chocolate is indeed a high-calorie product, but the main sources of calories are milk and glucose. "Chocolate" carbohydrates are classified as "easily accessible", are quickly broken down and used up just as quickly. Indeed, when consumed in excess, carbohydrates can be "stored" as fat, but when consumed in reasonable quantities, they can be part of a healthy balanced diet.

- There is very little caffeine in chocolate. Theobromine, which in principle can cause an addiction similar to narcotic addiction, is also so small that a real addiction can only occur in someone who eats at least 400-500 grams of chocolate a day for some time. As for the cannabinoids found in chocolate - substances that resemble marijuana in their effect - to achieve any noticeable effect, you need to eat at least 55 bars. Therefore, there is no need to talk about physical addiction. The question of the psychological aspects of addiction to this delicacy and overcoming "chocolate prohibitions" is still waiting for its psychologists and psychoanalysts. (Health and Medicine)

The material was prepared by the information service Point.Ru



By reading this you can change your life!

It changed my life......

I came across this on a forum and decided to try it. As usual, I was wandering around various forums and found this article, which says that you can make thousands of dollars in a couple of weeks with an investment of only $6!!!

Well, yes... I thought, this must be another trick for suckers, but I decided to finish reading and find out what kind of Herbalife they are offering us...

Then it said that you need to send $1 to 6 WMZ wallets listed below. Then delete the first wallet from the list, thereby moving the list up one line, thus freeing up the sixth line, where you enter the number of your WMZ wallet and throw this message, with you on the sixth line, to at least 200 different forums.

No tricks......Well, I thought about it and thought that I have nothing to lose except these $6, which I will send to the wallets listed below. And I decided to try.........

And guess what!!!

In 7 days, money started coming into my wallet


I was shocked!!!!! But I immediately thought that that was all

it will end.....

But it was not to be!!!! In the first week I made $11,

further by the end of the second week already more than $317....

By the middle of the 3rd week $1786...!!!

It's already the 4th week and I counted $4126 and this amount is growing very quickly!!!!!!And all this for only the price of $6! I was in a very bad economic situation before I came across this article. I didn't believe it worked until I started receiving

translations from all over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............

Now I'll tell you how it works and, most importantly,

the main thing is WHY???

I promise you that if you are exactly

follow the instructions below, then you will start earning real money without putting in any special effort!

Here, look at a screenshot (photo) of my wallet.


Follow the instructions and the money will start coming into your wallet! Agree, this
simple! And, IMPORTANTLY, there is nothing illegal about it! EVERYTHING IS LEGAL!!!


Follow the instructions EXACTLY



Here are those 3 steps to success:

1. If you do not have those 6 WMZ, then you first need to open an account in WebMoney, for this you should download the WebMoney Keeper Classic program (1.7 MB), you can download this program from the "help with Webmoney" section (at the top, one of the buttons); install it on your computer in ONLINE mode (i.e. with the Internet connected).

That's it, your Webmoney account is open!

Launch the program and follow the instructions to choose the best option for replenishing your Z wallet. You can also do this from the page:

Deposit $6 to your wallet, you can deposit hryvnia or rubles to your wallet, then, using the Robo Exchanger exchange office exchange hryvnia (WMU), rubles (WMR) for dollars (WMZ) (or one Internet money for another, in particular for Webmoney (wmz) ) You can also top up your WMZ wallet by topping up with prepaid Webmoney cards (cards for topping up a Webmoney wallet are sold in regular kiosks):

deposit 6 WMZ to your WMZ wallet (it starts with the letter Z).

2. Send $1 to the first number from the WMZ wallets listed below,
!IMPORTANT! When transferring $1 to wallets from the list, write in the "Note" field: "Please add me to the list of WMZ wallets". All you have done is create a service and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, it is absolutely legal!!! You are asking for a legal service for which you are paying. Send to 2,3,4,5,6 WMZ wallets also $1! Here is finally a list of these wallets:

1. Z165575971565 (from here on write the previously mentioned phrase in the "Note" field)

2. Z401738103878

3. Z824423951106

4. Z174159591009

5. Z359859954702

6. Z113637697680

Now ATTENTION!!! I made a mistake here first, which I want to protect you from!:

Now cross out the first wallet from this list, thereby moving the list up one line (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, and so on). Write your wallet in the 6th line.

!!! After that, send your WMZ wallet number to the service E-mail: (so that the operator can check and register your number in the system, after which you will receive a response letter)

Make any changes you want in my article, but just keep the MAIN IDEA!!! (All changes can be made using NOTEPAD, where you copy my article)!!!


REMEMBER that the more you place, the higher your income will be and this income will DIRECTLY DEPEND ON YOU AND ONLY ON YOU!!!
It is highly recommended to use the program of automatic sending to forums and bulletin boards PanteraPro v3.18. The program allows you to send information in 5-20 minutes to thousands of forums, bulletin boards, blogs and guest books, and this is exactly what you need in this business! Instant efficiency! The program is located at:

This business continues to exist and prosper only THANKS TO THE SERIOUSNESS OF THE PARTICIPANTS!!!

So when you reach 1st position you will have thousands of dollars just as a creator of a list or article, whatever you like.

Do it now, don't put it off until tomorrow. TIME IS MONEY

And now I will tell you why in any case you do not lose anything, but only win!!!

Let's say, out of 200 placements I will receive only 5 responses (a very-very small and low figure of 2.5%)!!! This means that I will receive $5 while being on the 6th position in the list!!! Now these 5 people make 200 placements each at LEAST with my wallet on the 5th position, and only 5 people respond to those first five - this is already $25! Then these 25 people make 200 placements with my wallet already on the 4th line (because they enter their own) and only 5 respond - my income is $125!! Now these 125 people, having placed and received only 5 responses, give me $625 in profit (I am on the 3rd line)!!! Let's move on: these 625 people make at LEAST 200 placements with me on the 2nd line and only 5 people respond - this is already $3125!!! Well, the most interesting thing is that these 3125 people make 200 placements each with me already on the 1st line and again only 5 people answer them, then my income is $15625!!! Isn't that an impressive figure???! And all this for an initial contribution of $6!

When you are no longer on the list, you simply send $6 again to the same wallets as the first time (to do this, save this article in NOTEPAD) and again, having moved the wallet numbers, deleting the first one, put your number in the 6th position and place it again!

Can you imagine that tens of thousands of people from all over the world are joining the Internet and reading these articles every day!

Just like you are reading this now!

If you do everything as I described above, THIS


P.S. How to distribute information in forums.

1. Open the search engine,,,, (or any other).
2. Write the phrase “forum start a new topic” (without quotes) in the search line.

3. The search engine will find thousands of pages,
links that immediately lead to a form for filling out a new forum topic.

THIS LINE IS FOR PESSIMISTS: What if this business collapses and no one sends me money???

Every day from 20,000 to 50,000 thousand new users appear on the Internet!!! According to statistics, in 2006 alone the number of Internet users increased from the current 9 million people to 21 million!!!! What are the chances that they will want to try something new???

Well, and the last thing...: This is a truly great axiom - to get something, you have to give something!!! And to get even more, you have to give even more!

See for yourself......

The author is not me, I found it on a business forum.

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