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Garden of high: 110 cannabis bushes "for personal use"!


A local resident is on trial in Malta for growing 110 marijuana plants. The defendant convinces the court that he started growing cannabis by accident.

Zeitouna resident Anthony Seychell is accused of growing marijuana bushes on an especially large scale. During a search of his home, police found 110 cannabis bushes in various stages of growth on the roof and in several rooms.

In addition, devices for germinating seeds, drying leaves and inflorescences, as well as special fertilizers and seedlings were found in a special workshop. All this, according to the investigation, eloquently testifies to the commercial basis of Seychell's plantation activities.

For his part, Judge Joseph Galea Debono suggested that such a quantity of marijuana was not suitable for "personal use", which would entail a more lenient sentence. However, the defendant defends himself by saying that he allegedly grew the cannabis unintentionally.

According to Seychell, the first hemp plant appeared in his house by accident: "One day I was feeding my canary, and apparently a hemp seed fell into a pot of soil standing near the cage and sprouted," the defendant explained.

When the judge reasonably objected that hemp used for bird feed usually undergoes special treatment and cannot be sprouted, Seychell was not at all embarrassed. "I used to think so too!" the defendant found himself.

According to the accused, at first he did not even know what an amazing plant he was dealing with. But again, chance helped him: one day he recognized a plant on some anti-drug poster, and then saw a documentary on TV about the therapeutic properties of hemp and how to use it.

Seychell claims that what he saw interested him greatly, since he himself suffered from severe back pain due to a herniated disc.

Seychell, 47, eventually turned to the drug to ease the pain and now says he smokes at least six joints a day.

The defendant's confession was indirectly confirmed by pharmacist and drug expert Mario Mifsud, who testified at the trial. He believes that the therapeutic effect of smoking cannabis is noticeable only if you smoke at least 0.5 grams of marijuana every 4 hours.

However, the police inspector who once searched Seychell questioned his naivety and the defendant's lack of commercial acumen. According to the police officer, the defendant tried to convince him in a private conversation "not to notice" 10 of the 20 adult bushes growing on the roof during the search.

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