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" News

A drug control building was burned down in the Irkutsk region

In the Irkutsk region, unknown persons killed a drug police officer and set fire to the drug control office where criminal case materials were stored. This was reported to ITAR-TASS by Elena Butakova, a representative of the regional Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation.
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Anti-drug censorship introduced in Khabarovsk

In Khabarovsk, censorship was introduced on images of cannabis and drug-related language. Narcologists called all this advertising of an unhealthy lifestyle. Music was the first to suffer in the fight for the younger generation. NTV report.
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Marijuana proved to be stronger

The results of yesterday's referendum in the Netherlands showed that the Dutch voted against the new draft European Constitution. As reported by Utro.Ru, 61.6% of voters voted against the bill. Although this is only preliminary data based on the counting of 100% of the votes of those who took part in the "national consultation" (referendums in Holland are only advisory in nature, in principle the government can approve the Constitution without consulting the people), we can already state the failure of the document. Only 38.4% of voters voted "for", the turnout was 62.8%.

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US Supreme Court Bans Marijuana Therapy

US citizens who use marijuana for medical purposes could now go to prison.
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FBI Agents Uncover Drug Trafficking Network "in Uniform"

FBI agents have arrested 16 current and former law enforcement officers and military personnel in Arizona who took large bribes for helping transport drugs through checkpoints, My Way reports. The FBI agents managed to infiltrate the network posing as drug dealers.
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Dog 'hooked' on marijuana

A Chilean woman claims that her dog became addicted to drugs. Woman boxer eats marijuana daily.
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Participants of the "Hemp March" arrested on Arbat

On Tuesday, the World Hemp March, banned by the prefecture of the Central District, took place on Old Arbat in Moscow. As a Granei.Ru correspondent reports from the scene, 100-200 people gathered for the demonstration.
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The British will be able to walk in hemp thickets

The Duchess of Northumberland has received official permission to open her garden, which the English public has already dubbed Poison Garden. Among other things, the garden grows hemp, opium poppies, hallucinogenic mushrooms and coca.
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In Kostroma, young people smoked marijuana near the building of the Drug Control Service

Employees of the Federal Drug Control Service detained three residents of Kostroma who were smoking marijuana right outside the department building.
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English teacher grew marijuana according to all the rules

An English teacher who built a greenhouse for growing marijuana in his apartment was detained in St. Petersburg. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the local department of internal affairs.
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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. Also works here rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.

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