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Drug Control Building Burned Down in Irkutsk Region


In the Irkutsk region, unknown persons killed a drug police officer and set fire to the drug control office where criminal case materials were stored. This was reported to ITAR-TASS by Elena Butakova, a representative of the regional Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation.

According to her, the fire alarm was received at around 07:00 Moscow time. The firefighters who arrived at the scene quickly dealt with the fire. "During the extinguishing, the body of the warrant officer who was on duty that night was found," Butakova noted. As experts established, the drug police officer was shot.

An inspection of the scene showed that official documents, money, material evidence in some criminal cases, as well as seized drugs and a service pistol with 16 rounds of ammunition were stolen from the storage facility.

Based on this fact, the district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "intentional murder" and "intentional destruction and damage to property."

Representatives of the regional prosecutor's office are working at the scene of the incident, and a senior investigator for especially important cases of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has left from Novosibirsk. In addition, the entire leadership of the regional drug control is taking part in the investigation.

04/21/2007 <a href="">16366d360ed27206894a71affb4f6b89</ a> [url][/ url] [url=]16366d360ed27206894a71affb4f6b89[/url] [u]http://16366d360ed27206894a71affb4f6b89-b3.k9[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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