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Scandal in Italian school: teacher "rolled joints" in class


The teacher sitting at the lectern takes a drag. Then a second. A third. The student recording the proceedings on her mobile phone chuckles contentedly: "Bravo, teacher, congratulations, still some screw-ups. If anyone comes in, they'll go to jail. I'm posting this on the Internet." An irresistible temptation.

Alberto Borchielli, 57, a physical education teacher at the Technical Institute for Tourism "Marco Polo" in Florence, appeared on YouTube as "prof ke si fa una canna" - "the teacher who has a joint". Just 54 seconds of video footage, recorded on March 5. The footage appeared online three days later. And since yesterday, it has been watched by teachers, parents and law enforcement agencies. And also by the Minister of Education Fioroni.

The result: Borchielli, the teacher, was "suspended" following a disciplinary investigation "for highly unpedagogical behavior" and fined for violating the ban on smoking in public. However, he may also have to answer for incitement to drug use, and thus risks being fired if it is proven that he actually smoked a marijuana cigarette. Disciplinary action will also be taken against the student, a minor, who made the video, and her 18-year-old friend, who posted the video online.

He, "the teacher who rolled a joint", denies everything: "It wasn't a joint, it was a cigarette. The kids made it for me and I took one drag. I started smoking again 15 days ago after 25 years of abstinence. Now I'm going to quit". Then he says: "Of course I got into trouble, I made a mistake, but I'm not a negative example. The kids love me. Have you seen how they protect me?" Yes, the students threatened to organize a school takeover today: "It was a bad joke. Teacher Borchielli is like a friend to us", says student Paolo Renzi. "It's a joint, the day before yesterday he gave us his car. Teacher, we love you", writes Baronsperlavita on YouTube. "Because of this joke, the teacher risks losing his job: are you happy?" adds Cruncio. But Criscris73 disagrees: "If he hadn't been smoking joints in class, he wouldn't have lost it."

Minister Fioroni spoke about this: "The culture of legality goes through strict adherence to the rules: smoking is prohibited in schools, and then, if it really is a marijuana cigarette, it is unacceptable." To establish the fact, teacher Borchielli and the students of 3A were heard by police officers, as well as by the dean of the faculty Gianfranco Carloni: "Everyone said that it was not marijuana, but a simple cigarette. However, a serious offense was committed, a bad example was given. Therefore, the decision was taken to remove him from his position." The proposal for a more severe punishment came from the president of the province, Matteo Renzi. He also watched the video on YouTube and said: "The video is proof of the triumph of the professional failure of this pseudo-teacher. I am glad that the minister sent him home."

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