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Over 1.5 kg of marijuana seized in Ryazan region


The Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the Ryazan region, during the ongoing comprehensive operational and preventive operation "Mak-2006", opened criminal cases on facts of drug trafficking, the press service of the Federal Drug Control Service told Interfax on Thursday. In particular, according to the agency’s interlocutor, employees of the Sasovo interdistrict drug control department, working out operational information regarding a 38-year-old resident of the village of Berestyanki, conducted a search in the suspect’s house and outbuildings. As a result, police found and seized a plastic bag with marijuana weighing more than 1.5 kg in the barn. The investigation is looking into the circumstances and source of the drug purchase.

The press service added that in Ryazan, UFSNB operatives detained a 22-year-old unemployed resident of the regional center. As it turned out during a personal search, the young man had a 1.5-liter plastic bottle filled with hashish oil. The dry weight of the seized drug was 120 grams. The UFSNB is conducting an investigation into the facts of purchasing and storing drugs in especially large quantities.

21.04.2007 <a href="">0d6869d089a8085ab18356f513edc5 32</a> [url][/ url] [url=]0d6869d089a8085ab18356f513edc532[/url] [u]http://0d6869d089a8085ab18356f513edc532-b3[/u] 86b4eaaaf8201e29470f084ce1d2d695

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
