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Hemp clothing against drug addiction


In 2006, scientists from the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Plant Science named after N.I. Vavilov developed a new variety of hemp, which contains virtually no psychoactive substances, and, in addition, has “pedagogical” qualities: if laboratory cannabis is planted next to wild-growing cannabis, the latter will partially lose its narcotic properties.

An expert from the company Zig-Zet proposes to adopt the development of Russian biologists and establish the production of clothing from non-narcotic hemp directly in the regions where its illegal relative grows most actively. Hemp clothing has a number of valuable properties: it is hypoallergenic, breathable and blocks 95% of UVB rays. All these qualities will be in great demand by local residents: hemp grows in countries where clothing is required, firstly, suitable for hot weather, and secondly, in accordance with Islamic norms, i.e. very closed.

Of course, the cultivation of non-narcotic hemp will have a beneficial effect on the fight against drug trafficking. This fact can be successfully used in advertising hemp clothing: it will be necessary to convey to the consumer the idea that by purchasing this product, he is helping to combat marijuana smoking.

I protest!
f fire her! There is no point in devaluing wild growing things!

Рѕ, нет, нет. РќРµ надо такого счастья. R? так раз через хорошее попадаеться, Р° тут такие мыслРё, РґР° как РјРѕР¶ RSPs?! :-D

I've had enough of these freaks with their healthy lifestyle! Let them sit in their labs and stop showing off! Don't smoke yourself and don't let others smoke, bitches...

I’ll definitely smoke everything. It would be better if they figured out how to do the opposite, because the bitches themselves smoke.

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On the site Cannabis Fun Club in Russia You can find out the latest news about marijuana and hemp. In chapter gardening you can learn everything about growing marijuana and hemp. In chapter workshop describes how to smoke marijuana, how to make a joint and how to make hashish. There is also a Rastafarian forum where you can clarify any question you are interested in.
