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Cannabis-Based Painkiller Useless for Multiple Sclerosis

10.04.2008 Comments: 0
The pain-relieving effect of Sativex spray, which contains natural cannabis components, is not superior to the placebo effect. Such results were obtained during the third phase of clinical trials of the drug in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Prescription weed

02.04.2008 Comments: 0
Marijuana vending machines began operating in Los Angeles in January of this year. This is not a mistake or a ploy by drug dealers. The machines dispense packaged cannabis as prescribed by a doctor. The access procedure is quite complicated - they check identification cards and fingerprints. But the fact remains - marijuana is sold, even if only for medical purposes.

Hemp for Humane Purposes

13.03.2008 Comments: 0
The pharmaceutical company Echo Pharmaceuticals (Netherlands) is developing cannabis pills. Geert Voorlee, the company's chairman, hopes to launch the new product within five years.

Marijuana Will Relieve People's Pain

03/12/2008 Comments: 0
Fibromyalgia is a group of diseases of muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue partitions in muscles. This condition is accompanied by pain throughout the body, and affects women more often than men. To relieve patients from pain, scientists have started creating a drug based on a synthetic form of marijuana

Marijuana during pregnancy damages the fetal brain

03/10/2008 Comments: 0
Endogenous cannabinoids regulate the formation of contacts between nerve cells during embryonic brain development. This indicates that smoking marijuana during pregnancy can have the most dire consequences.

Marijuana hits the teeth, especially the gums

03/10/2008 Comments: 0
Frequent marijuana smoking triples the risk of developing periodontitis at an early age, New Zealand scientists believe. Earlier, the same research group confirmed the risk between the premature development of gum disease and smoking regular cigarettes.

American doctors support marijuana use

02.03.2008 Comments: 0
A group of American doctors has backed the use of marijuana for medical purposes, calling on the US government to lift the ban on its use and study of its medical applications.

Scientists have proven that it is more beneficial to vaporize marijuana than to smoke it

19.12.2007 Comments: 0
Donald Abrams of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and five colleagues were the first to compare the levels of exposure in people to smoking and vaporizing cannabis.

Marijuana smoke is more harmful than tobacco smoke

19.12.2007 Comments: 0
The smoke produced when smoking marijuana contains higher levels of toxic substances than tobacco smoke. This is the conclusion reached by Canadian researchers who studied its chemical composition using special "smoking machines".

Cannabis extract may stop breast cancer

21.11.2007 Comments: 0
British and American oncologists believe that cannabidiol, an active yet non-toxic substance derived from hemp, can fight breast cancer.

Marijuana - "the happy killer"

11/16/2007 Comments: 0
Experts have found that long-term, multi-year marijuana use damages not only the smoker's mind, but also his lungs. Researchers from Switzerland conducted a series of experiments and identified those drug smokers whose lungs turned into a real hotbed of inflammation.

The human brain produces a substance similar to marijuana

08.11.2007 Comments: 0
An international group of scientists from America and Italy conducted a large-scale examination of the brain and discovered the substance anandamide, which is similar in its properties to marijuana.

The pain-relieving effects of marijuana depend on the dose

25.10.2007 Comments: 0
Smoking marijuana in "moderate" doses can relieve pain, but increasing the dosage, on the contrary, increases the pain. Such conclusions were reached by American scientists based on the results of a study on volunteers, the journal Anesthesiology reports.

People started growing hemp for clothing

18.10.2007 Comments: 0
An Australian scientist has concluded that ancient people did not take up agriculture to grow food - they were primarily interested in clothing. The traditional view suggests that people began to engage in agriculture due to the need for new food resources.

Germany to Treat 51-Year-Old Woman with Cannabis Extract

24.08.2007 Comments: 3
Germany is planning to treat with marijuana. The first such experiment in the country's history begins at the end of August and will last for a year: under the supervision of doctors, a 51-year-old woman suffering from multiple sclerosis will receive a pain-relieving cannabis extract from a pharmacy.

Scientists have found out why people become drug addicts

08/16/2007 Comments: 3
Researchers at the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse have found reduced dopamine activity in the brains of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which makes people more likely to use drugs to improve their performance.

Is cannabis a drug or a medicine?

08/13/2007 Comments: 6
Paracelsus knew that the distance between poison and medicine is measured only by dosage 500 years ago. There is no point in talking about what the human liver thinks about the difference between a glass and a bottle of wine.

Smoking marijuana contributes to the development of schizophrenia

02.08.2007 Comments: 24
People who use cannabis are 40% more likely to suffer from mental disorders, including schizophrenia. This is the conclusion reached by British scientists from the Universities of Bristol and Cardiff

Doctors tested marijuana on volunteers

08/02/2007 Comments: 18
One marijuana cigarette is more harmful to health than several regular cigarettes, the BBC reports. This is the conclusion reached by New Zealand scientists.

Marijuana 'increases risk of mental illness'

08/01/2007 Comments: 1
Smoking marijuana increases the risk of developing mental illness by 40%. This is the conclusion reached by British experts.

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
