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Hemp has replenished the Dutch budget

05/06/2008 Comments: 0
Tax revenues from coffee shops in Holland last year amounted to more than 620 million dollars. In total, according to official data, 265,000 kilograms of "soft" drugs were sold in 730 outlets during the year. The industry's turnover amounted to more than 3 billion dollars.

Drug dealers add lead to marijuana

11.04.2008 Comments: 0
German doctors have reported that street drug dealers are adding lead particles to marijuana packets in order to artificially increase the weight of the dose and, consequently, make more profit.

Moscow Region Policeman Beats Teen Over Marijuana

02.04.2008 Comments: 0
The sentence of the Zheleznodorozhny City Court against the former employee of the non-departmental security department at the local police department, Sergei Pushkin, has come into force. He was found guilty of beating a teenager.

International Hemp Exhibition in Bern

02.04.2008 Comments: 0
"CannaTrade" is an unusual annual international exhibition, which is entirely dedicated to cannabis. Despite the fact that drugs are prohibited by Swiss law, it is held at the end of March in this small and respectable state.

Hemp clothing against drug addiction

03/31/2008 Comments: 4
In 2006, scientists from the St. Petersburg N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Growing developed a new variety of hemp that contains virtually no psychoactive substances and, in addition, has “pedagogical” qualities: if you plant laboratory cannabis next to wild cannabis, the latter will partially lose its narcotic properties.

Marijuana increases breast size

03/28/2008 Comments: 0
An entire arsenal of firearms, which in addition to heavy machine guns included several hand-held grenade launchers and a machine gun, as well as several bags of marijuana were discovered in the American state of California in the city of Santa Maria.

Australian man complains to police that his marijuana was stolen

03/23/2008 Comments: 0
An Australian man called Sydney police to report that unknown individuals had broken a window in his home, gotten inside, and stolen marijuana plants, Associated Press reports.

Two hundred happy people have found a way to make Estonia calmer

03/18/2008 Comments: 0
The Happy People's Party of Estonia, which, as RIA Novosti reports, was created quite recently and already has 200 members, has come forward with an initiative to legalize marijuana.

The campaign against cannabis has begun

17.03.2008 Comments: 0
The Institute for Health Development is launching a campaign to inform the public about the dangers of cannabis, "Cannabis Smokes You!" The goal of the campaign is to tell young people about the risks associated with smoking cannabis.

Scandal in Italian school: teacher "rolled joints" in class

03/15/2008 Comments: 0
The teacher sitting at the lectern takes a drag. Then a second. A third. The student recording the proceedings on her mobile phone chuckles contentedly: "Bravo, teacher, congratulations, and some joints too. If anyone comes in, they'll go to jail. I'm posting this on the Internet." An irresistible temptation.

Samara drug police seize heroin and marijuana

03/14/2008 Comments: 0
Marijuana and heroin found in offices of drug enforcement officers. Police officers taken into custody.

Primorsky Drug Control Service Seizes Cannabis and Conducts Prevention

03/14/2008 Comments: 0
Employees of the Primorsky Drug Control Department continue to seize large quantities of plant-based drugs: thus, 11 kilograms of marijuana were discovered and seized by drug police in the village of Zelenodolskoye in the Spassky District, while at the same time a citizen suspected of attempting to sell drugs on an especially large scale was detained in the village of Novoye in the Nadezhdinsky District.

Madonna loves marijuana

03/12/2008 Comments: 0
Pop diva Madonna has admitted that she used ecstasy and marijuana early in her music career

Marijuana, hashish and heroin prices are rising in the Southern Urals

03/11/2008 Comments: 0
In the Southern Urals, marijuana prices have doubled, and hashish and heroin have also become more expensive. This is largely due to the employees of the Chelyabinsk Region Drug Control Department, says Yevgeny Savchenko, assistant to the head of the department. Today, 46 combat veterans work in the drug control department, 18 of whom have combat wounds, six have been awarded orders of courage, and seven have been awarded medals for bravery.

In a house on Zapadnaya Street, a Nikolaevite kept a “bulbulator” and a marijuana bush

11.03.2008 Comments: 0
Officers from the department for combating illegal drug trafficking of the Nikolaev city police department, together with officers from the Central district police department, conducted a search in one of the houses on Zapadnaya Street.

Hemp: to plow or not to plow?

11.03.2008 Comments: 0
For two weeks, the administration had been talking about wild hemp at meetings. They said it needed to be urgently plowed or mowed before it went into ear: once it had finished flowering and had spilled seeds onto the ground, it would be impossible to fight this scourge.

Day of the Drug Control Officer

03/11/2008 Comments: 0
On February 16, 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 205, which established a new professional holiday – Drug Control Workers’ Day. It will be celebrated on March 11.

Garden of high: 110 cannabis bushes "for personal use"!

11.03.2008 Comments: 0
A local resident is on trial in Malta for growing 110 marijuana plants. The defendant convinces the court that he started growing cannabis by accident.

Vermont Leads in Marijuana Use

10.03.2008 Comments: 0
On Thursday, the US government published a study that provides statistics on drug use in different states. It turned out that the numbers vary greatly from state to state. For example, in terms of “weed” consumption, Vermont ranks first, and Utah takes last place.

Leaflets calling for cannabis legalization appeared at the Law Academy

03/10/2008 Comments: 0
Leaflets calling for the legalization of cannabis have appeared at the Ural Law Academy.

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On the website Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In the section gardening you can learn all about growing marijuana and hemp. In the section workshop describes the methods of smoking marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum here where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
