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Pregnant drug dealer in Volgograd region forced her children to collect cannabis

In the Volgograd Region, more than three kilograms of marijuana were confiscated from a pregnant woman. As the press service of the Drug Control Department reported to a correspondent of Radio Novaya Volna, she lived in the Frolovsky District and forced her six children to collect hemp in abandoned fields to sell to drug addicts. Not wanting to do this, the drug dealer's 16-year-old son left home.

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Hand over your hookahs, gentlemen businessmen!

In general, one can write a lot about propaganda, depending on which side one looks at the problem from. For example, items with images of drug symbols, mainly cannabis, are sold almost openly throughout the country. There is no dispute, marijuana leaves are really bright and beautiful, and, it would seem, there is nothing scary in ordinary images. However, experts believe that even images of such a popular drug as marijuana increase the number of people willing to "familiarize themselves" with the effect of smoking cute leaves.

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Berlin Opera to Serve Marijuana

During one of the performances of the Berlin Opera, the audience will be offered to smoke marijuana. The director of the Neukollner Theater noted that he wanted to enhance the psychedelic effect of the drug opera by Camille Saint-Saëns "The Yellow Princess".

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Chewing gum with marijuana flavor and effect has appeared in the US

Law enforcement agencies in the United States have encountered a new method of drug distribution. Chewing gums containing marijuana as the main ingredient have been seized in the states of Virginia and Maryland. Last week, one such "high bubblegum" was seized from an Arlington resident, UPI reports. In January, similar chewing gum was found in the graduating classes of a school in Howard County, Maryland.

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Smoking accessories with images of cannabis confiscated from Kaliningrad store

In one of the shops in Kaliningrad, the State Drug Control Service operatives confiscated smoking accessories promoting narcotic substances. As reported today, August 1, to the correspondent IA REGNUM According to the press service of the regional department of the State Drug Control Service, a whole collection of such products was found in the store - a smoking pipe, a hookah and handbags with drawings in the form of a marijuana leaf, as well as incense with the smell of cannabis.

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Sevastopol bar employee used establishment as marijuana distribution point

The police opened a criminal case against a Ukrainian citizen detained in Sevastopol for distributing marijuana in a bar where he was an employee. “New Region” was informed about this by the press service of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Sevastopol.

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Zizou smokes weed

Zidane - a drug addict?! The leader of the French national team is suspected of using marijuana. The scandalous photo that gave rise to such speculation was taken on the eve of the game between the French and the Portuguese. In the window of one of the rooms of the Munich hotel where the French national team was staying, the paparazzi spotted Zinedine Zidane smoking a joint...
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Three anti-narcotics dogs will guard the KaZantip Republic

The youth music festival "KaZantip" is under special control of drug fighters. Police dog handlers with dogs specially trained to search for narcotics will soon be sent there. This was announced at a press conference in Simferopol today by Ivan Bashta, First Deputy Head of the Department for Combating Illegal Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, a correspondent for "Novy Region" reports.
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Two Kerch residents were walking around the city with a 10-liter bucket of cannabis

In Kerch, two guys aged 21 and 22 were detained, who were walking around the city with a 10-liter bucket of cannabis. This was reported by the public relations center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea.
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Ivanovo Drug Control Department participated in the liquidation of an international smuggling channel

On August 9, the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Ivanovo Region reported the liquidation of a transnational criminal group. Employees of the regional drug control department contributed to...

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. Also works here rasta forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.

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