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A legal way to “deliver” marijuana into the human body has been found


When experts talk about the therapeutic value of marijuana, they mean patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, those with glaucoma, AIDS patients (smoking stimulates appetite) and people undergoing chemotherapy (cannabis prevents nausea).


However, smoking is not a good method. Because it is smoking, with all its negatives: toxins, carcinogens and, as a result, terrible diseases. Thus, the harm can easily outweigh the potential benefit.


At the same time, scientists and doctors decided not to abandon the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Instead, they began searching for alternative ways to "deliver" marijuana to the human body.


And many different methods have been tried in recent years. For example, some researchers tried making tea from the leaves or adding them to pies. But this resulted in the active components being absorbed by the liver instead of going straight into the bloodstream.


Other experimenters extracted the active components and created pills and sprays based on them. Unfortunately, there were problems here too: isolated components are not as effective as all of them taken together, and it is more difficult to choose a dose for each individual.


Finally, scientists from the third camp highlight the benefits of using marijuana vaporizers.


But the pace of research into the benefits of cannabis vaporizers has been extremely slow. And the Americans blame this on the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which single-handedly dictates policy in the field of medical drugs and, moreover, is the only supplier of legal marijuana.


As calls to end NIDA's monopoly grow louder, the vaporizer situation may be about to move forward. In fact, it has already moved forward, thanks to Donald Abrams of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and five colleagues who were the first to compare the effects of smoking and vaporizing cannabis on people.


The results of their preliminary study were published by Abrams' group in the journal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. The report is titled "Vaporization as a Smokeless Delivery System for Cannabis." Its main conclusion is: "Vaporization of marijuana is a safe and effective method of delivering tetrahydrocannabinol."


It is curious that Abrams and his colleagues conducted their research not with some hadron synchrophasotron, but with the device "Vulcano", which can be easily bought in a store like some kind of air humidifier. True, this device is not cheap - $540.


Of course, the "Vulcan", considered to be perhaps the best vaporizer on the market, was not originally intended for marijuana - it vaporizes eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender, thyme, sage and other useful herbs.


"The purpose of the study was to examine vaporization using the Volcano device as an alternative delivery vehicle for Cannabis sativa," writes Abrams, who recruited 18 healthy volunteers to compare the Volcano to marijuana in a standard cigarette.


The device heats marijuana leaves (presumably finely ground) to between 180 and 200 degrees Celsius so that the tetrahydrocannabinol is "released" from the oil on the leaf's surface.


To begin, the researchers had to use a vaporizer to deliver the same amount of tetrahydrocannabinol into the bloodstream as smoking does. They did this without the drawbacks and other adverse effects associated with smoking.

Source: .ru


The best vaporizer is to smoke hash from foil. No burning. No THK burning out.

2Kostik: I wonder how this smoking without burning?

You know, there is a term - to smolder, that's what he meant. So that it doesn't burn, but smolders.

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