Cannabis Fun Club in Russia

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The science 12/18/2006

Synthetic marijuana helps prevent cancer

A synthetic version of the active ingredient in marijuana, which is legally used as a cancer prevention drug, has found another new use: It turns out that the drug can relieve pain, depression and anxiety.

Several research groups have now been created to determine whether the drug, created on the basis of the synthesized active substance, has side effects. The study is an important part of the marketing plan for the sale of the drug. If the studies are successfully completed, it is expected that the medicine will become widespread not only in the United States, but also in other countries of the world.


porky - [19.01.2007 - 16:22]
Why did you think legalization is just AROUND THE CROWN

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In chapter gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In chapter workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. Also works here rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.

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