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People started growing hemp for clothing

An Australian scientist has concluded that ancient people did not take up agriculture to grow food - they were primarily interested in clothing. The traditional view suggests that people began to engage in agriculture due to the need for new food resources.

However, according to Ian Gilligan, a postgraduate student at the Australian National University, this widespread hypothesis cannot explain, for example, why in some areas of the planet people began to switch to agriculture only 10 thousand years ago. According to the scientist, the best explanation for the emergence of developed agriculture should be recognized as climate change.

Gilligan notes that the Northern Hemisphere was about 10 degrees Celsius colder than it is now during the last Ice Age. During this time, specially cut and greased skins and furs of killed animals could serve as clothing. However, the climate soon became noticeably warmer, and people needed light, breathable clothing, and gatherers and hunters were forced to switch to agriculture.

Then people discovered that cotton or hemp fibers could be used to create quite acceptable fabric. At the same time, clothing became a form of status representation and a kind of decoration.

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