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Science 24.12.2006

What are psychedelics?

The group of psychedelic drugs or hallucinogens includes many natural plant-based agents: cannabis (hashish, marijuana), peyote, nutmeg, psilocybin mushrooms, morning glory seeds, etc., as well as synthesized substances, chemical analogues of plant-based agents: mescaline, psilocybin, LSD.

This also includes VNS - "volatile narcotic active substances" - toxic glues and volatile solvents used by drug addicts, but due to their particular harmfulness and specificity of use, as well as the impossibility of fitting them into the general cultural tradition of using hallucinogens, their description is moved to a separate chapter. The term "psychedelic" is formed by combining two Greek words: psyche (soul) and delos (clear, true, revealed) or deloo (to clarify, to reveal, to show, to become clear).

The very meaning of the term speaks more about the internal nature of the hallucination, about the revelation of the potentials of the soul itself, than about the external nature of the visions. Therefore, the effects of using psychedelic substances depend more than ever on the personality of the user, as discussed in detail in the chapter on euphoria.

All known hallucinogens are united in a common group due to their ability to cause involuntary hallucinations, to generate a secret, uncontrollable psychopathological production, mental automatism, a flood of images and sensations, often not associated with external stimuli. This flood disorganizes the psyche to the point of psychosis, causing disorders of consciousness, perception, thinking, unlike other psychotropic substances causing discord at all levels, all registers of mental functions.

However, if to such "Legalize marijuana!" "Legalize it!" - was the title of the album of Peter Tosh. Rastafarians also held several "International Conferences for Cannabis". In their opinion, hemp allows to escape from the left-brain logical thinking of Europeans to the symbolic, connected with world harmony. "The herb of wisdom" and "The means of divine purification" - this is how the representatives of the new mysticism call marijuana. However, the ban remains in force.

What is the reason for such duality in the assessment of psychedelic drugs? Firstly, in the presence of centuries-old and even millennia-old cultural traditions of using hallucinogens by different peoples. Secondly, in their ability to expand consciousness and give especially acute aesthetic sensations. And thirdly, in the absence of physical dependence and withdrawal syndrome in most cases. Let us dwell on these features in more detail.

It is natural hallucinogens, unlike other drugs, that have been used for thousands of years to obtain magical experience, experience of communication with higher powers and transcendental knowledge. Marilyn Dobkin de Rios, a famous American ethnographer, in her monograph "Plant Hallucinogens", translated into Russian, described the ritual use of psychedelics in eleven traditional cultures of North, Central, South America, Asia, Africa, Siberia, Australia, New Guinea in connection with their belief systems, cosmogonic ideas, animistic myths, concepts of shamanism, totemism, hierarchy of social structure, etc.

Despite the great antiquity of these plants, no significant abuse of them is found during ritual use. The sense of self-preservation, as well as a special reverence for magical substances, protects tribes from drug addiction. A study of 247 social formations showed the absence of any abuse and drug addiction among their members. However, ritual use differs from "wild" European drug addiction in a number of aspects: motives, organization, the presence of a "director" and "guide", etc. More details on this can be found in the chapter devoted to the ritual use of drugs.

The second argument in favor of psychedelics is their ability to expand consciousness and sharpen perception. As Timothy Leary rightly concluded, LSD is not a drug for everyone, but for people with a certain emotional, psychological and intellectual experience and who are oriented toward active contemplation. In this case, the richness of perception and the transformation of the surrounding world contribute to the awareness of its new, previously unknown qualities and meanings, while aesthetic impressions are inextricably linked with cognitive activity. Walter N. Pahnke distinguishes five main types of psychedelic sensations:

1. Psychotic. Associated with feelings of fear, panic, paranoid distortion of ideas, feelings of isolation.

2. Cognitive. Quick thinking and heightened ability to draw logical conclusions. Many problems appear in a new light.

3. Aesthetic. Increased perception. A person sees sounds, vibrations of inanimate objects that begin to live a rich life of their own, comprehends the beautiful essence of everyday things, observes fantastic visions. Music plays a major role in enriching impressions, directing the course of visions.

4. Psychodynamic sensation. A person comprehends the essence of important phenomena, which were previously in the subconscious, and makes original conclusions.

5. Peak, cosmic experience. A sense of integrity of personality, death of the "Ego", a feeling of peace, love, independence from time and space, a sense of emotional upsurge, the miracle of existence, the emergence of a philosophical view of the surrounding world, holistic knowledge that cannot be expressed in words.

