Cannabis Fun Club in Russia
Scientific works on marijuana
[04.08.2006] Effects of prenatal cannabis exposure on neonates, Jamaica, an ethnographic study

Brief information about the study

Target: to identify the effects of prenatal exposure to psychoactive cannabis on the nervous system of neonates.

Place: rural Jamaica

Participants: Group 1 - 24 newborns who were prenatally exposed to cannabis, and Group 2 - 20 newborns who were not exposed.

Key results: The infants were compared at 3 days and 1 month of age on the Brazelton Infant Behavior Rating Scale, including additional items to detect possible subtle effects. At 3 days of age, no significant differences were found between the infants. At 1 month of age, the infants who had been prenatally exposed to cannabis showed better physiological and autonomic stability, and were better on measures of alertness, irritability, and self-regulation.

Conclusion: Due to the absence of any differences between the newborns from the first and second groups in the early stages, the following relationship can be traced: mothers of newborns who showed high results, using psychoactive cannabis, have cultural and socio-economic characteristics that allow them to choose to use cannabis and also pay sufficient attention to the development of the newborn.

"Pediatrics", February 1994, issue 93, pp. 254-260, American Academy of Pediatrics

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