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The human brain produces a substance similar to marijuana

08.11.2007 An international group of scientists from America and Italy conducted a large-scale examination of the brain and discovered the substance anandamide, which has properties similar to marijuana. According to scientists, anandamine is an endogenous substance, that is, produced by the body itself. Research has shown that anandamine also has analgesic, anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects.

Experts led by Daniel Piomelli, director of the Center for Drug Development at the University of California, Irvine, conducted an experiment in which they injected aggressive laboratory rats with a newly created substance, URB597, which blocks the breakdown of anandamine in the brain, increasing its levels.

After using the new drug URB597, the levels of anandamine in the brain increased in experimental rats and antidepressant and anti-aggressive effects were observed.

According to scientists, the substance URB597 is also involved in the regulation of nutrition and in the process of obesity. At the moment, URB597 has already been patented and in 2008 the European pharmaceutical company Organon will begin clinical trials.

Science has also proven that marijuana slows the growth of malignant lung tumors, reduces the risk of metastases and the intensity of inflammatory reactions, and also prevents the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

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