cannabis fun club. конопля, марихуана

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" News

Russian drug police mowed down 39 thousand tons of cannabis

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia summed up the results of the first stage of the complex operational and preventive operation "Poppy-2006". During the first stage of the operation, which lasted for several months, law enforcement officers worked on the main tasks set by the command - identifying and destroying illegal crops and wild-growing drug-containing plants, as well as blocking drug transportation channels by rail, road, air and water transport.
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In the Tver region, hemp was grown 2.5 meters high

As a result of operational-search and investigative measures, employees of the Torzhok department of the State Drug Control Service for the Tver Region stopped the criminal activity of a group of individuals engaged in the cultivation of drug-containing plants, as well as the storage and sale of narcotics in the regional center of Kuvshinovo.
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A student of the road technical school organized a marijuana distribution network in Tomsk

Drug enforcement officers detained a student from one of Tomsk's technical schools who organized drug distribution in Tomsk. Over two kilograms of marijuana were confiscated. This was reported to a REGNUM correspondent on September 20 by the information and public relations group of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for Tomsk Oblast.
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More than 10 kilograms of marijuana seized in Vladimir region

During a search of a house in the Petushinsky District of the Vladimir Region, State Drug Control Service officers found more than 10 kilograms of marijuana. This is, even by the standards of the State Drug Control Service, a very large consignment. This is the second time in three years that Vladimir drug police have seized such a quantity of plant-based drugs.
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A young Pskov resident was sentenced to 6.5 years for passing marijuana to a friend in a pretrial detention facility

26-year-old Pskov resident Denis Nilov was sentenced to 6.5 years of imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony. The young man will suffer this punishment for sending a parcel of marijuana to a friend in a pretrial detention center in Pskov. This was reported to a PAI correspondent by Nadezhda Kireeva, chief specialist and expert of the information and public relations group of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Pskov Region.
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Drug-Related Crimes on the Rise in Russia

The number of crimes related to illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is growing in Russia. Over the first 8 months of this year, 143 thousand such violations were registered, which is 23% more than during the same period in 2005.
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Mother treated her son to marijuana for homework done

In the US, a woman admitted in court that she smoked marijuana with her 13-year-old son. According to AP, the mother said that she often rewarded her child for completing his homework.

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Retired Ukrainian policeman grows cannabis plantation

In the Crimean city of Saki, law enforcement officers destroyed a two-meter hemp plantation grown by a former police officer. As reported by the agency "Novy Region", the cannabis bushes were found in a closed greenhouse of a private home during the special operation "Mak-2006"

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Marijuana in a laptop

At the Posin railway checkpoint of Sebezh customs (Pskov region), drugs were found in possession of a 44-year-old Latvian citizen traveling from Latvia to Russia on the Riga-Moscow train.

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Over 1.5 kg of marijuana seized in Ryazan region

The Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Ryazan Region has opened criminal cases on the facts of illegal drug trafficking during the ongoing complex operational and preventive operation "Mak-2006", the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service told Interfax on Thursday. In particular, according to the agency's source, employees of the Sasovsky inter-district drug control department, working on operational information regarding a 38-year-old resident of the village of Berestyanki, conducted a search of the suspect's house and outbuildings.

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section Gardening можно узнать все о выращивании марихуаны и конопли. В разделе workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. Also works here rasta forum где можно уточнить любой интересующий Вас вопрос.

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