However, indecisive and emotionally immature people who are not ready to use psychedelics, serious complications arise. Psychoses and scary visions are called "bad trip" or "freak out".

The third argument in defense of hallucinogens is the fact that they do not cause physical dependence. There have been lively debates about this for a long time. Indeed, in most cases, physical dependence does not form (although the opposite has been almost proven with regard to Indian hemp preparations, unlike cannabis Americana. It is capable of forming dependence, since it has a higher narcotic effect). However, all psychedelics form a persistent psychological dependence, which can be very difficult to fight.

Therefore, marijuana very often becomes a springboard for other forms of drug addiction. In addition, people who quite consciously use psychedelics in small quantities and feel strong enough not to become addicted to drugs must take into account that psychedelic intoxication produces a dangerous revolution in the psyche, brain and nervous system, frequent repetition of which can lead to irreversible disruptions of their functions, changes in brain tissue.

Victims of overdoses often become patients of psychiatric clinics. A user of psychedelic drugs must be absolutely sure of his mental health, because they have the ability to trigger previously dormant mental illnesses!

Cuba - [06.01.2007 - 14:35]
what the guys are saying is true, my friend went crazy after mushrooms, he had to go to a mental hospital for treatment, but it should be noted that this happens to people quite everyone draws their own

Cuba - [06.01.2007 - 14:35]
what the guys are saying is true, my friend went crazy after mushrooms, he had to go to a mental hospital for treatment, but it should be noted that this happens to people quite everyone draws their own

Maniac - [20.01.2007 - 16:10]
Mushrooms alter human DNA

Alexander - [01/24/2007 - 18:50]

SilentNoise - [01/25/2007 - 14:40]
Maniac - [01/20/2007 - 16:10]
Mushrooms alter human DNA

Who told you such nonsense?

Silent Noise - [01/25/2007 - 14:48]
Mushrooms change DNA as much as nicotine, LSD25, marijuana, alcohol, etc. GMO products and unfavorable environmental conditions change it much more! And in our time you can't hide from GMOs. GMO products are everywhere, this is meat, dairy products, bread, in short, all products in the store.

Plop - [01/26/2007 - 12:32]
I love soft drugs (weed) what's wrong with that!!!!!!!!!!!!

7777777 - [01/26/2007 - 19:16]
Boil some milk, guys - you'll be happy

Joe - [02.02.2007 - 18:08]
GMOs do not cause mutations, just like mushrooms... (unless of course you try to inject them intravenously:))

Makhorkin - [05.02.2007 - 20:34]
About the trampoline, that's a fact. And Walter N. Pahnke described the five main types of psychedelic sensations quite honestly. I liked the article.

Lexicon - [13.02.2007 - 09:01]
And in general, I think grass is normal and it doesn’t cause anything special... in moderate quantities... it helps you relax.

Garik - [02/18/2007 - 17:34]
I've tried everything. Ja is the safest.

The Merry Milkman - [02/20/2007 - 19:44]
Weed is a super substance)) and there is no particular addiction to it. I smoked for 11 months every day, and now I haven't smoked for a whole month and there is no depression, as it is described))

Sanyok - [25.02.2007 - 16:47]
I hope that people who are able to think for themselves and not be intimidated have gathered here. It seems that drugs are death... or, there, cannabis-whack, is better than vodka... agree, it's nonsense. And in general, I think that the so-called springboard is alcohol, not cannabis. After all, any person dependent on drugs, tried alcohol for the first time, not marijuana or hashish. So, greens in moderate quantities are super. And at the same time it helps well during a sore throat (I tried it on myself more than once) :))

Sanyok - [25.02.2007 - 16:47]
I hope that people who are able to think for themselves and not be intimidated have gathered here. It seems that drugs are death... or, there, cannabis-whack, is better than vodka... agree, it's nonsense. And in general, I think that the so-called springboard is alcohol, not cannabis. After all, any person addicted to drugs, tried alcohol for the first time, and not marijuana or hashish. So, greens in moderate quantities are super. And at the same time it helps well during a sore throat (I tried it on myself more than once) :))

Sanya - [02/25/2007 - 16:48]
I hope that people who are able to think for themselves and not be intimidated have gathered here. It seems that drugs are death... or, there, cannabis-whack, is better than vodka... agree, it's nonsense. And in general, I think that the so-called springboard is alcohol, not cannabis. After all, any person addicted to drugs, tried alcohol for the first time, and not marijuana or hashish. So, greens in moderate quantities are super. And at the same time it helps well during a sore throat (I tried it on myself more than once) :))

