Cannabis Fun Club in Russia
Scientific works on marijuana
[20.05.2005] Genes May Influence Marijuana Addiction

The number of people enrolling in marijuana treatment and rehabilitation programs has increased, tripling from about 1992 to 2002. The government uses these statistics as evidence that marijuana is addictive and that modern strains of the herb are more effective. Marijuana legalization advocates disagree, arguing that the increase in enrollment in these programs is due to people being forced into it by court orders.


The controversy has reignited debate over whether marijuana is addictive and how it affects the human body.


Marijuana, from the plant Cannabis sativa , gets its maximum psychoactive potency from the substance THC, which mimics a naturally occurring molecule called anandamide, a name derived from the Sanskrit word for 'bliss', due to its euphoric effects. THC acts on existing receptors in the brain, unlike cocaine, alcohol and other drugs that disrupt brain processes.


Within minutes of entering the body, the THC molecule attaches to these receptors and stimulates a genetic response in the body to make more receptors. This genetic component to marijuana use explains why different people experience different sensations and effects from the herb, and why many smokers don't get high the first time, but feel better and better each time.


But is marijuana as addictive as cigarettes or alcohol?


That will depend on how you define the word "addiction," argues Charles Landry ( Charles Landry ), assistant professor of psychiatry. Quoting " American Psychiatric Association "Landry said a person can be called an addict when he cannot live without the drug, when he has trouble limiting his drug use, and when he has withdrawal symptoms without the drug.


Mark Marnoka ( Mark Marnocha ), a consultant physician and addiction counselor, added: "The level of addiction to marijuana or any other drug depends in turn on the genetics and emotional background of the person, as well as how quickly and pleasantly the drug affects the brain functions." The link between addiction and human genes has been clearly demonstrated using the twin method, in which both twins showed a similar attraction to marijuana and the specific effects it had on their bodies.


Thus, just as with alcoholism, a person may be genetically predisposed to marijuana addiction. However, marijuana smokers have a less severe withdrawal syndrome than alcoholics.           detoxification. Withdrawal syndrome at alcoholism Maybe bring To of death . Marnock defined abstinent syndrome , which Maybe to appear after Togo , How Human abandoned smoke marijuana How " temporary And unpleasant violation sustainability nervous systems ". That is, withdrawal syndrome may have some unpleasant consequences, but is not life-threatening.


If the withdrawal symptoms stop, Marnoka says, the craving for marijuana "is still a longer-term problem. ... The craving is   the result of memorization, and represents strong anticipatory reactions evoked by memories or references, or rituals and situations associated with marijuana use."


While regular marijuana smokers will not experience any discomfort when quitting, people who smoked frequently and heavily and enjoyed it greatly may experience a strong desire to smoke weed and return to it.


According to Marnock, it does seem that marijuana today is stronger than what was available in the 1960s. Perhaps this could be another reason for the increase in patients in drug treatment centers, since those smokers "who get a lot of pleasure from marijuana or use it for pain relief can move on to higher-quality marijuana much more quickly... much more quickly than previous generations of smokers."


According to statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 57% of institutionalized patients were court-ordered in 1999, up from 48% in 1993.


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