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Marijuana causes precancerous changes in the lungs

Marijuana smoke can trigger precancerous changes in lung tissue - this is the conclusion reached by American researchers as a result of a review of studies published in recent years devoted to the carcinogenic properties of the "light" drug. At the same time, scientists have not been able to find evidence of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between marijuana smoking and the development of oncological diseases.
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Former comrades accuse the leader of the Novosibirsk AKM of drug addiction

The arrest of the leader of the Novosibirsk branch of the Avant-garde of Red Youth (AKM) Vadim Ivanov, who is accused of drug possession, is "entirely natural" and in no way connected with his political activities. This is stated in an open letter that was received by e-mail today, July 14, by the editorial board of the REGNUM news agency. The letter was signed by the Novosibirsk branch of the AKM. Ivanov himself told the REGNUM correspondent that this was a provocation by former members of the organization who were expelled for violating party discipline.
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8kg of marijuana confiscated in Singapore

Singapore has seized its largest marijuana haul in years. As a result of a police operation, Singaporean law enforcement agencies have stopped the activities of an underground drug syndicate and confiscated a record-breaking amount of marijuana for the country.
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Kazakhstan Runs Out of Grass: Kazakhs Head to the Southern Urals to Mow Hay

The Southern Urals attract residents of neighboring countries as a territory for harvesting hay and selling contraband vodka and consumer goods.
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Former secret service officer detained in Kaliningrad on suspicion of marijuana smuggling

A former special services officer has been detained in Kaliningrad on suspicion of smuggling 500 grams of Dutch marijuana. As reported today, July 13, to a REGNUM correspondent by the press service of the regional department of the Federal Drug Control Service, the 30-year-old former special services officer (his last name, as well as the name of the special service, have not yet been released) was an intermediary in international drug trafficking. According to the anti-drug agency, "the young man served in operational units of the special services of Kaliningrad."
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Fake drugs are being sold in Moscow

In Moscow, on Lubyanka, under the guise of drugs, dealers sold a completely harmless potion - nettle leaves, a mixture of cheap teas and crushed citramon tablets, - reports a RIA "Novy Region" correspondent with reference to the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative Corridor of Moscow.
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Zhitomir customs officers found 1 kg of "dope" in the socks of a train passenger

The movement of narcotic substances across the customs border of Ukraine was stopped by employees of Zhitomir customs and border guards. As reported by the press service of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the narcotic substance was found at the Ovruch customs post of Zhitomir customs during the inspection of a train traveling from Chisinau to St. Petersburg.
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Marijuana increases cravings for hard drugs

Marijuana use increases the risk of developing addiction to hard drugs regardless of the individual's psychological characteristics. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York) as a result of experiments with laboratory rats.
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Excerpt from online conference with VVP

A. Gurnov: * Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich, our host has already said that in addition to the questions that continue to come in, we also analyzed the questions that were there, and promised the most popular so-called questions. One of the most popular, you probably saw when you got acquainted with the site, is that the topic of drugs worries Russians a lot, especially drugs in our country. A huge number of questions, literally thousands. And there are questions like this, for example, Olga, 29, Moscow: "Drugs ruined my family. I propose introducing criminal punishment for drug use, isolating drug addicts, and killing distributors. The same opinion, for example, belongs to Alexander from Kemerovo, Olga from Tula, many others.
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Belgian City Residents Confuse Cannabis Smell with Gas Leak

BRUSSELS, May 26 - RIA Novosti, Alexander Shishlo. A curious situation helped the police of the city of Liege discover and destroy a large cannabis plantation, which was located under the roof of a technical hangar in one of the districts of this city in eastern Belgium.

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In chapter workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. Also works here rasta forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.

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