Sanyok - [25.02.2007 - 16:48]
Cannabis - works well for sore throats

Simon - [01.03.2007 - 18:42]
cannabis cures hangovers perfectly

Shaman - [03.03.2007 - 12:22]
weed is not a drug

Shaman - [03.03.2007 - 12:22]
weed is not a drug

_|/_ kurusha_|/_ - [05.03.2007 - 03:00]
Yes, I can’t quit smoking (cigarettes), but I can quit cannabis even tomorrow.
I haven't smoked for a year now. I used to smoke a lot.
If only you could quit nicotine like cannabis...

Olka - [03/05/2007 - 12:45]
Yes, cannabis is a great thing! I was sick recently, I "blew" 3 times a day (morning, lunch, evening) and my sore throat was gone! In general, ganjubas is a great thing! It also relieves depression well!

jab - [05.03.2007 - 13:14]
Is it possible to artificially synthesize tetrahydrocannabinol at home?
Let's hit the hippocampus together!

I - [03/05/2007 - 16:01]
Under the mushrooms you can see people's real faces very well. And you also start believing in your unlimited possibilities and abilities

Kanep - [06.03.2007 - 07:24]
I have been smoking weed for a long time - this is what I need. But at the same time I can't help but say that weed is not for everyone. Having seen a glimmer of it, a person simply goes crazy, unable to understand the nature of the phenomenon. I also want to say that it is not the effect of weed that opens up hidden visions and possibilities, as is commonly believed, but it only helps the inner vision: after all, sometimes, having smoked weed, a person simply becomes a pig!

pill - [09.03.2007 - 19:03]
my opinion is this.....
without grass and other things, you can live, but you can't exist=))))))))

pill - [09.03.2007 - 19:04]
and mushrooms......
Well, there are no words))))

Mihanrastaman - [10.03.2007 - 21:06]
It's immediately obvious who on the forum respects the squirrel!

Mikhon22 - [10.03.2007 - 21:11]
Listen to YAHEL while you're high!
And you will learn about the epoch! You will want to live!

Arro - [11.03.2007 - 23:57]
Mushrooms and weed/hashish are the most interesting things that grow. All the other chemicals... well, they're useless. I learned that from my own experience ;) Best regards!

Cake - [12.03.2007 - 09:29]
Pikasha has a lot of grass to grab!

Meehan - [12.03.2007 - 09:31]
The mariak has grass 3 thimbles in its snout!

RjR°СЃ - [12.03.2007 - 19:15]
Здарова пацаны, подскажите S‡РѕР±С‹ такова добавить РІ Р їСЂРѕР±РёРІСѓС…Сѓ (РїС‹ ль)чтобы вабще мощная палучилась ,Р° то СЏ РµС' Рё парил Рё ацытон дабавлял Р° РїСЂС'С‚ РІСЃС' также.РЅР°РїРёС €С‚Рµ РјРЅРµ рецептРеРє РЅСѓ Р° СЏ вам сваи секреты.

pill - [13.03.2007 - 11:23]
everything is just super!!)))) guys, don’t get sick))) and smoke weed.....

Aric - [03/20/2007 - 04:30] <a href="">4ce7445af81f0d782a96c59c48ecef77</a > [url][/ url] [url=]4ce7445af81f0d782a96c59c48ecef77[/url] [u]http://4ce7445af81f0d782a96c59c48ecef77-b3.fb4p[/u] 57d12818c724def9553d777cb035c034

Doctor Faust - [21.03.2007 - 21:10]
In my opinion, this article is full of crap.
Psychedelics do NOT cause psychological dependence! (only in exotic cases) AND DO NOT affect the brain! The effective doses of LSD - hundreds of MICROgrams are NOT capable of damaging ANYTHING in the brain!

There is a book like this: "LSD - My Problem Child" In it, the creator of LSD, Albert Hoffman, tells everything about LSD from its heyday to its sunset... even some of the peculiarities of its effect on various animals... It seems that the author of the article has not read this book, and in vain =(

Doctor Faust - [21.03.2007 - 21:12]
By the way, volatile solvents are NOT psychedelics, since hallucinations under them are associated precisely with the toxic effect on the central nervous system!
That is, the hallucinations under them do NOT depend on the inner world of the “patient”!

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