Cannabis Fun Club in Russia
Photo report from the concert of the group Jah Division on July 6, 2006 in the cafe "OZON" in Vladimir (~7mb)
Scientific works on marijuana
[24.05.2005] Cannabinoid hyperemesis: marijuana, vomiting, shower

A young man is literally torn apart by non-stop vomiting. Yes, he feels very bad. The only thing that this man thinks can help him is a hot shower. So he sits under the shower all the time. Meanwhile, the reason is marijuana. Endless vomiting and showers do not really fit with the romantic aura around cannabis? And yet.

Here's the story: Therapist Hugh Allen from Mount Barker Hospital in South Australia discovered that regular (one might even say constant) marijuana smoking can cause incessant vomiting and an obsession with a hot shower to save one's life.

The doctor believes it is a rare new syndrome. He first encountered it in the late 1990s, when a young man named Y came to the hospital.

"The patient was vomiting non-stop for two or three days," Allen says. "He was so sick that they had to put him in the hospital on a drip." It helped, and the young man was discharged.

However, two or three months later he returned with the same complaints - the attacks happened again and gradually became more frequent. Now Y was vomiting every month.

It is clear that the patient was very into marijuana at that time. He started smoking it at the age of 19. And he used it very heavily - he smoked 20-40 times a day. Well, and at the age of 22, Y developed the syndrome.

The young man had to be hospitalized again. Soon doctors noticed that Y began to behave strangely in the hospital - he sat under a hot shower 10-15 times a day, which, according to him, saved him from nausea and vomiting.
After 15 months of treatment, the patient finally realized that marijuana was the cause of his suffering. The guy stopped smoking, and the vomiting subsided for nine months.

But the unfortunate man began using light drugs again, and after 2 months the syndrome returned.

The cause-and-effect relationship was obvious to Alain. However, the therapist and his colleagues decided to test the dependence of vomiting attacks on marijuana.

To this end, they attempted to monitor 19 marijuana "users" (South Australia has fairly liberal laws that allow possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use).

Five patients immediately and flatly refused to participate in the study because, in their sincere belief, a connection between hashish and vomiting could not exist in principle.

The other five had to be excluded because their nausea had other explanations, including schizophrenia and the use of other drugs.

But in the remaining nine cases (plus one patient from Sydney), there was a clear link between regular smoking and vomiting.

"They all had the same syndrome," Allen says. "So, of those 10 patients, seven quit smoking and got better. Three went back to marijuana and got sick again. Of those three, two quit again and got better, and one smoker is still sick."

The disease, which Allen named cannabinoid hyperemesis (by analogy with hyperemesis gravidarum - excessive vomiting of pregnant women), is, in the words of the doctor himself, "quite rare."

It affects perhaps 1% of chronic users, "because some people are very sensitive to marijuana," the therapist explains.

These are called "Cones". Patient Y smoked 20-40 of these "cones" a day.

Trying to understand the new syndrome, Australian scientists conducted experiments on mice. It turned out that hashish lowers body temperature, which affects the functioning of the digestive system and can lead to vomiting.

So marijuana may affect the hypothalamus, which controls body temperature, which in turn impairs intestinal motility.

Low body temperature may be an explanation why people caught in the syndrome seek refuge in a hot shower.

"It's possible that by taking a shower, people are warming themselves up and restoring normal bowel movement," Allen said, adding that more research is needed to test the theory.

We told this story, of course, not at all to say, look at the horrors that happen to people because of soft drugs. It is known that even worse things happen from legal alcohol.

Just pay attention, it happens like this: a person smokes 40 times a day – and then he turns inside out the same number of times. Punishment for not knowing when to stop, or something. And immoderation is not such a rare syndrome. And not new either.

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I don't see any concerns! Because smoking 20 cigarettes a day is simply not realistic! Or they were given parsley)

I wouldn't be surprised if he smoked himself to the point of pulmonary hemorrhage! You have to be such a psycho to smoke ganja 20-40 times a day!

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