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Leaflets calling for the legalization of cannabis appeared at the Law Academy


Leaflets calling for the legalization of cannabis have appeared at the Ural Law Academy.

The authors of the leaflet, who signed the "Extreme Committee", refer to a certain study conducted at the request of the British Parliament, which shows that cannabis is in eleventh place in the ranking of degrees of dangerous substances. At the same time, according to the study, alcohol is in fifth place, and tobacco is in ninth.
“Cannabis does not turn people into moral monsters, they become so when they use synthetic intoxicants, including alcohol (how many have become drunkards!!!).

Therefore, we say "no" to hard drugs, tobacco and alcohol. And to destroy the myth of cannabis as a drug, we propose doubling the sentences for distribution and use of any synthetic drugs, with the full legalization of cannabis," the authors of the leaflet demand.

As JustMedia was told by the Drug-Free City Foundation, this leaflet was found on February 29 on a notice board near the dean’s office of the Institute of Justice of the Ural State Law Academy (Kolmogorova, 54, 3rd floor).

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